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  • Where is the window washer fluid resevoir on 2003 ford explorer?

    I just bought one used- missing the manual- and just can't locate where to refill the washer fluid.

    Thanks for the help!

    1 AnswerMaintenance & Repairs1 decade ago
  • How long did it take to get trial modification Documents after foreclosure mediation? Bank of america?

    Just completed foreclosure mediation with BoA. Was granted a trial Modification for three months. They are supposed to be sending a packet with all the documents and instructions. Since we are in foreclosure because of their dishonesty on a previous modification I am worried sick about not get the documents. Can anyone tell me how long it took to recieve your docs from BoA after mediation? Thanks

    1 AnswerRenting & Real Estate1 decade ago
  • Is there still a disney Character Warehouse in Destin's Silver Sands Outlet?

    Its been a while since my last visit, just wondering if its still open at The destin location.

    1 AnswerOther - United States1 decade ago
  • At what age should I separate my mini lop bunnies?

    I have two mini lop bunnies, both the same age, they are cousins but one mother's litter all dies save one male and he was raised by the female bunnies mother. They are 10 weeks old and have always been together-we apopted them after they were weaned from the mother. They get along great, are super friendly and don't fight at all. I'm not sure that I want them to breed and they are too young to be spayed/neutered. At what age will I need to separate them to keep from having babies? I hate to separate them if it isn't neccessary. A note: they are indoor bunnies, have a 30 by 30 cage plus a full room to run around in (12 foot by 12 foot) for a few hours a day as well as an outdoor hutch and bunny run(Which they never really use-they don't like the heat at all here in sunny florida).

    Thanks so much for any advice!

    4 AnswersOther - Pets1 decade ago
  • Sending welcome baskets to honeymooners at Walt Disney Resort?Best way?

    My sister and her fiance are planning a wedding and reception in their hometown in Buffalo, but since most of her family is relocated to florida the family that can't go to that wedding is all meeting up with them during their honeymoon in florida at WDW. They are staying at a separate resort from the rest of us and we are having one planned day of everyone together and the rest unscheduled so the honeymooners can decide what they want to do with family and when they want to. Back to the question, I'm her Maton of Honor and have made a welcome to disney package with custom water bottles, snack, disney info (its his first time and her second time-the last time she went was when I took her for her 6th birthday) I want to get it to their room for them for their checkin as a special surprise. We will arrive a bit before them so I may be able to get to their resort to drop it off but will disney put it in their room or hold it for them? or would it be better to ship to the resort ahead of time and let them pick it up when the arrived? If anyone has done something similar I'd love to hear how you did it and what your experience was!

    I don't want to do a florist delivered basket since I have the personalized items already:)


    3 AnswersOrlando1 decade ago
  • Camcorder Mini dvd/need external drive to read?

    I have a hitachi camcorder dzbx35a that records on minidvds. None of my computers will read a minidvd and the camcorder doesn't have usb to computer capabilities. I am wondering if an external drive like the kind used for mini laptops would be what I need. I am not tech savvy and don't want to get taken at the store so if anyone out there can give me a heads up on what equipment I need I would appreciate it!

    Thanks for taking the time to read!

    1 AnswerCamcorders1 decade ago
  • Pastor buying a vacation home?

    The pastor of our church wants to buy a condo in an expensive development on the beach. This is the pastor that preaches about the passion of following in Christ's footsteps and being Christlike in all things. I've overlooked a lot of the material things he and his family do because being judgemental is not nice but this feels like the last straw. How can you reconcile following in Christ's footsteps with having a beach front vacation condo?

    24 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • Pink or green bridal Crinoline/slip/petticoat?

    I have looked everywhere for a colored crinoline for under my sis's gown. I don't want to go the DIY route because I am just too accident prone for that. I am hoping someone might have come across an online retailer and can steer me to the right place. Thanks so much!

    6 AnswersWeddings1 decade ago
  • David's Bridal color question?

    How close in color are Fern and Olivine? I live an hour away from the closest DB so I can't run over to look and online they look supersimilar. Anyone familiar with these two colors?


