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Survey: Patient or just anal...?

Suggested Category

Health > Diseases & Conditions > Infectious Diseases

Kind of makes sense..


I was getting groceries last night and was in the second parking space closest to the store. Now, both sides of me had empty parking spaces.

I had no room in my trunk, ( I had a bunch of junk in my trunk, lol) so my cart was in the first spot as I was loading stuff in my back seat.

This lady and her daughter want to pull in, but ... sorry, I'm taking this space. I point to the parking space literally 8 feet to her left..

But she waits.. I see that, sigh and continue unloading my groceries into my car. She lets her daughter out and she waits.

I finish unloading and she's still there, waiting... (By this time, she could have been in there and shopping).. Finally, I shut my door, and return my cart.

So, is she .....

Patient for waiting or

Incredibly anal for absolutely needing the closest spot, when the 3rd closest is RIGHT THERE.

Update 2:

She was thin and quite fit actually. It wasn't a handicapped spot either, there was an open one of those right across.

I wonder if there's a discount inside if you get the first spot... Or some sort of VIP feeling.

Yes Kristy, I said anal..... :) You're too cute.

Update 3:

I wouldn't do that Nicole, that cart had my quarter. I returned it without delay.

I had to buy a 4 L bag of milk too...

24 Answers

  • Favorite Answer

    Not only is she anal, but she's lazy and rude. She seriously sat in her car and tried to put pressure on you. I always park far away so I force myself to walk (except Winter, burrr)

    She was nothing more than a butthead. Glad to hear you stood your ground and made her wait....that makes my day

  • 1 decade ago

    My vote would be incredibly anal. The fact that she could have taken a spot equally as close (because let's face it, unless she was really, really, really lazy, an extra 8 feet is nothing) but chose not to says she's anal. This is regardless if it was a handicap space she was trying to get into or not. What I think her problem was was that you were taking too long to load your groceries (or so she thought). This method is often used by a@@h0l3s who want to try and pressure you into either moving to accommodate or rushing you because they want what they want.

    If she was patient, it would have been a matter of the only space left open in the parking lot was next to you. Otherwise, anal.

  • ?
    Lv 4
    5 years ago

    Just Anal

  • Cat♥
    Lv 6
    1 decade ago

    She sounds like she was being a bit anal but in her defense, she may not have been able to walk any further than the space that you were occupying. At least she didn't honk her horn or act rudely. Perhaps she was being patiently anal. People will do crazy things for the perfect parking space!

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  • 1 decade ago

    Rudely anal.... which is why I wouldn't do the same to someone else. When done to me I hurry up and leave so that person doesn't have to wait.

    Catch me in a bad mood and I'll be tempted to go back into the store for something "I forgot." Forget the quarter. But that's rude so I've never done it. Only thought it.

  • 1 decade ago

    Retards. This is like when people go to the gym to run a few miles on the treadmill, but they circle the parking lot trying to find the closest spot.

  • 1 decade ago

    Neither patient of anal. Just simply LAZY. She didnt want to walk that extra 8 feet.

  • Nicole
    Lv 6
    1 decade ago

    Incredibly anal for sure.

    Now did you leave the cart in that spot and just get into your car? That would of ticked her off.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    hmm a mix of both.. But why in the world would anyone wait that long? Did you notice if she was disabled or just really fat and not willing to walk another 8 ft due to fear of heart attack?

  • 1 decade ago

    She's anal and lazy. I always park far away and walk. No waiting.

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