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mustanglynnie asked in PetsDogs · 1 decade ago

Help this BOXER get justice - what were the police thinking? Police need training on dog behavior, and these people in this situation need to ask the experts which breed this is, etc. , BUT please help Otis!


I am not a cyber-star searching kid, I am a former veterinarian employee, AKC champion Boxer owner & former owner of 2 white Boxers in my 40s, mind you. As for "Midget", how can you claim to have 'been there' if you live in Britain & this happened in Ohio, U.S.A? The police were obviously in the wrong here - they followed a retreating dog & tased him: how convenient they covered the camera just before they tased him .... hmmmmmm. Undoubtedly, police officers (& people's pets) would benefit greatly from animal behaviour training being a job requirement.

15 Answers

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Thank you for posting this. I signed the petition. Too many times police abuse their power and this is certainly one of those times. A few years ago a family on vacation were pulled over by the police here. When they police opened the door of the car, their dog jumped out. The police shot him dead on the spot for NO reason. Police need to be punished for behavior such as this, and I hope Otis gets revenge.

    Source(s): Lifelong dog owner and breeder
  • 1 decade ago

    You may want to know that there were 2 witnesses that seen this incident. They have been trained to be aware of dog aggression. Both witnesses stated that the dog was retreating and scared.

    Sometimes dogs do get out accidentally, but that is absolutely no reason for this police officer to act the way he did. It would be different if the dog was actually coming at him aggressively!!!!

    I am so upset by this situation and I am very happy to see this story on this site. It would be very different if it were one of our dogs that was laying on the ground in pain (compared to just some unknown stranger). And, I don't care if the officer thought it was a Pit bull, the dog wasn't even coming toward him. The police officer should definitely get some MAJOR TRAINING...... It's pretty sad when the general public knows more about this subject than the so-called professionals that are suppose to protect us. And why cover the camera if there is nothing to hide?

    You know what is even more frustrating about this? How is that dog suppose to know the difference between other people in uniform, like the postal carrier or firefighter? It's will probably be so afraid.

    The dog is being DNA tested to see what kind of dog it is, but, to me, it doesn't even matter! Thank you for at least bringing this to everyone's attention. I was praying that this would be exposed.

  • ?
    Lv 4
    1 decade ago

    first of all, that doesn't look like a boxer to me. He looks more like an American Bulldog to me, which is in the "pit" category. Or he could possibly be a boxer/pit mix. Why was the dog loose? If the owners had any sense they would keep their dog safely confined.

    On the other hand, when you surround a dog he will most likely either be fearful submissive or be defensive. It sounds like the dog was being fearful submissive. The cop said that he "charged him" but stopped 5 feet away. Seriously? If that dog wanted to do damage he wouldn't have stopped. Most likely he was being a puppy and playing, while the cops think because they have badges they can do whatever they want. In my opinion, it sounds like those losers were abusing their power on top on being cruel to animals. Maybe they should be locked up until the hearing as well. Theya re certainly more "vicious" than that dog!

    I don't like cops.

    Second of all, what is wrong with the owner? Did they seriously think they could get a pit mix and have it pass as a boxer? Why even attempt that in an area where such dogs are banned? I don't agree with the banning at all, but don't put an innocent animal in jeopardy just because you want a power breed.

    Now because of the ignorance of the owners and the stupid cops that dog could possibly be put down for doing nothing.

  • Sheri
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    Ok I don't normally go to the links posted however because of the responses I did this time.

    Regardless of the dog being a boxer , pitt, or any other breed of dog if you watch the raw video the dog is only barking at people and the officers when they are cornering him.

    This does not justify the tasering of the dog. Anyone be it human or animal when cornered is going to complain one way or another.

    The fact that they kept the taser going for an extremely long period of time was bad enough. Then when the dog tried to stand, might I mention, not barking, not acting aggressive at all, the officer tasered him yet again because as the officer said "he moved".

    Then in another clip an officer at the station said that it may have been a different dog that was causing problems and left before the officers got there so they just went after the dog that was there.

