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Did Iranian election change you?


It has changed me a lot. I am not the same person anymore...I do not hold the same beliefs anymore...Not sure yet if that is good or bad...but the change is there and can not be undone.

How about you?

Update 2:

Thanks Eartha:-)

Update 3:

@majid: That is exactly how l feel. As to next time voting...our votes do not count anyway. Iran is not a democracy where votes are counted and accounted for. It is a theocratical is a police state:-(

16 Answers

  • Majid
    Lv 5
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    It Changed me too, My Beliefs , My Heroes And My Thoughts For the Future ! All Of Them Have Changed ! I Can't Trust Anyone Anymore ,

    And I'm Not Gonna Vote Again ever !!! And I'm Not Going to be Hopeful About My Country's Future Like I Was Before The Election !

    All Of Them Are Ruined Now !


    @ Glow : Exactly !

    Source(s): Where Is My Vote ?!!!!
  • 1 decade ago

    No, I am the same. But I am not Persian. Also, I remember the early years after the Revolution. I remember seeing the yellow ribbons on the trees as a kid during the hostage crisis. I think that is where my fascination with the Middle East began. I have Been studying the Middle East for years. In Fact I lived there for some time, though not in iran. I have held the belief for years now that the Iranian theocracy is a direct backlash to the CIA's overthrowing of the democratically Mossadeq in 1953. My heart goes out to the persian people for what they have had to endure, as well as what they must endure in the future, to gain the kinds of liberties that all people deserve. It will get worse before it gets better.

  • 1 decade ago

    it changed my believes a lot, and yes I was surprised that the Iranian Gov. went this far with it's own people publicly after 30 years of supporting it ..... and the funniest part is they still think the same, (lets blame the British, are stupid people will believe that, there are on board for everything we say), they are just obsolete.

    and to be honest, I really didn't new how Iranian people were thinking about their Gov. I thought they were all on board with whatever the Gov. say and do, specially the supreme leader, but now I know better

    I hope for Iran to get rid of these ideas and revolutionaries as soon as possible and become again the paradise of earth as it was before the bloody revolution started 30 years ago.

    Edit: @observation

    thank you for this information, I didn't know, Iran was and still one of the richest places on earth with its nature, there are very few spots in the world having what Iran has

  • Amir
    Lv 6
    1 decade ago

    Just a little!

    I always "thought" that if we want a change in management (at any level), first of all we must make sure that it is towards improvement; secondly, it must be very slowly and gradually, so that the transition does not negatively affect the ordinary people inside the system; and thirdly, it must be very calm and logic-based in a way that the guys at the top of the organisation do not resist the change, and react negatively towards it.

    Now, I am "sure" that I was right!

    @ Eartha: Thank you very much :) I am very glad and honoured to know you and other people here too.

    Source(s): I sometimes wonder!
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  • 1 decade ago

    Well i've always known that if there will ever be a change in Iran's government, it wouldn't be without bloodshed. now my suspiciouns are confirmed.

    I feel very sad that people of my country, have to go through so much to just get to have their say. it has changed me emotionally. I pray for the day that Iran can have her Freedom back.

  • 1 decade ago

    I feel like I aged a few weeks since the election!

    I think eventually good things will happen in Iran. I think there will be more freedom and democracy there.

  • 1 decade ago

    Me myself? Yeah, someways. Good question though. I should answer you after some deep thinking. But our society in general --all over the world-- has changed a lot. I witnessed a NEW Iran was born, really.

    To Waleed: Did you know the word "paradise" came from the Persian word "pardis"?

    Source(s): observation
  • Saj
    Lv 5
    1 decade ago

    Yes my beliefs changed alot.

    First: I'm completely sure God is helping them too, for god sakes look in the middle of the movement michael jackson died and all the world media went that way.

    Second: Just before 18th of tir a damm dust storm covered the whole place and gave a good excuse for them to announce a dust storm holiday and alot of people left the cities.

    If I'm wrong please correct me , It's Important for me, I'm not an unbeliver, i belive in God, he is the greatest.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    It changed me very much. It made me think for a start how willing we are in my society to whine, but how unwilling we are to put ourselves in danger for what we believe in.

    And it brought me to know people like you and Morteza and Amir....and I will always be enriched by the things I have learned from you.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    not really, but it shown me that there is a lot of corruption, and that there are many brave people willing to stand up against evil for there rights.

    I accidentally saw the Neda video where she was shot, that was one of the horribles things ive ever seen, i think watching that did change me, because it reminded me that we can all die, and we are all going to die, and i shouldn't take things for granted.

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