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missgigglebunny asked in PetsDogs · 1 decade ago

What should I do with my dog?

I do love him just so you all know.

I'm fully agaisn't animal cruelty.

I don't know what to do anymore. I can't afford a dog crate ether.


He tore the patio door window screen again. Last year he made a gaping hole in the wall.

I can't give him to a animal shelter b/c they will just put him to sleep since no one wants a dog with problems, plus he may stop eating/drinking without me around.

I've tried training him but he's too old to train I've been told. He's 7 in dog years 50 in human.

The only physical health problem is he is a little fat.

I thought about having him put to sleep by the vet but other then him being a little overweight he's in good shape so the vet might be against it. I also can't like to a vet ether just to get him/her to put him to sleep.

I don't know what to do anymore. I can't afford Oprah Winfrey's fancy dog whisperer trainer.

11 Answers

  • ?
    Lv 5
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    seriously. look on Craigslist for a crate. I'm sure there's one there that you can afford ~ and if not ~ put a wanted ad for a used crate up.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    At 7 years old, he is not too old to train. It would be very unfair to have the dog put down just because he doesn't have ideal manners. That is not his fault. Dogs don't come trained. They need to be taught the rules of a household. Spend time working with him. Any dog can learn as long as the owner is willing to put in the time, effort and consistency required. So he tore up a screen and made a hole in the wall. Is that reason enough to take his life?

    There are private rescue organizations that would probably take him. You'd have to take him to a no-kill place. A dog will not starve themselves. Some will quit eating and drinking for a couple of days but when they get hungry and thirsty enough, they WILL eat and drink. So either take the time to work with him (it's not really that hard to teach a dog basic obedience) or surrender him to someone that is willing to take him and work on his problems.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    You haven't said what breed he is or how long you have been the owner? Do you take him out on 2-3 long walks per day? Is he socialised with other dogs? Have you done basic obedience? When is he "destroying" things? When you leave him on his own? Is this due to boredom or separation anxiety? How long has he been doing this sort of thing? Is it new behaviour or long term? Have you checked for any physical causes; pain or diseases?

    I don't understand how you can say you love the dog, then say you want him destroyed simply because he made a hole in the patio?

    What about house training etc. Is he fine with all that?

    You haven't given the details needed for any sort of useful help. Be more specific!

  • 1 decade ago

    So you don't want to give him to a shelter because you're afraid that he'll be put to sleep, yet you thought about putting him to sleep by the vet...... that makes no sense at all. Anyways that aside my dog has a similar problem that when he wants to be let in he paws at the screen on the door. (also did this to a window on our deck but that's been taken care of being blocked by a chair). Anyways there are metal gates you can put on your door to block the screen from the dog. I'd assume you could get it at lowes, home depot etc. I'm not sure where my parents got it.

    Otherwise, if you're going to put him to sleep by your vet bring him to the shelter at least give him a chance to be adopted. I'm sure there's training that could be done; maybe contact your local humane society and price it out. Otherwise I know they do mini seminars that aren't too bad.

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  • 1 decade ago

    You can afford a $60 euthanasia, but not a $60 dog crate?

    You don't have a bathroom or other room with a door that can be shut?

    Your dog needs structure, training, and much more mental and physical activity.

    Literally no dog is too old to train. Certain things are harder to work out with age, as the dog has been doing those behaviors for 7 years.

    You created this problem, it's your responsibility to fix it without murdering the dog you neglected to care for properly.

    Source(s): *I'm a real actual dog trainer.
  • 1 decade ago

    first of all, there are PLENTY of shelters that are "non-kill" shelters...please research ones in your area because that would be your best bet.

    and secondly, a vet would NEVER put an animal to sleep just because the owner couldn't take care of it anymore. There has to be some sort of pressing matter, like a horrible disease, cancer, etc that was causing the animal untold amounts of pain/suffering--putting your dog down just because he is overweight is a complete breach of ethics and is morally wrong.

    PLEASE, reconsider getting rid of your dog. he really doesn't know that what he is doing is wrong because clearly he was never trained

  • 1 decade ago

    You realise that getting him put down costs more than a dog crate. What a waste to even consider that instead of properly training him. There are plenty of websites devoted to DIY training, look one up.

    You took on the dog, take responsibility for it. If he is seven it is mean to give him up after all the time he has bonded with you.

  • Slug
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    a dog is never to old to train and though you say you dont have enough money to hire ceaser you could borrow the books from the library and educate yourself. he would eat if you were not there because he would be exercised and would be hungry, dogs dont believe in suicide.

    i think it would be better to hand him over to a shelter where he can get the training and possibly new home he needs, i would also deter you from buying a new dog because its not the dog its the trainer.

  • 1 decade ago

    Either take your dog for more physical activities (I would say from experience you dog is bored) or try and rehome him yourself through newspaper advertisements instead of dumping him at the pound if your that worried.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    exercise, discipline, and affection. Mainly the first 2. why did you get the dog in the first place, if you knew he would be hyper and would need a lot of care.

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