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If you are a DONOR of something are you gaining or losing?

With that in mind, why do right-wingers keep claiming America is gaining jobs when we are known as the donor nation in reference to free trade agreements and outsourcing?


umm yeah Captain Awesome, how about getting on the right subject.

Update 2:

The Master, every one of them that has supported free trade.

Maybe opening your ears would be a good idea.

Update 3:

Even McCain said free trade has created jobs in America even while jobs where moving over seas.

Update 4:

ooh, My Tenders!, kidney donors aren't gaining a kidney. Blood donors aren't gaining more blood.

7 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer


  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Claim is we are gaining by donating low level jobs to third world countries. Then we raise Cain about ourselves buying the sweat shop clothing. So someone does not buy a pair of sneakers and therefore some little kid in some foreign land goes hungry and blows himself up to earn a little for his family to eat. Boom.

  • 1 decade ago

    The unemployment rate keeps going up. What "right-winger" specifically is saying we are gaining jobs?

  • No right wingers are saying we're gaining jobs. Obama is though...that clown is saying he saved or created 150,000 jobs the same time the Labor Department shows we've lost 1.6 million jobs since his stimulus.

    You got your wings mixed up, buddy.

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  • 1 decade ago

    Well giving everything away means you have lost it. No one seems to be playing with a full deck.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    gaining a friend

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    It is better to give than receive.

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