    6 AnswersWeddings1 decade ago
  • Tax on vegetable gardens?

    My sis swears that she saw "somewhere" that the government is planning new taxes on farmers and even home gardeners. I can't find it anywhere and would love it if someone could send me a link to this proposed "tax"


    4 AnswersCurrent Events1 decade ago
  • Anyone out there have/attend a wedding at Ramada Amherst, NY?

    My younger sis is checking out wedding reception locales in western NY and I am assisting from Florida- anyone that has experience with this location putting their two cents in would be a great help:)

    1 AnswerWeddings1 decade ago
  • How often do you need a new septic tank filter?

    We just had our septic tank pumped and the pumper replaced the filter at a cost of $70. The home and tank and original filter are only two years old. Was I taken?

    3 AnswersMaintenance & Repairs1 decade ago
  • On Capt. Rex's uniform there is a skirty fabric piece hanging from waist- what is it called?

    My son hates when we call it a skirt! And I know there must be a better name for it. If you know what its called please share!

    2 AnswersMovies1 decade ago
  • On our recent home appraisal there were several inaccuracies, what can I do to get them corrected?

    I live in florida and our recent appraisal came back way lower than the recent appraisals of several other homesin my subdivision even though our home has many upgrades the others do not have- my hubby is the project manager so I know the details of most of the homes built here. One of the comp homes used was valued at $15,000 more than mine even though they are based on the same florr plan and we upgraded with lots of extras. Because of this poor appraisal we can't refinance. I've emailed the appraiser with these omissions plus he had incorrect sales info on another comp property. Is there any other recourse?

    5 AnswersRenting & Real Estate1 decade ago
  • Can you purchase the Disney Dining plan for a 2 yr old?

    My daughter is too young to need tickets so the dining plan option doesn't automatically include her in our reservations. Has anyone added the dining plan for a toddler? Thanks!

    4 AnswersOrlando1 decade ago
  • What are some of the halloween activities at the Walt Disney World Resort halloween week- other than MNNSHP?

    We went last september and did MNSSHP- and had a ball but this year we are going to be there the week of halloween and want to do something not as crowded as the Magic Kingdom MNSSHP event. I've heard that Downtown Disney has trick or treating and would love to hear more from someone who has done that activity or any other activities at the resorts. We will be staying at the Carribean Beach resort if anyone knows of specific activities there,thanks!

    2 AnswersOrlando1 decade ago
  • Any win a dream wedding sweepstakes out there?

    My baby sis is just got engaged. Since our mother passed away this Christmas and her father passed away a month later I'm trying to step up to the plate for her and her fiance.

    If any one knows of any legitamate wedding contest/sweepstakes I would love to have a link!

    Thank you:)

    7 AnswersWeddings1 decade ago
  • Can Zoloft or other antiepressants affect how haircolor works in your hair?

    I have done three swatch tests with different haircolor kits and none of them will change my color. I've never had a problem prior to started meds two months ago. Anyone have an answer?

    1 AnswerHair1 decade ago
  • Child Custody Best tips/avice?

    My friend is going through a divorce an has custody of her two kids while it is ongoing. She the father has every other weeked visitation and she is open to more. He wants to sue for sole custody. I'm interested in any advice or tips on keeping custody that may help her. The father is vey distant and thinks she spoils the kids beacuse she refuses to beat them. I've advised her to keep a journal of comments, ect that he makes to her and the kids in case it comes to court.

    Any other tips?

    5 AnswersMarriage & Divorce1 decade ago
  • How does the FDLS justify underage marriage?

    Is there any way that grooming children to think that marriage at 16 in normal and that middle age men fathering children on these children is anything other than child abuse?

    I believe that this group is grooming future child molesters and is causing irreparable harm in both males and females by allowing this to continue. How is it that they can believe that not only is this moral but is God sanctioned?

    To me this seems like one more reason to be agnostic.

    7 AnswersLaw & Ethics1 decade ago