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my ATM was left in the machine....?

I went back an hour later and the reciepet was still hanging so no one else used it. but the card was missing.....did the ATM eat it?

3 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    ATM's are programmed to suck a card in after about 30 seconds of a transaction being completed. It is possible that this is the case or someone picked it up. Check your account balance over the phone or online to see if you have any activity on the card that isn't yours. Many banks will not give you your card back and will tell you the machine shredded it or that it's been shredded. More than likely the tellers did the shredding.

    Source(s): work for a bank
  • 1 decade ago

    Often times you can contact the bank in which the ATM belongs to. It may take a couple days but they will keep it for you. However, if you failed to sign the back of the card you might as well kiss it goodbye because they will shred it if you didn't.

    Source(s): Experience
  • 1 decade ago

    Could be, or someone might have picked it up - either way, I'd suggest calling your bank and canceling the card ASAP!

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