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Should I talk to my ex? It's breaking my heart!?

Lots of girls like my ex, but I was his only girlfriend.

But apparently, the reason he doesn't want to go out with anyone right now is because of ME.

And before you say he still likes me, he DOESN'T, for a fact.

See last year we went out for like 3 months, then I stopped liking him. So I broke up with him. That makes me sound like a total a*s, but I just saw him as a friend. My feelings changed, and it became awkward to hang out with him as his GIRLFRIEND.

If I don't like someone, I can't force myself to.

I know I hurt his feelings..

Since then we haven't talked, at all. I've made an effort but..

But it's been a year, and school's almost out.

So I want to talk to him about it. He's a great guy and I want to be his friend. I don't want him to leave school with something against me.

Its killing me...So should I talk to him?

What do you think is up?

2 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    u should talk to him and tell him your point of view

    u just want to be friends

    talk it out so he doesnt hate u forever

    trust me, its really hard to live like that

    been there, done that


    maybe he'll understand if u tell him what u think

    you dont hav to get bak together with him if u dont like him as a boyfriend

    do what your heart tells u!

    GOOD LUCK!!!♥ :)

  • im really confused too lol

    uhhmm all i can say is try to hang out with him then talk to see whats up with him...

    its hard to have feelings for someone without having FEELING....

    Like bf and gf feelings

    it mite feel weird at first but you will be happy that you did have a talk with him...

    it will be good to be friends with him and let him kno you are comfortable around him so he wont feel as if you still like him

    hope everything goes well....


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