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Would food spoil in outer space?

If you like put milk, cheese, vegetables or other perishable products in space, would they go bad? If not, would anything happen to them?

7 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Food gets spoiled by the microorganisms which are present in the atmosphere. In space there are reports that microorganisms are present. If food is exposed to them and if that food is suitable for them then it may get spoiled.

  • Rick
    Lv 6
    1 decade ago

    They wouldn't spoil but, on the other hand, many foods would not be very tasty after being frozen to 455 degrees below zero fahrenheit (-270 C).

    When the cell walls of (formerly) living things get that cold they collapse and the food becomes "mushy". You might have had that experience with some foods that do that at much higher temperatures like in a kitchen freezer. This sometimes occurs with potatoes and macaroni.

    The food is still edible but not tasty or pleasant in consistency.

  • 5 years ago

    Because space is basically empty, the food wouldn t get cold. Heat energy requires mass to transfer to. Heat spreads out to other mass and becomes "cold" by the energy being evened out across everything. Because there is no mass, the energy stays where it is. Because there is virtually no pressure in space, the water in the food would "boil," in that the state of water is dependent on both temperature and pressure. The atmosphere on earth literally squishes steam into liquid water and a lower temperature than it does where there is less atmosphere (atmospheric pressure) like high up in the mountains, where water boils at a cooler temperature. Because there is almost no pressure in space, room temperature is enough to boil water.

    Those foods would all basically dehydrate and crumble like dead leaves in no more than a couple minutes. Some of the bacteria would survive, but there would be no water in which to thrive, so it would simply depend on if the bacteria can survive without liquids or heat. Just fyi, if you jumped out of a space ship naked, the water in your mouth/nose/eyes would boil off in a few seconds, your blood pressure would drop as your blood started to boil and you would lose consciousness without the blood delivering oxygen to your brain in under 10 seconds. Then your brain would die after about 10 minutes of no oxygen and you would eventually turn to a mummy and crumble to dust. You would probably never freeze.

  • 5 years ago

    Food spoilage is decay and breeding of bacteria. in space, water would boil out of food completely and bacteria would not be able to eat or multiply. Some bacteria can survive space, some can't. There would be no virtually bacteria growth, but the survivable bacteria would exist for however long they would be able to on their own. The food would not get cold and it would not get cooked by the sun. It would stay the same temperature and cool down over an extremely long period of time. However, the water in the food would boil very quickly and everything would dry out and turn to dust. Think of leaving bread out in the open air for weeks. It dries, and it shrinks because the water that it is largely out of evaporates.

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  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Would not spoil unless they are in a container that contains air. But a carrot or patato floating in space will last forever.

  • 1 decade ago

    No microbes, no spoiling. If the food was in open space it would freeze solid.

  • No they would not spoil.

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