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moved back in with parents been here 5 months going crazy pretty long?

In Feb. my husband myself and our 2 dogs moved into my parent's house to save up to buy a house and they're basically driving me crazy! I'm constintally getting yelled out by my parents about my smaller dog becasue whenever my brother is around she'll bark at him and she barks at him because he likes to chase her around the house and scares her (he's not a kid either he's 24) so i get yelled at to "Shut that dog up!" at least 5x a day yes it's my parent's house and I respect that but they're having financial issues so my husband pays the rent and buys the groceries they pay the electricity and water sattelite and internet. My husband works nights and I wait up for him when he gets home so we hang out watch tv play video games and so on he gets home around 2am so we'll get to bed around 4am meaning we don't wake up until noon or 1pm so then every day i hear about time you woke up and so forth. I had moved out on my own well except with my husband the past 4 years and moving back in sucks! When we go out on the weekend my mom will stay up at night until we get home yea granted she's not tellin us what time to get home but she'll ask me when are you getting home and so forth, my reasoning behind it is cuz she's just being a mom, but it's still annoying to hear where did u go did you go out drinking and so forth. Now my older dog my guess is she's feeling the stress from me so the past month she's been having food aggression issues with their dog and two cats she won't let them get near me if I'm eating she'll bark and snap at them. Not if she's eating if I'm eating. So the other day my dad tugged her fron the back of her neck really hard and made her cry and hide under the couch after she snapped at their dog. Which I know she shouldn't have snapped but it still really pissed me off. Then it's having to hear my mom every day complain about my dad not finding work and i don't know where I'm going to get money from to pay this bill and such and I've told her if u need money let me know and I'll give it to you it's not a big deal, but every single day then she'll say maybe i'll look for a second job from 3pm-midnight and blah blah blah but never does and she knows she doesn't have to. I've told her i really don't want to hear about your financial issues and issue with my dad i have my own issues to deal with i don't need to be thinking about yours. It's worse now because it's summer so I'm not in school or work (i work at a school and so does she so everyone is home all day everyday but my husband and brother) My dad hasn't worked in 3 years because he can't find a job my mom and myself work at the same school so we're out for summer and I'm in colleget too but it's summer so I'm here with the two of them all day. I've told my husband I'm going crazy here and he'll tell me just a few more months because a bank wants to see 3 months reserve and so forth so he's planning on moving us out in January or so but he doesn't really see how it's driving me crazy because we'll wake up at like 1pm and he leaves for work at 330pm and gets home once everyone is alseep. So my question is after that long novel haha is How can I either 1. talk to my parents in a way that they won't take it the wrong way that they're driving me crazy and yes I am living in their home but I'm also paying for all food and rent so don't treat me like I'm 16 or talk to my husband about moving out because they're driving me crazy. And moving out and renting isn't an option because he doesn't want to rent anymore he wants to buy something but we're still about 6k off from where we kind of need to be to buy something decent and get a loan for that's why he wants to wait another 6 months to move out.

3 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    it's just my opinion and putting myself in your shoes,i guess it would be better if you not say anything about how everything makes you crazy.just be patient and before you know it you're on your own again.time flies fast,just wait a little more.and since you're the one who's living with them,it's you who should try to get along well with them,and not the other way around,even if it kills have no say in the matter because it's their house and they can do anything they want to.yes parents are like that,they want you to be exactly like them,that's why they're being hard on you.but it's hard to do,right?you're your own matter how old we are,our parents will always treat us like we're an 11-yr old child.if you want to save up,just extend your patience.

  • Anonymous
    5 years ago

    Wow and people say my mum is crazy! Wow her parents have a lot of problems, the obviously don't trust there daughter, she 18! For gods sake, im sure she is able to look after her self and decided who she can and can't speak to or hang out with, I think ur a great guy for still sticking around for her, it just shows how much you care. If she can work up the guts to open up to her parents and explain how they are making her life hard, and she doesn't feel trusted then you should see what happens if not, just wait it out, she will just snap and leave... Im 16 and my bf is 19..(20 in december) I've known him for almost 6 years now, we have always been close, he's my brothers best friend, and we decided now that im 16 we can go serious. My mum was fine with everything, I then fell pregnant, she was happy about that too.. Until my nana blabed into her head, my mum had me pined to the wall saying that im going to get an abortion, im going back to school and she's going to get my bf charged (which he can't we already checked) I was locked inside my own house for a week I couldn't even go out the backyard,and all the keys where locked away I spoke to her (after screaming my head off) And now its all worked out She now relizes how much we love eachother and how much this baby means. Me and my bf are still together, and im 8weeks pregnant and keeping the baby. Its hard I know... But im sure you and your gf will get through it just stay strong for her.. Xx

  • 1 decade ago

    Wow some paragraphing would be nice for my old eyes. It's physically impossible for me to read that.

    I think that moving back in with your parents was a bad idea. Period.

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