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Why does my baby eat more when i give him to understand question...?

My son is 5 mo old..... @ 1 mo he was drinking 4oz every 3hr.. moved onto 5 oz at 3 mo every 3 hr... then @ 3 1/2 mo we started putting cereal in his bottle with 6 oz he would go 4 hrs.. then back to 3 hrs... always waking at 3 in the morning for a bottle. We started getting him up at 9 to have a 6oz 3tbls cereal bottle...last night he got that at 8:30 an got up again at 11 for another... then slept until 7 this morning.....Now I have started spoon feeding his cereal... 2 tbls in the morning last week with 1 tbls cereal and 1/2 jar of veggie for lunch now today its 3tbls cereal with 1/2 jar veggie and 1/2 jar fruit at lunch and also now 2 more tbls cereal around bedtime with a total of about 15oz formula for the day...AND HE IS STILL UP AT 3 IN THE MORNING FOR MORE.... It seems like when i feed him he could eat and eat and eat.......but he is about 16-17lbs... and not spitting up just sucking everything down like a camel......note that his ped stated that babies should be down to about 15 oz now...thats one dr opinion.... i just wanna no why he is not full and content...or is he on schedule? why is he still up at 3 in the morning when he has a "milkshake" @ 9 pm


My pediatrician says once they start solids they slow down on the formula... i was mistaken about the oz any way... he's actually still drinking between 25 and 30, but concerned about all the food and wanting more not the fact that he wakes me @ 3 a.m...

7 Answers

  • buggin
    Lv 4
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    why don't you try putting the rice cereal in his formula again, along with the foods you are giving him? maybe the removal of cereal from the bottle and replacing it with spoon fed is just a trade off - still feeding him the same amount - just a different way - so he is still hungry sooner....?

    He's a growing boy , and each speck of growth requires more food put in...

    Babies wake up because:


    You CANNOT spoil a baby before they are 6 months old, give or take. When your baby cries, you pick it up - whether to feed it, change it, or comfort it - every time you do this until they are about 6 months old teaches them that you will be there for them when they need you. Once they are 6 months old or so, if you have taken care of their needs and they continue to cry, they will be able to comfort themselves back to sleep.

    for someone to say that cereal in a bottle doesn't help the baby to get and stay asleep is asinine. I would guess they never had the problem with their kids if they are saying such things

  • ?
    Lv 6
    1 decade ago

    You say that you feed him at 9 and he sleeps until 3. That is 6 hours of sleep without food. The only time an average person goes that long without eating is overnight. It sounds like he is doing alright in the sleep area, just not doing it when you would like him to. Most babies don't keep regular hours. My daughter was nearly 2 before her days and nights got switched the right way. But, even then she didn't go to sleep until midnight. At 5 months she would sleep around 6-7 hours, then wake up to be fed. She would go back to sleep, and get in another 3 hours. I was on WIC with her, and they provided exactly one case of formula per month, that is 31 cans of the concentrate. By the end of the year, she was drinking more than that. Obviously each baby eats according to what their body needs, they don't follow a growth chart lol! There were some weeks where she would want to be fed a lot more frequently. They usually happened just before a sudden growth spurt! My oldest daughter was breast fed, and experienced the same thing, she would suddenly want to be fed all the time for about a week or so, then go back to more normal feeding. All babies have growth spurts, and they throw a wrench into our plans! Babies don't care about our plans, they just care that their stomach is empty. It sounds like you are doing everything right, keep it up.

    I have one piece of advice, sleep when the baby does. If you don't work, then take naps when your son does. I always felt guilty when I napped, but now I realize that is dumb. We are human and we need sleep! I finally stopped feeling guilty when I found out that my in-laws take naps every day, even the ones without small children. The American way of just toughing it out is not a good idea. It just puts strains on both you and your baby. If you get enough rest, you will be happier, and your baby will too because you will be a more patient mother to him!

  • Pippin
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    Ask your doctor to explain why your baby should only have 15 ounces of formula a day -- that's less than HALF what a typical baby takes, and far less then the usual 24 ounces minimum. Based on his weight, he needs to be taking about 32-40 ounces of formula a day.

    You need to slow WAY down on the solids. At 5 months he really shouldn't have any at all. If you're going to offer them a small meal once or twice a day (fed with a spoon, AFTER a regular bottle) is more than ample.

    Your baby is probably waking at night becuse he's HUNGRY. (And because it's very normal for babies this age to still need a night feeding Mashed up fruits and vegetables contain few calories and no fat. They dont' give your baby what he needs to grow and thrive.

    So... stop putting cereal in his bottle. (Very dangerous and unncessary.)

    Offer bottles on demand and let him take as much formula as he wants.

    If he enjoys solids, (cereals, fruits, veggies) you can offer a couple of ounces once or twice a day, fed with a spoon.

    And look for a new pediatrician. THe one you have has some VERY odd ideas.

  • 1 decade ago

    Hi, looks like you may have a "nocturnal baby" .

    But more seriously, eating or being hungry may not be the reason why your baby is waking up. You need to analyze your baby is waikwaking

    Here could be some reasons.

    1. Too much excitement during the day

    2. Eating Too much before bedtime.

    3. Noisy environment.

    I worte numerous blogs entry on this. Please refer to them

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  • 4 years ago

    I even have achieved many cases, because of the fact i understand they're going to get the unfastened golden value ticket to heaven in the event that they die early. I desire somebody would have eaten me till now I grew to develop into old adequate to have the probability of being unlucky adequate or stupid adequate to no longer recognize Jesus became into authentic, and subsequently get sent to hell.

    Lv 6
    1 decade ago

    Solids do not help a baby sleep they sleep when they are ready too...All your doing by putting that cereal in his bottle is overfeeding him...Not meaning to be rude sorry. And he should be having more than 15oz a day average is 24-32oz a day hes way under.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    IDK ask ur doctor

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