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Fast internet connection?

I have an AT&T DSL connection that says it's the second fastest, but it still kills me when I play online FPS since I lag so much. It says download speeds are about 3MBPS, but I get 245KBPS.... I'm willing to pay $200-300 a week/month for a faster internet connection, but I don't know where to start since every time I search something like this, it's always a video on how fast their internet is faster than mine.

3 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    1. You can update your network card drivers

    2. you can buy the best network card for gaming

    3. Make sure ur turn off and p2p software like bitorrent or kazza

    Let me know if any of those work. There's more aswell. The speed you have is fine for gaming as long as your not hosting games

    Source(s): http;//
  • 1 decade ago

    Get a Dedicated T1 line. if you have that money to spend like you say you do....Dedicated T1 will not disappoint you.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    i use bell sympatico

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