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How can we clean our thoughts?

I know about cleaning mind but how it is possible to clean our thoughts


Yahoo had chosen laundry and cleaning category

Update 2:

thanks to all who have made me laugh

25 Answers

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Garbage in - garbage out. Think about it. If you get sucked in to the conformity of this world and society, your brain will retain the crap you allow in and your thoughts will go wherever they please. For example, watching TV. There is SO much crap on TV that our brain absorbs, it is no wonder that kids have no hope anymore. They spend more time watching TV than anyone else.

    However, if your thoughts are genuinely focused on: whatever is true, noble, right, pure, lovely, admirable, excellent or praiseworthy and put them into practise, your thoughts will be "clean".

    ps. thanks for the laugh about Yahoo wanting to put this question in the laundry and cleaning category!

  • 1 decade ago

    While humour is good, for such question of vital import, it would be better to deeply ponder over the matter and answer, so that not only the asker of the question, but also all readers benefit.

    To answer the question, a little background information is needed. "Chitta Shuddhi" has been an important aspect of great masters of this nation for several centuries.In the I century A.D. itself, Saint TiruvaLLuvar, has penned in TirukkuraL, as:

    "ManattukkaN masilan aadal anaithu aRan,

    aahula neera piRa."

    = The singular feature of a righteous conduct of life, is to have a mind clear of all pollutions; the rest are addenda only.

    However, no methodology has been suggested by him.Seers from different parts of India, in mystic fervour have advocated the path of devotion as the apt means to achieve the ends of 'liberation'.

    Adi Shankaracharya, in his Bhaja Govindam, (aka charpata panjarika), has provided a practicable methodogy.

    "Satsanghatve nissanghatvam, nissanghatve nirmohatvam;

    nirmohatve nischala tattvam, nischala tattve jeevan muktiH."

    = In the company of the saintly personalities, one can fine tune oneself of the higher goals (by clearing the cobwebs) to attain a state of cultivated solitude which will lead to a desireless state; from there shall emanate an unwavering approach (of a unified field of realisation that every being is an integral and inseparable part of the Whole and that microcosm and the cosmos are one) of integral calculus. This would enable one to attain liberation from the bondage.

    My exoteric explanation of the verse doesn't even touch the fringe of the esoteric aspects.

    As is well-known in students of Indian philosophy, the stultifying factors are called 'ari shad varga' the species of the six internal foes (which one has to fight and overpower and sublimate), Kaama, Krodha, Lobha, Moha, Mada, Maatsarya. The first two are of greater import that they encompass the other four too. Thus a ritualistic cleansing by analysis of sins during the year past and resolve to overcome the two, is prescribed in the scripture, on the Sravan PoorNima day. The mantra of Atharva Veda "Kaamokaarsheen namo namaH" is recited with fervour by all irrespective of one's Vedic lineage.

    In modern terminology, it would involve, introspection, self-criticism, self analysis and auto-suggestion.

  • 1 decade ago

    Take a broom called stark honesty, and sweep the clogged dust by examining what needs to go if you are to have any peace. Negetive thoughts, as to why they are there and how can you turn them into positive ones, or just learn one thing that it is only you who has the power to make you happy or sad, that it does not depend on others comments or presence. When you can do tha, there will be no negetivety in your life, and you wll learn to see the brightside and the darkside and make a delibrate choice to be happy.

  • jt
    Lv 5
    1 decade ago

    Self Critical Analysis and try not to dwell on negative thoughts. Then proceed to think about something positive. One will always have negative thoughts, it is just a matter of not dwelling on it. It may sound too simple. That is why it works.

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  • only by, step by step.

    first step is, clean your thoughts in finding fault with a machine which gives us platform to communicate and share our views free of cost.

    remaining steps nicely detailed by kcsadvocate.

    May I know about cleaning mind from you.

  • 1 decade ago

    Ohhhhhh my dear.....

    Sorry....I can not even grab a "clear thought" right now, because I am watching the Michael Jackson memorial LIVE from L.A. on CNN and it's touching me to tears....when I just saw the casket brought in...and the choir sang "We're going to see the king".... it is soooooooo amazing.... and touching my heart & that I can not even "think straight"......

    so let me watch the spectacular event...a zillion of people around the WORLD are seeing at this minute....and I can not spend it at Y/A.....sorry....but this is ONE in a lifetime event....---Send you my LOVE***

  • 1 decade ago

    The Holy Bible says, 2 Corinthians 10:5 "Casting down imaginations, and every high thing that exalteth itself against the knowledge of God, and bringing into captivity every thought to the obedience of Christ."

    This means, in my opinion, we can and should examine our thought life. Our prideful and lofty imaginations that go against the knowledge and teachings of Christ.

  • knz
    Lv 5
    1 decade ago

    it cannot be clean for long.

    bcz the next thought is 'waiting eagerly' to replace the clean one !

  • 1 decade ago

    By self-introspection.

  • 1 decade ago

    1 pray for God to help you change they way you think

    #2 fill your mind with positive thoughts (loving , caring, kindness)

    #3 when faced with an unclean or negative thought, pray again that God will give you something else to think about.

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