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Lv 7
? asked in Politics & GovernmentMilitary · 1 decade ago

al-Qaeda and the Taliban — both explicitly created by the CIA and Pakistan intelligence?

Some more oversight is needed with our CIA if two of the world's most dangerous Terrorist organizations were created by our own CIA

3 Answers

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    It was our CIA that trained Osama bin Laden as a teen to go after Russia. We took land from Palestine to create Israel after WWII, which is why Ahmadinejad is so anti-Israel out of loyalty to the Palestineans (he calls Israel the "uninvited guest who has overstayed the welcome"---technically true). We took land from Iraq and created Kuwait, installing an Emir who was friendly to the U.S. To defeat President Carter's re-election, the "arms for hostages" (a.k.a., Iran-Contra deal) was hatched by Bush Sr. (former CIA director) and his behind-the-scene loyalists (Baker, Cheney, Wolfowicz, Rumsfeld, etc.) was used to create what is now called the "October Surprise"---Carter's rescue efforts for the hostages failed because Iran was alerted(many Americans believe because the Bush team informed Iranian leaders when the rescue would occur and then made a separate deal for the sale of arms in order to make Reagan seem to be the one who negotiated the hostages' release). Right now, the news has been focused on then-Vice President Cheney's instructions to the CIA not to report to Congress (in violation of the law) for the assassination teams he set up (about which regular CIA knew nothing, but a select inside group, or "shadow government component" did). As soon as President Obama's CIA Director Leon Panetta learned of this program, he immediately informed Congress and the White House and called a halt to it. A few years ago, an article appeared in the American Spectator (a right-wing magazine that I hardly ever read) written by a former CIA second-in-command---I think his name was Meyer, but it has been a while so that might be wrong. Alarm bells sounded for me when I read the article, because of the illegality of the Iraq war which I was totally against---Bush turned the U.S. into a terrorist nation by attacking a nation that had never once attacked us This article said, basically, that a secret and close-knit group separate from the traditional CIA operatives and unknown by them could re-evaluate intelligence from these other experienced operatives and determine that they were wrong, then could hand-deliver their disagreement with the intelligence data to the President so that there was no paper trail. Isn't this exactly what was done in order to invade Iraq? Yes, the CIA most certainly needs to adhere to the law and inform the team of eight in Congress (all with Top Secret clearance) of any operation being proposed or undertaken---and the President should have oversight as well (now that we have a President who follows the Constitution, the Bill of Rights, and the Geneva Convention).

    Source(s): "Iraq Confidential: The Untold Story of the Intelligence Conspiracy to Undermine the UN and Overthrow Saddam Hussein," by Scott Ritter (top UN Weapons Inspector for Iraq; ballistic missile advisor to General Schwartzkopf during Gulf War; former Marine officer). "Cruel and Unusual: Bush/Cheney's New World Order," by Mark Crispin Miller. NY: W.W. Norton (2004). "Chain of Command: The Road from 9/11 to Abu Ghraib," by Seymour M. Hersh. NY: Harper Collins.
  • ?
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    Al-Qaeda/Taliban region invaded by USSR

    We support them against invaders in their OWN country.

    USSR withdraws after using EVERY method available and failing.

    Al-Qaeda/Taliban attack us in OUR country

    We attack back.

    We win, as Russia has no interest in supporting them and cheer that we finally got a clue about how dangerous Islam is.

    Al-Qaeda/Taliban go into hiding and creep away toward Pakistan.

    We supported an ally. It is silly in the extreme to think that allies, on an international scale, magically always stay allies or enemies (such as Japan) always stay enemies.

    Things change. Shall we go crush Japan because of their former world-conquering behaviors? Don't be silly.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    They didn't create them, they only supported them in the 80s while they fought the Soviets

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