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Anonymous asked in Politics & GovernmentMilitary · 1 decade ago

Navy, Marines, or Air Force?

I have searched up and down each of their websites to see which I would like to do more. For the past three weeks or so, I've been set on Navy, but then I read some more into the Marines and the Air Force and I'm really torn. So, I decided to come ask for a bit of help.

Here's some information about me: I'm 6'3", 210 lbs, and 19 years old. I am currently attending college, studying political science. Why am I leaving to enlist? I have a lot of reasons, but the most important one is that I feel that the military will be a learning experience for me that will teach me more than any college classroom could. I missed the boat for ROTC, sadly, so I want to go the enlisted route and (hopefully, maybe, someday) grab a spot in an enlisted-to-officer program.

Now, here's what draws me, in all honesty to each branch:


-Grandmother was a Navy nurse

-I love the ocean and the thought of serving on big boats

-World travel


-The espirit de corps, the crisp uniforms, the history and respect that comes with being a Marine

-Willing to deploy and fight for my country

-Desire to test my mental capacity and strengthen my physical capacity

Air Force:

-Grew up next to an Air Force Base and loved seeing the big planes, even the relics in the plane graveyard

-Gain the technical and electronic expertise that USAF offers

-Have friends and a sibling who have Airmen for fathers

I like all the branches, and I can see myself in each. I'd like to know which one you, whoever you are that reads this, would recommend for me. I'll consider all well thought-out suggestions. Thank you.


@ y:

Oh, man, I've got work to do on my physical shape. I'm nowhere near "excellent." I can run a mile in 10 minutes, and that uses up all my juice right now. I'm gassed after that. Whichever service I end up with, I'll be going to my DEP meetings and religiously busting my butt to stay on course with whatever PT my recruiter gives me. Also, I'm not transfixed by special warfare for some reason.

13 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    You will of course ultimately make up your own mind.

    I strongly suggest you research each branch more before deciding.

    The Navy will indeed get you haze grey and underway if you stay in long enough. Being aboard is no picnic. You miss so much of family life. not to mention the living conditions are atrocious, and I admire and respect those sailors that are doing that thing as I write this.

    The travel was amazing.

    While I have opinions about the other branches I'll reserve my comments only to the Navy.

    Be cool with war, death of friends, foes, and innocents, because each military member contributes their part, no matter how insignificant it may seem. Know that.

    I thank you for being willing to stand the watch.

  • 1 decade ago

    `I'm a bit bias, being in the Navy, but I have had the pleasure of working with the other two branches closely. All the points you made are valid, however, let me clarify some for you. The Marines are only respected because of the title, not because they are some elite force. Some services say "The smart ones join the Navy, the ones with a criminal record join the Army, the pretty ones join the Air Force, and the stupid ones join the Marines. All the rest that give up join the Coast Guard." There are always exceptions to the rule but I feel this statement has some truth to it. All services get initial schooling in their specialties together. I got my initial training in FL with all Five branches in my class.

    The Navy actually deploys more than the Marines do, but, the Army deploys the most. You will have to be an officer to fly any of the planes in the Air Force. You will not always be out to sea in the Navy.

    I'm not trying to persuade you one way or another, just giving you some insight from a Service Member.

  • Anonymous
    5 years ago

    Ok so if you know your choice, why ask? Really it would all depend on the person's preference. Like with the Navy, you'd better like the water and spending time away alot. Marines, from what I know about them they can be very hard core, carry out alot of special missions. Air Force, that would be my choice. They have a higher standard of living apparently when compared to the Army. They also have some of the shorter deployments. The Army has started to have much longer deployments. Each branch offers alot of the same jobs, while also offering training that differs from the other. Only certain jobs can be found in certain branches. It all boils down to a matter of preference. Rethinking your question however, what is it you are really asking?

  • Rob G
    Lv 4
    1 decade ago


    Well asked question! Unfortunately none of us can answer it for you. As you can see everyone is as torn as you are. The big question is what job do you want to do? If it has anything to do with medical services than you don't want the Marines. For anything else it is a pick based on which branch you would be proudest to serve with. The rest of us can give you our stereotypes but at the end of the day you have a gut feeling about the one you like best. You will deploy no matter which branch you get into, and all of the branches have some really smart folks and their 10% of knuckledraggers who give them a bad name.

    If you look back at your question and what you listed about why you wanted to join I would tell you to go Marines. It is the only one you were picking for sheer pride and desire to excel. The other ones were because you knew someone else who had done it and it probably seems "more comfortable."

    Push yourself physically and mentally by joining the Marines!

    As president Reagan once said “Some people wonder all their lives if they've made a difference. The Marines don't have that problem.”

    Semper Fi

    Source(s): 24 years active duty Marine
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  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Picking your branch is a tough choice. For years I was set on the AF Academy then did research and was like Naval Academy then after more research I was like I'm gonna enlist in the Marine Corps. I like you have been in college tried the officer route but I hated it. You just gotta do what you feel is right. Yes every service has those stereotypes but you just gotta what you gotta do. I know a lot of Navy dude and most of them are really laid back while Marines are the go getters and always on the move. AF I can't really help you with but the airmen I've known have been chill. But also think about what job you want and that can influence you a lot too. Good Luck

    Source(s): My life
  • 1 decade ago

    Marines all the way babydoll. My brother is about to leave in August for boot camp and has never been happier. If you enlist in the Air Force you will be mainly in the air all the time. In the Navy you are on water. But in the Marines they go by air, land and sea. Not just one but all three. The Marines surely will test you mentally, physically, and emotionally but in the end you will come out knowing exactly who you are and your capabilities as a person. Good luck with your decision and you will make the right one for YOU no matter which direction you choose to go.

  • Bubba
    Lv 5
    1 decade ago

    Well if you really really want to serve the U.S. and you think you are in excellant enough shape, I think the Navy SEALS is the best of the best and you are really serving and you have to keep it all a secret from everyone you know.

    The marines would be cool too, but just yesterday a man that is a good friend of my dad was talking about what the marines were like. One bit of advice that Ive heard from several people is during boot camp, you want to be a leader of your squad or whatever. It makes everything a lot easier or nicer or something. Ive never been in any, cus im only 15

  • 1 decade ago

    I'm as biased as the others but what drew me to the Air Force was being able to travel (I hate boats but they do go everywhere), good educational and financial benefits, and lighter deployments. I didn't really like the Navy's multiple uniforms (I've seen 5 different types in my 6 months in the AF) and didn't have the physical capacity for the Marines (1.5 mi. in 12:00 was pushing it for me). I have no regrets about my choice, I'm getting stationed in Japan for the next two years.

  • ?
    Lv 4
    1 decade ago

    Air Force...of course I'm a little bias. It's got the best standard of living out of all the military branches and the quality of life even on deployments is pretty good.

    Source(s): 23 years active duty Air Force...and counting; last 4 as a First Sergeant
  • 1 decade ago

    when my son decided to join he not only talk to recruiters, he also talked to as many people he could who were in all branches of the military. taking the practice ASVAB test also helped him to decide. he is on his 2nd deployment to iraq as a MARINE! i should also mention that regardless of what some may say he is actually very smart. i'm sure all branches has its pros & cons. just do your research & make sure you go with the one that will suite you best. good luck & if you do decide to go with the navy thats ok. the marines don't discriminate thay rescue everybody.

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