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Does spirituality require you to detach from worldly affairs or to have deeper involvement into it?



Plz answer in view of the fact that most of the spiritual gurus/ leaders detached totally or partially from the world.


13 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    I think at some depth of spirituality detachment and involvement loose their meanings and just living the life counts more at that point.

  • Friend,

    According to SANATANA DHARMA (Hinduism) The Rishis (highly knowledgeable and powerful people, who dwell always in HIM) they always gve TOP PREFERENCE TO GRIHASTA AASRAMA, THAT IS A MARRIED TO A GENTLE WIFE).

    AGASTYA RISHI IS MARRIED TO TH famous paraa shakti devotee , srimati Lopaamudra.Koushika is married to Ahalya.So also other famous rishis.They never neglected.

    actually out of the four Aasramaas 1.Brahmacharya aasrama 2.Gtuhasta aashrama, 3Sannyaasa aashrama and

    4.Vaannapastha aasrama.

    Among all the four aashramas the Grihasta aashrama is considered the best and important.Because it is grihasta that is responsible for the sustenance of both Brahmacharya aashrama and Sannyaasa aashrama.

    To those who are pursuing the higher goals in spirituality, need not neglect family.





  • Ganesh
    Lv 4
    1 decade ago

    It is only through deeper involvement into worldly affairs do you realize the need for detachment. As far as spirituality is concerned it needs neither of the two.

  • 1 decade ago

    Spirituality does not require an unnatural way of life. It is a great mistake to think that spirituality is for those who get detached from their family and social life. In fact it is possible to balance spiritual life with material life. And in the course of time a person will realize that spiritual life can enhance his/her social life also. Gurus need to provide all of their time to spirituality so most of them are detached but there are Gurus who balance both the aspects of life. With deep insight and experience you will realize that material life also have spiritual elements. :)

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  • 1 decade ago

    Detachment is more a state of mind than a physical act.A karma yogi is trained to remain detached while totally immersed in the worldly affairs.Therefore,we have a choice and follow it.

  • 1 decade ago

    No, it means you are no longer totally consumed by the affairs of this world but you are still interested, involved and active in the affairs of this world. It bring you to a higher understanding of what is going on around you. You become able to see and understand more than just what the physical eyes can see and the physical ears can hear.

  • Shiv
    Lv 5
    1 decade ago

    It does not required detachment physically.

    But attachment causes wastage of time as well as disturbance in the peace of MANN, when one is on the path of God.

    Gita has explained it very clearly.

    You can do all the acts physically, but don't get involve in them, nor you consider the world and physical things as your own. Even don't consider all the acts done by you, as your acts / deeds.

    Simple in saying, but really not easy in practical.

    It can happen only with the grace of Shri - Shiv / Shakti / Vishnu.

    Aum Namah Shivay

  • 1 decade ago

    The involvement of the body of Christ in world affairs, is not to be entangled with the affairs of the world, but rather stay true to God through the law of Christ. What ever head ship a christian might find him or her self under in regards to job, gov position, whatever profession it might be, living the law of Christ unto the Father is our pulse in worship. The scripture says that the servant of the Lord is not to be entangled with the affairs (concerns, business) of this world. I believe we are not to depend on any strengths apart from the Lord's Ephesians6:10- in our dealings with world affairs, but we are to have the mind of the Lord in dealing with it, Phippians 2:5-, 1 Corinthians 9: 19-23

  • we're right here, right now.

    staying detached from the world would imply an existence that is in no way, shape, or form affected by the world. that's impossible.

    spirituality is enjoying life...down to the most minute thing. but at the same time realizing what matters and what really isn't that important.

  • It depends on whom you ask I think. In Taoism we may participate in the world, but not too much. Our first priority is to be in harmony with the cosmos (whatever that means). I believe it means to act judiciously in all areas. Moderation, the cultivation of virtue, love of peace, truth, justice, compassion and so on. In the Christian faith we are supposed to be ready and willing to help our neighbor, assist the poor, help the orphans and widows of the world. We are supposed to actively promote our faith and spread the word of the gospel. In Islam we are supposed to help the widows and the orphans, and the poor. We are supposed to aggressively spread Islam (from my understanding of it). But I can tell you that in Christianity the Bible definitely says not to love the material world. The spiritual aspect of existence is much more valuable and worthy of our attention and affection. Things of the flesh pass away, while the things of the spirit last eternally. Obviously, virtue should always come before vice. Compassion, charity, love and forgiveness are far more worthy of our attention than material gain, power, or status among men.

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