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I wanted to annouce to everyone who helped me, our little babygirl has finally arrived, inclosed is story and?

So that i dont get reported my question is:

Do you think she is adorable or what?? She is our pride and joy. Below is my birth story and a link to see her picture!

Hello Ladies, i would like to announce our little girl has finally arrived. I was set to be induced on july 7th,2009, i picked this day because 7 is my lucky number.She weighed 7 lbs 7.9 oz. so date and weight match crazy right? The night before i went into labor on my own so by time i arrived at hospital tuesday morning for induction i was already having contractions 10 minutes apart and was 4 centimeters. I gave in an got epideral after an hour and a half, i had already been through some pain and at this point they had givin me pitossin to speed it up. At 5:20ish i started feeling pain. I told my nurse and she for some reason dissapeared. Next thing i know im alone, hubby and the mom and mom inlaw went to get air i was feeling a lot of pain and horrible pressure. I gave birth as natruel as possible. it hurt like pure hell, my mother came in and by time doc got their her head was coming i pushed maybe 10 minutes. All was well i just focused and tried to push through the awful pain. Her head came out and the cord was around her neck the doctor panicked and said some code and the nurse pushed on my stonach and doctor pulled baby out so quick i touched her as they layed her on me, she wasnt moving or breathing, hubby didnt get to cut cord. They rushed her off, i was terrified, and still crying from the pain. After a few minutes which seemed like hours she started crying and i got to hold her,daddy too for a few minutes then they took her for a few hours. Shes beautiful and fine now. Below are her pictures, we had some glamour shots made, my friend did them. Im proud to say i finally have the daughter i always dreamed of. Her brother is excited and she has the happiest and proudest daddy she could ever imagine having. Thanks for everyones amazing support through our 14 months of ttc and our 2 Mcs. While i will never forget the babies we lost. They will always be in our hearts.

Her and her big brother

This picture makes her look darker

8 Answers

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Awww! She's so beautiful! I just loved your birth story! I am so sorry you had to endure two miscarriages.....I can't even imagine. I can appreciate though because we nearly lost my son when he was born.

    I was 38 weeks pregnant with my first child when I went in to have a routine ultrasound. The baby was measuring a little large and the doc wanted to see if the baby could fit through my pelvis or if I would need to schedule a C-Section.

    During the ultrasound, suddenly everything got frantic! Doctors were coming in looking at the ultrasounds. They told me that my baby had one of his lungs collapsed and that his heart was too small and that his liver was on the wrong side of his body!!!! The doctor's told me that I needed an emergency c-section right now.

    The doctor told me to be prepared for one of two things: give birth to a dead baby or have a baby who was severely deformed and handicapped. I had never been so scared in my life!!! I just wanted my baby to live!! The handicap part didn't matter to me.

    My son had died less than a minute before he was born. The team at Arnold Palmer successfully rescusitated him, but he was on life support. Basically he was a vegetable. As they were wheeling him out to go to NICU, they paused a moment so I could look at him for the first time.

    I gasped! He was so beautiful and perfect!! He was not a deformed monster that I had envisioned. It turns out that my son had a hole in his thoracic duct that leaked lymphatic fluid all throughout his tiny body. The extra fluid caused so much pressure that it collapsed his lung, constricted his heart and liver. It was only the fluid that made it look as if his liver was on the wrong side of his body. It wasn't a deformity. The doctors inserted chest tubes to drain the excess fluid. My son was born weighing 8 pounds, 15 ounces and once the fluid drained, he was only 5 pounds!! That is a lot of fluid!!

    My son was on life support for a week, then in the NICU for 3 weeks. He pulled through and is doing great! He is 3years old now, but he does have autism and epilepsy. But I don't care! My little boy is alive! He is happy and doing great! He just learned to walk last year and now he is learning to speak a few words.

    My daughter was a picture perfect birth! We had a sceduled c-section and she was born at 8:07 am weighing 8 pounds and 7 ounces. LOL

  • 1 decade ago

    aww!! congrats! they are both so cute! i cant wait until we have our daughter in nov. i know the whole ttc thing, we tried 2 years and were told we cant have kids and if we did we would lose it or it would have severe issues and deformalities and now after giving up we finally have one on the way as healthy as can be. they are boths o adorable tho!

  • Guess
    Lv 6
    1 decade ago

    Those pictures are great and your daughter is beautiful. I'm glad everything turned out okay. Congratulations on your little angel.

    Source(s): Me
  • 1 decade ago

    Shes adorable congratualations she looks like she has a happy big brother

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  • 1 decade ago

    i'm sooo happy for u.. yes she is adorable... now u have a great family boy and girl. my husband and i had to have twins in order to get our little girl. they r now 11 months old boy and girl.. and we have two wonder older boys..

    Source(s): proud mommy of a 10yr 3yr boys and 11 month old twins boy and girl
  • 1 decade ago

    Congrats! Those pictures are amazing, she's precious!

  • she is a pretty little girl

  • awww bless! she's very sweet..


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