    Although the owner should have had his dog on a leash or fenced in his yard it is unbelievably sad that the officers used excessive force on an animal that was not being aggressive in any way.

    People are so uneducated about dogs it is amazing to me.

    I myself have boxers,all of whom are show dogs and I have been out walking them and have had people complain that I should have no right to walk a pitt bull around people. It can be like the parting of the red sea when you go for a walk. I laugh and tell them they are boxers and the worst that they will do is drown them from licking them too much unless of course you try to hurt me, then I am sure they would protect me as any dog would do for their owner and pack leader.

    All dogs are as good or a bad as you have trained them to be.

    There is no need or reason to inflict such pain on the dog by police because of their lack of education and lack of knowledge of dogs in general.

    Source(s): Watched the raw videos taken by the officers at the actual event Owned by boxers 25+ years
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  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    I agree that police abuse their power. There was a handicapped man in a wheelchair once that got his chair stuck in snow. He had a service dog but it was unable to help him out, so he called the police for assistance. An officer arrived and attempted to get his chair out, but had to call for a second officer. The second officer suddenly shot the man's service dog dead on the spot, for no reason. His later excuse "it growled at me". Both the first officer and the owner testified against him, saying the dog was sitting as trained and never uttered a sound. The officer that shot the dog was never reprimanded in any way by his department or by the law. Disgusting.

  • 1 decade ago

    Everyone PLEASE sign the petition! That was disgusting. You can clearly see that the dog was not charging, but standing still. Those cops should be ashamed and im glad that their decision to release the video of them tasering Otis has back fired on their sorry @ss3s.

    Midget- we saw the video. and as for killing cats, shouldn't the owners of the cats have there cats inside and not running the steerts too? I know that the dog should have been in its fenced yard or on a leash but the did not have to go to those lengths.

    Something like 70 or 80 percent of white boxers are deaf or hard of hearing.

  • 1 decade ago

    They're ignorant, clearly don't know anything about dogs... Otis doesn't even look like a pitbull. But that makes no difference at all.

    It's not the breed of the dog, what it looks like, anything! It's the owner's fault if their dog is vicious. Its breed has absolutely no influence over its temperament. Pitbulls just have loyalty and a stocky build, which makes them perfect for fighting, so a few cruel human beings decided to raise them to be vicious and aggressive. It's not the dog's fault, it's not the breed's fault. It's OUR fault.

    People are afraid of what society tells them to fear, especially with dogs. Those officers had no justification to taser it like some rabid wild animal. They always look for excuses to cover their own asses when they do something wrong, Otis should be allowed to return to its home freely!

    Source(s): I have a mutt who's half pitbull, and he's the cuddliest damn dog ever. Harmless
  • 1 decade ago

    These kind of stories sicken me to the stomach. Police are going way too far with abusing their s called "powers" now only are they being cruel to people but they moved on to helpless defensive animals. What kind of sickos get off on torturing the poor dog.

    I have signed the petition and passed it on to several of my friends. We need to show an example of what happens when you torture innocent creatures so this does not happen again.

  • Pamela
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    Well you all can say what you want. You were not there. This dog runs the streets growling a snarling at every thing and anythings that comes by. I was there, because I live in the neighborhood. and seen the officer trying to et the dog to back off. The dog may or may not be a Pitt bull but it was out of control and growling at everyone. It lunged at officers a couple of times also.

    The officer could have shot and killed the dog but he didn't. Even the animal control officer didn't wnt to try and get hold of dog. This dog is far from nice like owner said. it had attacked cats

    I don't believe in killing animals but we have laws against aggressive dogs and these people are breaking the law by having one.

    What do you think that if it is a Boxer it cant be mean, well you all are wrong.

    So don't condemn the officer because of something you didn't see, you just heard it on TV and read in papers.

  • daa
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    Why was this dog running loose in the first place? It doesn't really matter if he's a boxer or a pit or a golden retriever - his owner put him in this situation by not being responsible enough to keeping him leashed or contained.

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