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Question & Answer Deletions in LGBT area?

Serious answers, please. If you want to make fun or be sarcastic/funny/mean/rude, please go after our friendly neighborhood trolls where you skills can be used more effectively.

1. Has anyone else noticed that there have been quite a few questions AND answers that do not violate TOS or community guidleines, yet they are still being deleted?

2. Is it only a 1 in a 1,000,000 chance that anyone who challenges a deletion decision gets their question/answer & points reinstated?

3. Do you think that, in asking this question, this question will be deleted for violation? And if so, can anyone please tell me which TOS/Community Guideline that's being violated?

I ask because I put up a question about Farrah Fawcett yesterday & it was deleted 20hrs later for violating TOS/Community Guidelines, when it did not. Another user posted a question about me (no slander, not chatting, no stalking, just a question) & THAT was deleted. Yet questions/answers that are inflammatory, backhanded compliments, rude, advertising or downright hateful (I won't repeat the question so I can't be accused of slander or whatever policy violation) were allowed to stand.

What gives?

16 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    1. Whether some people want to admit it or not, a huge amount of "chatting" goes on in here and if those questions are deleted for that reason then it's pointless whining about it. On the other hand, Y!A insist this is a community and I find it ridiculous that they penalise people for treating it as one. If we can't chat in our own little community where the heck can we?

    As an edit: Before I moved to this account almost all of my questions were reported for chatting. If the same is happening to you, perhaps you have what I call a Pet Report Troll who's targeting you just because they can?

    2. I've no idea about the statistics, but I rarely appeal violations because I often lose, but I appealed one recently just for the heck of it and actually won. It was for an answer to a question about Satan and I suggested the asker should try the R&S category because they know all about Satan there. My answer was removed within a minute, I appealed and said I'd wanted to redirect the asker to a category that would be more fitting for the content of their question. I'm still surprised I won, but I did and that's the important thing.

    3. You're chatting. According to Y!A anyway. And probably ranting too. But goodness knows it needs to be said!

  • 1 decade ago

    1. I had two answers deleted for not following the TOS when every single point in the TOS is irrelevant to my question. People think that a thumbs down isn't enough.

    2. No.

    3. No.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    yup, ive had my account deleted for question in here for like 5 times. i had so many question deleted i had to go private because some one is trolling my all my questions, they so far as to go back and give my past 10 questions a thumbs down. it happend EVERY day at around 1 PM. i would go on and be on there for like 20 minutes then when it got to about 1 - 2 some where in there, i came back like an hour later, all my active question deleted and my past ten answers all had exactly ONE thumbs down. what loser lol.

    there is a 0 in a million chance u will get ur account re activated after deletion and nothing actually checks ur answer when u get it reported, it just gets deleted. so if i were to report this question, it would get deleted in about an hour. i hate people. when ever my account is deleted i have to make another one because it never re activates it, and my quesitons, they were all getting delted, all of them, it was 10 in a row and non of them lasted more than 4 hours. they were just surveys, and asking for drawing ideas and stuff and if people could recomend songs.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    It seemed all questions about Michael Jackson and Farrah Fawcett were deleted... here, and in P&S especially. Keep in mind that there was A LOT of traffic yesterday because of deaths, and might have caused some glitches on here somehow.

    Whenever I ask for my deleted question answer to be put back up, they always approve it..

    Hve you checked your contacts though? Maybe there's someone targeting your Q&A or something

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  • Anonymous
    5 years ago

    I will conjecture that is because the answers usually are very personal in nature and address very personal issues, and therefore usually interpreted as "better". I actually have 90% of my answers outside of LBGT, and I feel that those particular areas are a lot more impersonal- and rarely do those questions attract more than 5 or 6 answers.

  • 1 decade ago

    Lately I've had so many questions deleted due to so called violations I just figured I had an enemy that keeps reporting them.

    I posted a question about MJ that never actually posted & this morning, 17 hours later I received an email violation notification.

    It's actually getting pretty frustrating & I did see & respond to the post about you & agree there are so many other similar posts that are never deleted. I agree with Omer, they will never provide you with an exact reason why it is in violation.

  • LSBN
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    I have recently had two answers deleted. They sited chatting as the reason. The thing is my answers weren't chats. I just didn't agree with the askers point of view and my reply was more of a question i.e. how can you justify your stance.

    It is ridiculous that the most offensive things get to stay, the things that are just looking to start a fight, and all the trolls.

    All I have to say is, I'm glad Y!A is a free service. As I surely wouldn't pay for such bad customer service. LMAO


  • 1 decade ago

    it's very similar in the R & S section

    you can be successful appealing but I get the impression it's rare from the amount of answers I've seen where people admit they didn't win against bad Victory Notices

    there's always questions that don't violate yet get removed

    quite often Yamster is bad at removing the abuse and hateful answers/questions

    many reprot monkeys can and do target users/questions/answers to get them removed - I've fell victim to this before sadly

  • 1 decade ago

    you shuold be your infront of skills...

    1. yeah, always have been, always will be, yahoo is stupid and it happens in every section.

    i've won maybe 5 times throughout ALL of my accounts, so that sounds about right. again, yahoo is stupid.

    3. probably. chatting? i wouldn't know. those rules all suck. i don't report stuff unless a troll answers one of my Qs, but i like some of the big ones. *shrugs*

    haha, u got lucky for 20 hours, i posted a Q last night and it didn't last 20 minutes. so yeah.

    my answer: Yahoo is STUPID.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    I've been targeted by an anonymous coward and had stuff removed recently, all of which I successfully appealed.

    There has been an upsurge of reports on the most innocuous questions lately. Someone with a very sad existence and too much time on their hands.

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