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Anonymous asked in Politics & GovernmentPolitics · 1 decade ago

How would N Korea go about making good on their threat to wipe the US off the planet?

Wed Jun 24, 9:16 AM

By Hyung-Jin Kim, The Associated Press

SEOUL, South Korea - North Korea threatened Wednesday to wipe the United States off the map as Washington and its allies watched for signs the regime will launch a series of missiles in the coming days

With any luck Kim didn't pay his cable bill and couldn't watch this epidode of Fox "news"

EMP a low tech no missile required weapon that would plunge the US back 300 yrs ---- 90 % death rates are predicted --

--- Well they likely missed Fox but lets all hope they didn't read this news clip that was written more as a warning than anything else


Nothing is easier than bombing a power plant on a coastline. There is no need to use a ballistic missile. Primitive means will do the job.

The US has 103 operating nuclear power stations with onsite storage of a huge quantity of spent fuel rods and Japan has 53 operating atomic power stations. Japan has a stockpile of weapons-grade plutonium - enough to assemble more than 1,000 atomic bombs in a short period of time. South Korea has 20 operating nuclear power stations with onsite storage of a huge quantity of spent fuel rods.

The detonation of sea-borne or undersea H-bombs planted on the three countries' continental shelves will trigger nuclear tsunamis with devastating consequences.


The Pacific ocean --- is called the RING of FIRE because the plates are not stable --- and here we have a ship moving into the Pacific ocean and a STORY they might attack the non populated and of no strategic value at all Hawaii


The third possible attack, a high-altitude detonation of hydrogen bombs that would create a powerful electromagnetic pulse (EMP), would disrupt the communications and electrical infrastructure of the US, the whole of Japan, and South Korea.

Many of the essential systems needed to survive war would be knocked out, as computers are instantly rendered malfunctioning or unusable. Military and communications systems such as radars, antennas, and missiles, government offices, would be put out of use, as would energy sources such as nuclear power stations and transport and communications systems including airports, airplanes, railways, cars and cell phones.


Read it yourself

Why was it that China tied the hands of the US ---?

They demanded that part of the UN resolution be that no force be used to board N Korean ships -- Is China using N Korea as their proxy ?

China buys oil from Iran --- and China and Russia along with the former Treasury secratary --- believe that this current turmoil in Iran --- is sponsored by the CIA

Isn't it funny how they believe the CIA destabilized Iran --- and China's possible proxy is threatening to bring the war home to you ? And end you're existence on the planet ?



I will call Pinky and the Brain of N Korea and tell them -- Hey knock it off -- Dream needs a nice holiday

Update 2:


No dam it -- Lucky has it

--- The N Koreans -- have kidnapped Godzilla from the Japanese --- the ship out in the Pacific is there to assemble the 10 foot plastic model

Yep --- Godzilla -- LOL wow we are all going to be killed by a B rated film from the east --- our only hope now is to make King Kong angry and hope for the best

12 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    I noticed someone said China wouldn't help N.K. if they were the aggressor, but they did in the Korean Conflict and I think they will again. I've been following the news on this and think they may be planting devices on the shelves to create a tsunami. If they have the knowledge that would be a great start and then again the boat that's cruising around may be a decoy and they may have taken a page from Japan's play book from just before Pearl and have a boat or sub coming at us from a different direction.

    Now if I were planning an attack this is how I would do it. A couple of fishing boats would go virtually unnoticed and could get extremely close. it wouldn't take a large rocket to get to where they needed to go and with attention diverted ground troops could be dropped at remote locations at night and then after the explosions wreak havoc on a confused citizenry.

  • Anonymous
    5 years ago

    North Korea has a lot of talk, and that's about it. Their guidance systems are poor at best. If they aim one toward Hawaii, they will probably hit Tahiti. They do not have the working technology to mount a functional nuke atop a missile. They can barely get one to go off in a cave. With all that said, they have become a real pain in the posterior. Obama is not ready to commit any resources, and, he should not. We have more than enough technology in South Korea to counter any action short of a full scale land invasion. You should remember that the rhetoric comes from a puny little despot and not the people as a whole. Sure, they have been brainwashed, but that is no reason to obliterate them.

  • 1 decade ago

    Yes, if given the time and left alone, they just like any other country could do us a lot of damage. But , even if they had 4-5 nukes, albeit that they are small by our standards, we at last count had about 38,000 all in the one kiloton or larger area. Then there is the Navy. Hmmm just think 2-3 trident subs, sitting about 500 miles or so off the coast of N.K. with about 18 silos each with each missile having multiple war heads all launching at once. Do you really think even crazy kim jong ill in the head will dare attack us with only a couple warheads, and even less missiles. I don't think so. So don't everyone go into a stupid panic as I really don't think that would be the case at all. Kim jong ill in the head just wants to test our dear leader over here and see if he can get an apology from us like the arab coutries have.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Well I sure hope that their experimental bombs won't do the trick because tomorrow I'm flying from Tokyo to NYC because of North Korea. The bomb that went off before had the same power as the ones at the time of Truman and Hiroshima and Nagasaki.

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  • 1 decade ago

    Despite an emerging market, China is first and foremost a Communist country and as a result tries to side with other Communist states. China is not a huge fan of N. Korea's rhetoric but none-the-less would back them unless N. Korea was the aggressor.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    They kidnapped Godzilla from Japan.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    He would send his troops over to die for him, poison our waters, blow what ever up over here that he could, suicide agents, radiation from dirty bombs/equipment, terrorist acts in our cities, sniper the president and his leadership, blow up our oil and gas storage, or just do all that with less travel time in South Korea and Japan because that would hurt us too.

    Source(s): What if that ship were are following has a small nuke on it and he's waiting for us to go on board. It might only kill a few but it would show us up in his eyes. Now that I've been looking around I've been seeing lots of Asians guys in groups of 6 and most Asian men are usually alone or with one other Asian dude.
  • 1 decade ago

    North Korea is developing nuclear missiles and Obama is cutting back on the USA's defense missiles

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Lil' Kim is daydreaming. He never made any such threats until Hussein Øbama took office.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Give it time and pretend it was all their own doing when the inevitable happens soon enough..

    Source(s): The world's third depression deepens... 1870s 1930s 2000s
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