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Atheists and agnostics....any among you that are pro-life?

If so, please share your reasons for opposing abortion. Thanks.


Just to clarify, by pro-life I mean being opposed to abortion, or destruction of the fetus in the womb.

15 Answers

  • Favorite Answer

    I'm Agnostic and Pro-Life.

    I'm pro-life, but not in those cases where the life of the mother is in danger or the pregnancy resulted from rape.

    I think life is too precious to shut it off just like that. If a guy and a girl are not in a situation where they can afford to take care of children, then logic dictates that they should not fall in such a situation in the first place.

    If they did, they have to bear the consequences. Abortion to me seems the easy way out.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    I was certain against abortion as a form of contraception when I was an atheist. It has nothing to do with religion. It's a question of whether you think killing is wrong. Would it be wrong to kill a baby that is a year old? How about a month old? How about one that has just been born? How about killing one just minutes before it is born? Is it a baby at that point? I think a lot would say it was. How about a week before it is due or a month before. How far do you go back into pregnancy before a baby isn't a life?

    Just a bit of information: For those that say it is just a collection of cells or just another organ: The babies nervous system starts to develop from about 4 weeks. By 7 weeks the babies synapses are firing. At 14 weeks the baby can squint and frown.

    Just because a baby can't survive outside the mothers womb, it doesn't make it any less a baby. Put a new born baby down and leave it alone; will it survive? No. Does that mean a new born baby has no rights either. If the mother doesn't want it after it's born, should she have the right to terminate it?

    There are circumstances when abortion is necessary. An ectopic pregnancy is a classic example. However, most are just done as a form of contraception. No one forced the parents to have sex. If they can't cope with the responsibility of their actions they shouldn't do it. I don't think killing a child because it is inconvenient can be excused.

  • 1 decade ago

    I am relatively pro-life. This issue is definitely not black and white and there are many gray areas. Here is my stance on abortion, label me as you find appropriate.

    Abortion should NEVER be used as a contraceptive mean.

    If you get knocked up, you deal with the consequences.

    By all means, prevent a pregnancy.

    In cases of rape, abortion rights should be left to woman's choice.

    Abortions should never be made illegal because women will have them anyway, but by more dangerous unsanitary ways.

    If you are going to have an abortion, I believe it should be as early as possible and definitely not after the point where the fetus has developed higher brain functions (49 days after conception)

    And at all times it is human, just how much of a person is it?

    Adoption is a much better option in my opinion.

  • Eric
    Lv 5
    1 decade ago

    I am pro-life (to an extent) because I think that after the first trimester, the fetus is a full human with the rights of a full human.

    I also think that abortion is justified in the event that:

    - The mother's life is endangered by the pregnancy or birth process.

    - The mother is a child herself.

    - The fetus was conceived by rape or incest.

    - Secular Humanist

  • I am a pro-life atheist.

    "please share your reasons for opposing abortion"

    Are you serious?

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    I am an atheist who follows the religion of Jainism, and as part of our religion we vow to avoid committing violence in either thought or action. Clearly, abortion is an act of violence committed against another living thing (whether it is legally a person or not, it is indisputably alive).

    However, another part of my religion is understanding and respecting differing points of view, which is why I do not agitate against abortion laws, despite my personal opposition to the practice.

    Peace and blessings :)

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    I'm not, but my thoroughly atheist buddy is.

    His premise is that it is damaging to the species to terminate life that does not have a chance to prove its genetic value to us, and adoption IS an option.

    There's more detail than that, but that's the gist of it.

  • 1 decade ago

    Ok, to me the human right to life is self-evident. I'm strongly pro-life although I obviously disagree with some religious premises.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    I'm very pro-life, which is why I personally would not get an abortion.

    I'm pro-choice because I acknowledge that I don't have the right to make that decision for anyone else.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    your catholic? am I right ..

    how about all the unborn foetus destructed in the flood. you applaud by that act of barbarism.

    to answer your question, I do kinda feel late abortions are a bit iffy to say the least.

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