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? asked in Entertainment & MusicHoroscopes · 1 decade ago

Will THIS Aquarius and Aries work out?

I piss him off a lot. It seems like I can never say the right thing. I want to get to know him better but I get nervous about where that could lead because I've been heart broken before. He's been heart broken.He says he's ready for another relationship so he talks to all these girls to see which one would be the best. I want to be the best but again I keep pissing him off. I mean, we still make out and laugh with each other sometimes...we have a lot in common. I just don't know what to do to keep on his good side.

I have heard Aries men are very temper-mental, does pissing them off make them not want to talk to you any more? Being an Aquarius, of course I handle it in a detached manner but does that make him even more upset? What is the best way to get on his good side?

PS. They say Aries men like to chase but I think he is WAY over that. He says because of his broken heart, he refuses to chase anymore. I've never been good at chasing myself so this seems like it has been a tug-o-war kind of thing. We do like each other...its just that we both are being so careful. I mean...should two heart broken people really try to get together?

4 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Aries are really way more vulnerable than many people understand. They need reassurance and attention. In addition to this, unbeknown to most, they also crave security.

    The whole "dating several other people thing" that's going on, is just a way to prevent himself from getting hurt again.

    When an Aries is heartbroken, it takes a while for them to want to make themselves vulnerable to another, which is necessary for any real relationship to occur.

    Thus, they hang out with lots of people who they feel are great, but are just to afraid to make the ultimate moves or decision to make it actually happen for fear of getting hurt again.

    Your best bet is to be his friend, and wait it out (but do this only if you're really interested.) Be profound in the ways in which you show him that you seriously have his best interest at heart, this is always important to Aries. Also, don't take any crap from him, and don't let him mistreat you or run slipshod over you. This is a turn-off for Aries.

    When the dust settles, and he sees that you really had his best interest at heart, it will really make a big difference where matters of the heart are concerned.

    Oh, one last thing Aquarius, your detached manner is scary to an Aries (see their needs above). This could be a deal breaker for a relationship with them if shown to often.

    Source(s): I know Aries like I know myself....inside and out.
  • 1 decade ago

    I understand exactly what you are going through. I'm an Aquarius also and the last person I dated was an Aries. It seemed like every compatibility horoscope I read said that an Aquarius / Aries relationship would be an amazing couple. We only dated for a few short months and then it just stopped. He showed all this effort and interest, the "chase" as they are known for, and then it seemed like as soon as I started to show an equal amount of interest he took off. It was so strange and I haven't head from him at all since then. I think I was the product of someone who was talking to a bunch of other people as well. You should never let a guy make you feel second best. You know what you are worth and what you have to offer. Make him know it too. I'm not saying go out and be all b*tchy and mean but be confident and know that you deserve the best. Know what you want. Show it. If that scares him away he is not worth your time. I feel that an Aquarius / Aries relationship is far better than some of the other sign matches and most compatibility tests will agree. However, sometimes it just a matter of timing as to where two people are in their lives. You have to be ready for a relationship before you can pursue one. I hope this information helps and good-luck to you! You deserve the best! (from one Aquarius to another)

    Source(s): personal experience
  • 1 decade ago

    Let's forget about astrology for a second here. Yes I am into astrology and believe in it very much. If you look through my answers you will find many very detailed answers to astrology questions. Now......

    Leave him. You are in an abusive relationship and it doesn't matter what signs you are. Stop walking on egg shells all the time and trying to please this guy. If you stay with him long enough the abuse will turn physical. Please get out now before it gets that bad. You deserve someone who loves and appreciates you and treats you like a princess, not someone who makes you feel nervous and worried all the time. You should feel better when your around your boyfriend, husband, or partner, not worse. Try reading the book "Co-dependent No More" by Melody Beatie. I know it probably seems completely unrelated, but just read it please. I think it would really help you.

    Just for the record he is not that way because he is an Aries. He probably had a really screwed up childhood and you feel bad for him. I know we Aquarians want to fix the world, but it is impossible to fix other people. If you are young try looking for another air sign. If you are older (late twenties at least) try a Virgo or Capricorn. I have to say it one last time though he is not this way because he is an Aries. Not all Aries are like this. He is a screwed up individual who will continue to make you feel bad for as long as you allow it. Stop listening to his excuses and making your own excuses for not leaving him. The kisses and all that are just part of a cycle that leads to more and more bad times and eventually to physical violence.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Two heartbroken people getting together seems to be tougher - like two porcupines hugging. However with honest communication, might be able to work out.

    Aries are known to have tempers, but they aren't known to hold grudges. Generally speaking (although it depends on the sun and moon sign as well)

    Might be a bit too much drama though with the ups and downs.

    Might be a good idea to compare both of your moon signs to see how you relate to each other emotionally.

    All the best to you.

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