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"Touring Plans" for Disney World?

Has anyone actually followed the "touring plans" listed in the Unofficial Guide? The book goes on and on about how you must use their plans or you will have a miserable time. Have you used their suggested plans? Do they really work? How well? We are going on July 4th, so I know it will be hot and crowded. We want to make the most of our trip and see as much as possible. Just wondering if these plans actually work. Any advice or suggestions would be very much appreciated.

6 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    I've been to WDW enough times I've lost count, I'd guesstimate 70+. My husband won't follow a plan so the majority of my trips with him we just wander around, which is fine for us since we've been there a lot.

    However I took a first timer with me on a trip for Memorial Day 2008, we used the touring plans and it was the most surprisingly hassle free trip I've had. It was a busy long holiday weekend and the biggest line we waited in was close to 15 minutes. And we followed the plan every day but one and that day was a little frustrating.

    Granted, I've been enough times that when it says go to X ride, I know where it is w/o consulting a map and that probably made my touring a little easier - but it is worth trying it for a day and determining for yourself.

    If you have alternate styles of touring (like we pre-k or seniors or want to sleep in) it is worth the subscription to to get more than what is in the Unofficial Guide. There are hundres of plans on line.

  • 1 decade ago

    Disney World is crowded in the summer normally, but when you go on a holiday it usually packed. Just remember how many other people are going to be following those plans. I never have used a guide book to Disney and I have had great vacations. Disney World is so big you won't see nearly everything in 1 trip. I would just go around and explore. Follow the plans if it is a must.

  • pink
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    Some people love those plans and follow them religiously but some people hate them. Personally, I've read them and they seem to just waste time and confuse me.

    July 4th is a crazy day to go, no matter what plan you follow that day you're going to have hour long waits for popular rides or any rides for that matter, the restaurants will be packed the shows will be packed and it will be very hot.

    If you're going on a normal day, get their early in the morning, get a fastpass for the most popular ride that already has a line and then ride the other popular rides first. Use the fastpass system timley all day long and make the best of it.

    Source(s): Disney Veteran.
  • 1 decade ago

    I used the touring plans on my last trip in sept 2007, even though it wasn't a particularly crowded time of year, I was able to do soooo much more than I had on the 15+ previous trips i've had to WDW and the longest we ever waited in a line was 25 minutes. The two days out of 7 that we didn't use the plans were not as productive. WE are going back in sept of this year and I definately plan on using them.

    They work great especially on peak days-although 4th of july will still have long wait times, you can really minimize your waits and see more than you would otherwise. I love em.

  • 1 decade ago

    Get there EARLY! Before they open. If you are too late they sometimes close the parking lot. Head straight for your must do's, Make good use of the Fastpass. When the park get's crowded (and it will!) just relax and go with the flow. There is a holiday plan on that you can access with instructions from your book. Go ahead and use it. What do you have to lose? Your going to have a great time anyway, as long as you don't get frustrated by unrealistic expectations. I hope you have a great time!

    Source(s): 8 times at WDW since 1981. #9 at Pop Century in 4 days!!!
  • 1 decade ago

    i have read them and if it's your first time going i do feel that its the best way to follow but also if you are staying on disney property during your stay definately make use of the extra magic hours go online and it will tell you what they are for each park for the days your going, and it's july in orlando, it's going to be hot and probably a little crowed

    Source(s): i was there last year around the same time and i have gone every year for 16 years
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