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Are middle students really all that?

When kids from elementary move onto middle school they instantly think they are above everyone. Especially with the 7th and 8th graders since they think they already adults. Its not just in my area, its in most areas. They are rude and very judgmental. Why is that?

10 Answers

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Haha yeah kinda.

    Except my middle schools are grade 5, 6, 7, 8 and 9.

    High school is 10, 11 and 12.

    And yeah, I was in grade 8 last school year, and the grade 9's definetly had a big ego, thinking they were 20x older than us, even the grade 8's and we're basically the same as as them.

    It's just what you do when youre older than everybody I guess haha.

  • Well, I'm over in Australia, and I know exactly what you're talking about. Before I answer, let me just give you a bit of a background so you don't get confused. Your middle school, junior high, and senior high (I'm assuming you're in America/Canada?) are all combined into what we call high school. Weird, eh? So, years/grades 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, and 12 are all in the one school.

    Now, to my answer!


    I believe it's because they've just been the bosses of their primary school, and they are probably now teens (the average age for entry of year 7 is 13 years old).

    You know how much the media hypes it up, like, "OMG, I'm like, totally a bitchin' teen now!" (female) and, "Teen. *Grunts*." (male).

    So they're playing up to a stereo type.

    And, also, remember your first day of year 7? When you walked into the school, and you saw those huge buildings, and the gorgeous girls and the hanking guys? Maybe some people were even making out.

    Then it dawned on you that this was SERIOUS BUSINESS, and then you saw everyone staring at YOU, and they knew you were a sevvie, and you knew they knew, and it made you feel so small.

    So you acted out to pretend you didn't care, to be a bigger part of ALL THAT.

    People treated you like **** because you were a sevvie, with all the stigma attached to being a sevvie, and you acted back because you were hurt and defiant, and didn't know how to show that you just wanted to belong. So the vicious cycle continued.

    You had something to prove, you wanted to show the world you belonged, and that, yes, you *were* "all that".


    You finally look back, and say, "Thank GOD, I'm not a Year 7 anymore!"

    After a year of humiliation and hate from the rest of the school, they think they're just awesome now, and treat the sevvies with hate and shun them because they never want that to happen to them again.

    The rest of the school thinks that they're just ****** up because they're so close to being sevvies, so they try to put them in their place. The year 8s do what they did as sevvies - act out, retaliate - although it may be more or less viciously.

    And that's why, in my opinion, 7s and 8s think they're all that.

    Hope this helps!

  • 1 decade ago

    I hate to be the one to say this, but that is unbelievably prejudice. What are you going by? Do you work at a middle school?

    I am in 7th grade, going into 8th grade. Yes, some kids are very obnoxious. I witness this first hand, every single day I go to school. However, that seems to be all that people care about. They don't bother to realize that 80% of them aren't stuck brats who are "rude and very judgmental".

    Everybody's judgmental. Aren't you judging middle schools right now, by asking this question?

  • HHC
    Lv 5
    1 decade ago

    that's the time most people try to bring an attitude, sometimes very mean. and that's the time when people get affected very easily. high school students are more mature in that way and elementary just don't seem a big deal.

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  • 1 decade ago

    I used to think that too. But once you hit middle school its all normal its not like that in all areas. At my school sometimes everyone is friends with everyone in different grades. It's like that because they think if there older than you there better than you and more mature sometimes there truly not.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    I know what you mean, but I don't have an explanation. It's probably a combination of puberty hormones and starting to have more independence (12 or 13 is when people stop thinking of them as little children).

  • 1 decade ago

    Well, I'm going to 7th grade, and I'm not sure how old you are, but I know that we are NOT judgemental and most don't think that they are all that. I'm not rude, none of my friends are rude, we don't think that we're adults or that we're all that. We also don't think that we're above everyone.

    Email me. I want to know how old you are.

  • 1 decade ago

    They just turn SOOOO obnoxious!! It's really a hoot. It's because they're teens and all teens are evil! = )

    (My son is starting 9th grade in Sept so I know of what I speak.)

  • Jenny
    Lv 6
    1 decade ago

    Cause they think they're big, its dumb. Ha middle schoolers are still kids.

  • 1 decade ago

    i really cant stand those people. and its real funny when they get put in their place or get a reality check.

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