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For all Gay people who say that sexual orientation is not a choice...?

...why do so many of you then turn around and tell bisexual people they have to make a choice? I've been bi my whole life, it wasn't a choice, just something I discovered, like any other sexual preference, but I've been listening to people in the Gay community for over 40 years claiming that I need to "make up my mind" or that I'm "in denial and don't really like <pick one>" because people like me can't really exist. How do you logically reconcile stating that your sexual orientation is not a choice but mine is?

16 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Nobody decides their sexuality its part of your make up, if you are sexually attracted to both then lucky you you can fish on both sides of the pond. Our hormones decide for us, Im hetrosexual, so i am in no way sexually attracted to men but women I ifnd arousing. Saying its a choice i think is a society thing influenced by religion who say its un natural but if thats the way your body functions what could be more natural??

  • 1 decade ago

    I dont tell bi's that.

    Where do you live?

    Our community is LGBTQ which accepts bisexual people. Sexuality is a complex issue and nobody has the right to judge or tell someone who they should be attracted to. As a lesbian, I can understand bein bisexual because at one point I thought I liked men, which I do not, but I understand when they say ONE or the OTHER.

    Just be true to yourself. There is nothing wrong with finding both sexes attractive. No need to pick. You love a person for who they are--not their gender. <3

    Source(s): married lesbian parent in canada
  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    You make a good, valid point.

    I've been screaming this kind of stuff at the gay and lesbian community (along with other blatant hypocrisy) for a long time.

    I don't tell bisexuals that though. Mostly because it's not right, nor is it my place to judge. I LOVE bisexuals. I really do. Because out of all the people I've met that have been the most ok with transsexuals, like myself, it has been bisexuals, pansexuals, and other trans people.

    They seem to be the only ones that truly "get it".

    Source(s): Rock on with your bi pride!
  • ?
    Lv 4
    1 decade ago

    You're very lucky to be bisexual. You automatically double your chances for a date on Saturday nights. I think most of those who think they have a right to demand of you to make a choice are the militant ones who have single track minds and feel somehow wronged when their own prophesies about the world and how it is in their minds don't work anymore. They still want attention so they find anything to berate. On the other hand, you may also find it twice as hard to find a mate that you can truly stick with, seeing as how your playing field is doubled. I don't envy that. I am a man who loves men. Particularly my handsome husband. I have no trouble not looking at other men. I don't know if I had to not look at all of humanity!

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  • 1 decade ago

    Bi sexual is kind of natural thing for curiosity to see how the opposite sex feel being between both the sexes to enjoy and understand the excitement of touching and enjoying the other as well


    Women enjoy lot more when they are having sex with their husband who cannot simultaneously concentrate on their boobs or kissing while having intercourse...therefore another women who could play with the boobs while the penetration is there is very enjoyable for her..and vice versa, which is why many like to be "Bi":. Also Bi people can have more fun with both the sexes.

    Being gay however is not natural and gross, stupid and filthy as well...though it is a choice for some, everyone has right to their choice and fun...but wrong is wrong and against nature.

    Source(s): Me / Us
  • 1 decade ago

    You've made a really good point there. I'd never thought about bisexuality in that way before.

    Not that I've ever thought that bisexuals are merely greedy you understand. I have bisexual friends so I fully understand that it is not a choice- that bisexuality is as much of a sexuality as heterosexuality, homosexuality, pansexuality, asexuality, et al.

  • 1 decade ago

    I don't choose to like girls. I just do.

    So yeah I know what you mean. People are like "just pick one side!" or "you're just greedy"

    Some people think it's a choice. Now I don't mean this in a bad way, but why would you pretend to be bisexual. Right? Well, unless it's like a 16-year-old girl who wants all the guys to be like "wow she's cool" haha

    I guess some people just don't understand it the way bisexual folks do.

    But you don't have to listen to them. You're right.

    Source(s): bisexual kid
  • Bisexual's in my book have the hardest time. even more so than gays.

    they use a primary and secondary relationships.

    this means the partners have to be consenting.

    I have watch and find not many that are that open and secure with who they are.

    i agree with you that this "make up your mind" is horse pucky.

    what most that are gay are saying is they want a monogomus relationship.

    So if you can decide that a one particular person is worth not have sex with anyone else that solves the problem.

    Otherwise you only hope is to find other bi's that you can relate to and hopefully find one(s) that fit your criteria.

    No I don't agree you have to decide.

  • 1 decade ago

    I've never said bisexuality is a choice. You've just been unfortunate enough to meet some ignorant people, they come in all shapes and sizes and being gay doesn't guarantee open-mindedness.

  • cc
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    Lol, I know what you mean! Just laugh it off and don't let it bother you! Really it just comes down to the fact that they don't understand and they expect you to be like them. Anyway there are more important things to worry about then that! More importantly enjoy YOUR life!

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