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Anonymous asked in Politics & GovernmentPolitics · 1 decade ago

did you know that cap and trade may cost you $175 a year after 2020?


the new-world-order coo coos.

Update 2:

investors rely heavily on govt stats.

Update 3:

the american enterprise institute is repub propaganda lite.

Update 4:

25% is a lot. we are not 25% of the world's population.

Update 5:

the above figure comes from the nonpartisan congressional budget office. the cbo also says the senate health care plan costs too much.

Update 6:

jim is a new-world-order coo coo.

Update 7:

older, if you never heard of them, how do you know they don't know what they are talking about?

Update 8:

i think churchill was a lawyer. did he walk into a courtroom without evidence?

Update 9:

the heritage foundation is corporate repub propaganda.

25 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    I will pay it.*

  • jeff m
    Lv 6
    1 decade ago

    Cap and trade will involve the creation of a limited and decreasing amount of permits. This will create an artificial shortage, and result in increased use of lower carbon fuels.

    shortage - no telling how high the price will go. How much will the wealthiest be willing to pay for the luxuries of energy? How much will the poor be able to pay for necessities?

    Lower carbon fuels. Oil and natural gas have less carbon per BTU. Burning these will be cheaper than alternative energies (until depleted).These are the fuels most suitable for vehicles because they can be sprayed into an internal combustion engine. Expensive electricity will only make electric cars LESS practical than now.

    After the liquid fuels have been wasted, farm tractors and trucks will have to burn coal or use batteries. Can you imagine the batteries they'd need? It's not like they just roll along. Coal will be more practical, despite the need for a complex feed mechanism and the inefficiencies of a steam engine.

    Exhaust scrubbing would not be practical on such a small scale. Immense battery packs and the waste inherent in converting electrical energy into chemical then back again will

    leave the future with wasteful dirty vehicles. Usable only for necessities or by the very wealthy.

    Just another environmental disaster brought to us by the environmentals. And I thought you'd never outdo your performance when you killed the timber industry, and left the forests to die of fire and bark beetles, while lumber has to be shipped in. Or the DDT farce which kills millions in Africa. Good ******* work for idiots.

  • 1 decade ago

    Scottso360, by reading your comments, you're uninterested in anything that stands in contrast to your numbers or political affiliations. You label them as "repub propoganda" amongst other terms, so I'll give this a shot using some generalities.

    Getting to 2020 is going to be the issue with our current government.

    "May" is the operative word. If you honestly believe that a massive trade penalty on energy production, and all of the goods and services which rely on energy is only going to cost $175 per year, then I've got a bridge to sell you.

    You cannot possibly expect to effectively halt oil, coal, etc. production and realize only an annual increase of $175. The subsidies alone required for alternative energy and infrastructure would dwarf that number! You have no idea how damaging this will be to business owners and consumers alike.

    The economically illiterate (government primarily) only focus on how a tax like this would effect one group - not ALL groups. All costs would be transferred to the consumer. Again, this would effectively halt oil, coal, natural gas, etc. -Obama and his administration have admitted this!!!!!

    To utilize nothing but alternative energy (which largely doesn't work), massive subsidies must exist. That's what this bill effectively does. It makes it so that standard energy production mechanisms become too costly to use, thus forcing them into "cleaner" methods. Why do you think economists have all repeatedly warned that this will result in a 300-400% increase in energy costs at the ground level?

    Man-made global warming is a myth and a hoax... more and more scientists are gaining the courage to speak out against the Al Gores and bought-and-sold proponents of man-made global warming. That said, this legislation is neatly using this as a delivery system.

    People like you are going to be the death of this country.

    When they ramped up subsidies on corn for Ethanol what happened?

    Farmers started to grow more corn. Farmers stopped growing other crops due to the market intervention/skewing via the subsidy. Other crops and services became more scare. Prices on everything that utilized corn went up. Other crops became more scarce. Prices on other crops increased. Prices on all other foods and goods that utilized those crops increased. See the cascade of unintended consequences?

    The same phenomenon will occur here, that's why economic laws are entitled 'laws'.

    P.S. Russ, Jim, Nik, et al, we're way over this guy's mental capacity... I think we wasted our time. Hopefully, someone else might feel the synapses spark from our comments.

  • 1 decade ago

    Why don't they look at the countries in Europe who have been using cap and trade for 5-6 years. The people in Spain had a 31% hike in their electric bills. They have over 18% unemployment and lose 2.2 jobs for every 1 green job created. Sound good?

    Look up Germany. They have had a 17% decrease in C02 emissions but guess why. There have been so many factories closing that it is resulting in this huge decrease in emissions. I don't know their unemployment rate but it can't be good. France is actually doing well with it but 85% of their electricity is generated by nuclear power.

    Why are they bothering with guess work when they have working models to study? Does that make the least bit of sense to you?

    By the way, the new world order is not coo coo. There are videos showing Hillary Clinton saying she is all in favor of global governance. Al Gore said in London that cap and trade will lead to global governance. Cap and trade will change our lives very radically. We are supposed to cut our energy usage by 80%. Think about that for a minute. The only viable alternative to nonrenewable energy sources is nuclear and they won't let us use it. Obama himself said "our energy costs will skyrocket".

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  • Russ
    Lv 4
    1 decade ago

    It will be more than that because tax on fuel affects the manufacture and transportation of all goods and services goods and services to the consumer.

    No, we are not 25% of the world's population. But then what percentage of the world's food do we produce? What percentage of the world's paved roads do we have? What percentage of the world's desirable goods an services do we produce? What percentage of the world has the ability to use the percentage of fuel that we use?

    Comparing commodity usage to the population of a country is meaningless and is simply calculated to induce guilt. Like we should feel guilty that we came up with the polio vaccine. We should feel guilty that Americans invented the transistor? How about the PC?

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    0bama said the costs will be enormous. Real estimates put the cost a a minimum of $1000 a year per household. That does not include the 50% rise in consumer goods and enery costs. And certainly does not include the 100's of thousands of lost jobs and businesess.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Its a "carbon cap".

    It will equate to exponentially less energy every year up to 2020.

    Energy is used to power your stove, your tv, your computer, your airconditioner, your air dryer....everything.

    Everything you buy uses energy to manufactor.

    If you honestly believe exponentially less energy per year up to 2020 is going to cost you $175 your an idiot.

    Let alone that your giving the government permission to tax you at any rate it wants. All it has to do is raise the price of the carbon and you end up paying twice the tax.

    I hope you keep up with carbon prices. That way you can figure out how much your illegally being taxed. Its going to cost a hell of alot more than $175 a year.

    Your an idiot for WANTING illegal taxation and less energy.

    This will create a permenant recession.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Cap and tax is a control mechanism for the population (in the land of the free) not a program to control greenhouse gases. Any thinking person would know it has greater potential for increasing greenhouse gases than reducing.

    Liberals are once again thinking with their hearts and not their brains.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    sorry, you have your "facts" wrong, that's after the first year if implemented, by the year 2020, it will be over 3k per year. the "facts" are out there for all to see, whether you decide to "find" them or not is entirely up to you. but i would suggest getting your "facts" straight before posting questions with obvious misinformation. whether or not you are for or against this scam, realize one thing...this has absolutely nothing to do with "saving" the planet or the "environment", this is nothing more than a way to control the world and people for the profit of a few.

  • ?
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    That sounds like the direct cost and doesn't take into account the inflation of prices that must occur for companies to recoup the extra taxes they will be paying. I would say that the real cost will be far far higher..

  • 1 decade ago

    By 2020 it will be 50 times that much.

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