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The last time you fell in love with a song?

Dang, traced out and heard the new song from Cass Mccombs - "You Saved My LIfe."

What can I say? Drums with nice texture, nice aural keyboard string sound with a steel guitar thrown in to add genuineness. When I traced out the video on youtube I was set back by the amazing simplicity and stylings.

Eh...Mr. Bernstein was smiling again...

Ever had a song hit you like a ton of bricks?


Okay Man Egg L - no anchovies...

Hi Mikhaela - dramatic is good, you know of background about the song...

Thanks, Stacyjustens...

Hi PJ, nice song suggestion, I like the "sound" running through the song very flat sounding which is appropriate for the "blankness" we get in life, at least my interpretation.

Abby McNabby - yeah I find the "hidden tracks" to be secret treasures....

Hi Sookie, I have seen you mention Team Sleep before, Thanks nice song. I always pay special attention to your recommendations especially ones related to the voice.

13 Answers

  • Favorite Answer

    The most recent? Queens of the Stone Age - "The Mosquito Song".

    So absolutely beautiful and perfect; I've never heard anything like it. And the weirdest part is, it's just a "hidden track".

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Hi Mr. Bernstein.

    How's it going buddy?

    I guess it was actually fairly recently with Dr. Dog. I mean, I haven't been as enamored to a record (catalyzed by a song (I'm not sure if that's a word or not, if it isn't I'm pretty proud because I like it)) in quite some time. It started with The Beach, and then that record just kept giving with The Ark and The Breeze, then My Friend, Army of Ancients, The Rabbit the Bat and The Reindeer and Hold On. I really haven't gotten wrapped up in a record like that since my friend showed me Oh Inverted World.

    If rediscovery counts, I've found a whole new thing for Paul Simon's Crazy Love Vol. 2. I started honing in on the lyrics and thinking about them a bit more and that song is pretty awesome, and quite a bummer. It's kind of funny how it almost feels kind of like a sequel to Hearts and Bones (another one that I kind of forgot was written in my metaphorical book as a top 5 example of brilliant songwriting until 3 or 4 days ago), but that's thinking way too far into it, and probably comes off pretty weak under any scrutiny. Just a couple lines that play on each other. Anyways... I went back through Simon and Garfunkel and found my way back to America and Cathy's Song too. Damn that guy is good. OK now I'm just rambling. I've been on kind of a Paul Simon driven bender lately.

    The first time I heard Steve Malkmus' Pig Lib and really feeling like he had gone in a new direction that would establish his solo career and just how cool that record was with the new sound comes to mind. Also, the first time I heard Paranoid Android. I somehow made it through without the Bends even coming onto my radar and so when a couple friends of mine were all on cloud 9 about Radiohead's new record and played that song for me it was a pretty mind blowing experience. Particularly with it kind of just being "the guys who did Creep did THAT?"

    Gotta say, I'm on my second listen to the song man. I really, really like it. I know just what you're talking about with the sort of really interesting, but keeping it simple thing. It's a really pretty song. Great pick man.

  • Sookie
    Lv 6
    1 decade ago

    Hey, Mr. B! Very nice track.

    It's been a while, but I caught this Team Sleep instrumental on YouTube and I was hooked.


    I'm a huge fan of vocals, but the way instrumentals let my mind wander resonates just as loudly with me.

  • 1 decade ago

    Good afternoon Mr B :)

    Well, that song was certainly interesting, and it had a lovely 'feel' to it. There was something about it that didn't quite click with me - I think it was the vocals - but it did have a certain 'quality'...

    Well, this one didn't so much 'hit me', as 'rolled in like thunder'...

    'Lullaby' ~ Loreena McKennitt watch?v=rWqQ9uwqQxk&fmt=18

    {it currently won't let me post the link properly, so join the gap}

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  • ?
    Lv 6
    1 decade ago

    This comes up in all my answers, but I fell deeply in love with:

    "Escapist" by Nightwish.

    It's now linked to the new "Star Trek" film because of the times I've thought about events in the film whilst listening to it (hey, they work pretty well together) and the number of times I've spotted my poster whilst doing dramatic gestures/ mouthing along to the song and thrown my head back.

    Yeah, I'm weird...overly dramatic, methinks.


  • 1 decade ago

    Just yesterday... Motorcycle Emptiness by Manic Street Preachers

  • PJ
    Lv 6
    1 decade ago

    Happy Thursday, Mr. B...

    Very nice selection. I'm gonna give that another listen.


    I can't tell you how many times I listened to this song the first day I heard it, much less how many times the whole album got played the first month I had it.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Fell in love with Get Close by Call the Cops a couple of days ago.

  • 1 decade ago

    Yup, just fell in love with one 2 days ago and another one about 3 weeks ago which really has stuck with me.

  • 1 decade ago

    'Train Through Time' by Popol Vuh

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