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Gravity...relativity vs. string?

I am not sure exactly how to phrase this succinctly, so kindly bear with me as I attempt to put my thoughts into words.

In the relativistic concept of gravity (if I am not mistaken), Einstein stated that gravity was caused by a warping of spacetime due to mass of an object. In other words, gravity seems to be caused by an object with sufficient mass to distort the area it "inhabits".

However, in the superstring/M-Theory speculation, in an attempt to explain why gravity is substantially weaker than the other 3 forces, it has been postulated that it is due to the fact that gravity is interdispersed - and therefore must travel - through the proposed eleven dimensions in this universe.

My question: do these not seem like rather - if not wildly - differing theories?

If a body warps spacetime, it seems to me that the gravity is "created" by the mass of the object, as I believe Einstein said. Yet M-Theory seems to state that gravity is exerted from outside of the body itself...yet it is omnipresent, although at differing amounts.

What am I missing here? Does gravity behave in multitudes of ways depending on the situation? Or am I confusing relativity with quantum physics?

My thanks to all who answer.

6 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Relativistic effects of gravity emerge at scales far above those of strings,. The situation is similar to the relationship between quantum and classical mechanics, or between relativity and classical mechanics: the classical picture i\emerges at large enough scales from quantum and at low enough velocities and masses from relativity. Basically, string theory subsumes GR and is equivalent to GR in the limiting case of small distances/high energies.

    So yes, in a sense, everything in the Universe behaves in different ways depending on the scale of observation.

  • 1 decade ago

    " I confusing relativity with quantum physics?..."

    You may be, although I'm at a loss to point out how. Relativity and quantum physics, so far, are not compatible in all instances.

    Try this website to see if you can get a better handle on the whole issue =>

  • ?
    Lv 4
    5 years ago

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  • 1 decade ago

    Physicists have found that the concept of symmetry seems to recur repeatedly within theoretical physics. There exists a lot of evidence to suggest that four forces govern nature. These forces are the weak and strong nuclear forces and the more familiar electromagnetic and gravitational forces.

    The short-ranged weak nuclear force is exchanged by massive gauge bosons (the W+ or W- or Z0). It is the weak nuclear force that is responsible for radioactive decay (flavour changing of the quarks) and weak neutral currents (momentum and spin changes). The strong nuclear force binds the quarks into the nucleons via the exchange of a colour force carried by eight, mass-less vector gauge bosons or gluons. It is the strong nuclear force that holds together protons, neutrons, and mesons, or hadrons but in its residual form, this force also binds together nuclei made up of protons and neutrons. The strong nuclear force is 100 times the strength of the electromagnetic force, some 10¹³ times as great as that of the weak force, and about 10³⁸ times that of gravitation.

    The more familiar long ranged electromagnetic force is exchanged by mass-less photons, which are packets of energy described by Einstein's photoelectric effect equation (E = hf). The electromagnetic force was unified into one theory of electromagnetism, from separate theories of electrostatics, electricity, and magnetism, by James Clerk Maxwell during the 1860's. Similarly, electromagnetism was unified with the weak nuclear force during the late nineteen sixties by Abdus Salam, Sheldon Glashow and Steven Weinberg. In the '... electroweak interaction is the unified description of two of the four fundamental interactions of nature: electromagnetism and the weak interaction. Although these two forces appear very different at everyday low energies, the theory models them as two different aspects of the same force. Above the unification energy, on the order of 100 GeV, they would merge into a single electroweak force. Thus if the universe is hot enough (approximately 10¹⁵ K, a temperature reached shortly after the Big Bang) then the electromagnetic force and weak force will merge into a combined electroweak force. ... (Wikipedia)'.

    The mathematical formalism of electroweak unification has been carried over for the strong nuclear (together with QED to form QCD) force to provide a standard model of particle physics and interactions and CERN will soon be searching for the Higg's boson to help confirm this model. At very high energies (> 10¹⁴GeV) the strong and electroweak forces should fuse into a single field according to some GUT theories. Hence, each of these forces may be described by a quantum field theory. Each field is a broken symmetry that has detached itself from the other force's fields at lower energies as the universe has cooled and expanded.

    This then brings me to gravity! Gravity is a weak long ranged force that is best described by the geometric General Theory of Relativity. General Relativity deals with large or macro features and it 'breaks down' and cannot deal with quantum or micro features. However, given the success of the quantum field theories for the other three forces and the above mentioned prevailing symmetry within physics, it would be nice to have a quantum field theory of gravity so that it too can be unified with the other three forces. '... The graviton is a hypothetical elementary particle that mediates the force of gravity in the framework of quantum field theory. If it exists, the graviton must be massless (because the gravitational force has unlimited range) and must have a spin of 2 (because gravity is a second-rank tensor field). General Relativity is said to be background independent. In contrast, the Standard Model is not background independent. A theory of quantum gravity is needed in order to reconcile these differences.

    When describing graviton interactions, the classical theory (i.e. the tree diagrams) and semi classical corrections (one-loop diagrams) behave normally, but Feynman diagrams with two (or more) loops lead to ultraviolet divergences; that is, infinite results that cannot be removed because the quantized general relativity is not renormalizable, unlike quantum electrodynamics. In popular terms, the discreteness of quantum theory is not compatible with the smoothness of Einstein's general relativity. These problems, together with some conceptual puzzles, led many physicists to believe that a theory more complete than just general relativity must regulate the behaviour near the Planck scale. Superstring theory finally emerged as the most promising solution; it is the only known theory with finite corrections to graviton scattering at all orders.

    String theory predicts the existence of gravitons and their well-defined interactions which represents one of its most important triumphs. A graviton in perturbative string theory is a closed string in a very particular low-energy vibrational state. The

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  • 1 decade ago

    We are first graders talking about nuclear physic. It is a beautiful dilemma how we a seek to fit this puzzle together. There are many missing pieces but we still try to complete it. Keep thinking maybe you will discover the missing pieces.

  • 1 decade ago

    I'm just in the 10th grade, so

    I saw you're :

    My thanks to all who answer.

    and was lyk :O! <3?

    so yay i has ur thanksss

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