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Curt J
Lv 7
Curt J asked in Politics & GovernmentPolitics · 1 decade ago

Please! Why is it that when Palin says?

you can see Russia from parts of Alaska, she's called dumb, but when Obama states we have 57 States, it's "Just an honest mistake", or "A slip of the tongue"?

I'm really interested in how liberals can condemn one, yet defend the other.


Heretic: At least you answer honestly, which is more than can be said for some of the other "Answers".

Update 2:

Bailed: I'm not looking for pass/fail, only honest answers. So, I guess it would be fair to say that YOU failed.

Update 3:

Conservatives: To be scrupulously fair, Palin did in fact, say that you can see Russia from certain places in Alaska. I heard her bring that up when she was answering several other questions.

Update 4:

american...: You make my point completely. I your eyes Obama is infallable, yet Palin can do nothing BUT fail. And you call Conservatives losers, sad.

Update 5:

Fred K: Why do I have to read about Obama claiming we have 57 States, when it was reported on national TV. And I did say that Palin stated, again on TV, that Russia CAN be seen from certain points in Alaska. I rest MY case and you need to be more observant.

Update 6:

Kierphe: How does my simple question lack perspective? It's a question for Gods sake, not some pronouncement from on high. If anyone needs to gain perspective, it seems to be YOU!

Update 7:

Countryf...: From the mouths of babes....

Update 8:

Culture Vulture: I naver made any assertions about weather or not Palin is right, only asked why you on the left defend everything Obama says, yet fault everything Palin says. If anyone out here is defensive, it's the Demolemmings.

As for me needing to be laid. Are you volunteering?

Update 9:

To all responders: Thanks for the wide variety of input. It's interesting how the most innocuous questions can garner such a variety of responses. I'm going to have a very hard time deciding on a 'Best' answer. Don't worry Libs, I don't always choose the ones who agree with me, but do choose the best arguement/discussion provided.

27 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Obviously the double standard is hard at work. If Sarah were a democrat

    she would be queen of the hill, but alas and thankfully, She's a Republican. Democrats couldn't take anyone as honest and straightforward as the Beautiful Sarah. What we (democrats) don't understand or agree with we marginalize. We are so good at it, we have elevated it to an art form. With the help of the media we can demoralize and delegate anyone to the ash can of political history.

  • 1 decade ago

    Obama didn't say we had 57 states, he said he had been to that many. The reason no one condemns him for saying it is because it was obvious that he meant 47. He was also well-respected at the time; he wasn't a no-name politician who was trying to run for president, so people knew that someone like him wouldn't think that there were 60 states.

    Palin on the other hand WAS a no-name politician trying to run for VICE PRESIDENT. People were in disbelief that someone who would be in second in command of their country would say such a thing. A mean really, what else could she have been trying to say?

    What it comes down to is that Obama was highly-respected and made an obvious slip-up. Palin was not respected at all and said something that by no means could be claimed as a mistake.

  • ?
    Lv 4
    1 decade ago

    1) Your assumption that it's "the same people saying both" is flawed.

    2) It's pretty safe to assume that a US senator knew how many states there were in the US, whereas the Palin "quote" most people refer to is a Tina Fey joke from SNL. However, Palin DID imply that she had foreign policy experience because of Alaska's close proximity to Russia, which is not an easily supportable assertion.

    Summary: You need perspective badly.

    Source(s): Side note: I love how this forum is full of reactionary, neocon trolls. The left is largely complacent because of how far the right has fallen.. leaving sane/disillusioned moderates here with the far-right crazies. Fun times.
  • Frog
    Lv 4
    1 decade ago

    Palin has made more than that one boo-boo... in fact, its fair to say that she hasn't had an interview where she HASN"T made a blatant display of her ignorance. She does not understand world affairs, or the fundamental workings of the federal government. Its as simple as that.

    You can't put lipstick on a pig, blame the "gotcha media" and expect that to work forever. And choosing her raised serious doubts about McCain's judgment. If you are republican, then the best thing for you is for her to go away...

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    What does it say about liberals when they believe Tina Fey is Sarah Palin? It is no wonder why Obama got elected by these nitwits.

    I have never seen a more uninformed and misguided group as today's Libbies. In particular, the young have grown up in the "Information Age", yet know the least of any generation I have ever known. (I apologize in advance to those young people who are actually informed and possess some degree of common sense, unlike their Liberal peers).

    How sad indeed.

  • Bob
    Lv 5
    1 decade ago

    Context. Palin can't name the newspapers and magazines she reads, but Obama is seemingly a renaissance man.

  • 1 decade ago

    Because when Obama made the slip about the states he was tired after campaigning and admitted it was a dumb mistake on his part. Palin was serious when she said her foreign policy experience consisted of being able to see Russia from her state. It wasn't a slip, she never said it was a stupid thing to say because she really is that dumb. When in actuality she has never seen Russia from Alaska, it can only be seen from a small island called Little Diomede, 550 miles from Palin's home town and no Alaskan governor has ever visited this Alaskan island.

    Watch this really funny spoof of Sarah Palin, Fey's impersonation got a whole lot better:

    and this one, of course the real Palin would never say that gave her foreign policy experience!!

  • 1 decade ago

    The Palin can do no wrong in your eyes, is that what you're saying?

    She exploits her children, believes the earth is 6000 years old, promotes abstinence only sex education which has been proven to be irresponsible by HER OWN DAUGHTER and you still think she's better than Obama?

    You must really need to get laid.

  • 1 decade ago

    Most Libs can't think anything through. Obama was correct, his people have 57 Muslim states. Libs just have a tendency to rant and bash when they are asked a pertinent question. Keep watching the answers on YA, they can't rationally answer a tough question.

  • ?
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    and one is true, the other is not. Unless you count the 57 states of the OIC.

    I guess they don't know the difference between Tina Fey and Sarah Palin.

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