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What is the best way to convince the economy to utilize?

free market methods and drive itself to increasing nuclear power production while driving it away from methods that create far more pollution without right-wingers crying socialism as the government builds the plants itself?


Joseph K , maybe you should read slower. I ask what would be a good way to utilize free market methods to conince the economy to move in the best direction for America without having to resort to the drastic action mentioned.

Update 2:

Jeff M litigation isn't stopping anything. It isn't economically feasible to build nuclear power palnts when there is no shortage of supply.

4 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    More questions like yours. Nuclear Power is safe and clean. Yes, there is a problem with waste that is produced by the power plant, but it can be safely stored until it's no longer radioactive. However, the coal and natural gas industries don't like the idea of their product not being used.

  • jeff m
    Lv 6
    1 decade ago

    litigation and regulation is the only thing stopping nuclear power.

    They were sued to a stop last time. It's hard to get anyone to risk billions of dollars, when any environmental group can stop it with lawsuits.

    A couple of things were done a few years back, that might help. For one thing, once a particular reactor design gets regulatory approval for one site, the permit for other sites is about automatic. Another is a program with the government "guaranteeing the bonds" - so money can be raised to build a reactor, and if its sued to a stop the bondholders will get their money from the govt. The govt. will end up stuck with half completed reactors.

    Do you realize the admirable safety record that the Navy has with nuclear power? Its ludicrous that environmental organisations and attorneys can deny civilian use

  • 1 decade ago

    Pushing the economy to utilize what suits a political agenda has nothing to do with Free Market principles. You can't convince or push someone to use free market methods, you have to allow them to use free markets - otherwise it isn't free at all. I don't think you understand the concept of a free market.

    Btw, I'm in favor of Nuclear - it's regulation, environmentalists, and NIMBY opinions that killed nuclear. If it was actually a "free market" maybe we'd have more plants.

    Anyway, it's going to take a very long time and a ton of dough to offload a significant amount of power generation from "dirty" to "clean".

  • 1 decade ago

    I don't know, I've been searching for the same thing myself. The fact that someone else is using their brain and isn't obsessed with partisan politics gives me much hope. Thank you.

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