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Heather asked in PetsOther - Pets · 1 decade ago

What do mice eat? What should I do with this mouse in my basement?

I've got a mouse in my basement. What do they eat? I threw some cheerios down there for it. Also, how do I catch it? I only saw it walk by once.

Should I let it live down there or catch it and put it outside? We have owls around our house and lately hawks so I don't know if it would be that safe. But if my dad, mom, or brother find out about it they might try to kill it. I just want the mouse to be safe and happy.


23 Answers

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    The trap with peanut butter idea works wonders. Mice can't resist it

  • 1 decade ago

    Mice can have diseases, and thus trying to catch a wild mouse, if it bites you would be very bad..

    My best suggestion is make a trap for it, so you can catch it, then take it to a field or a school...

    It's best bet would be in a school as a class pet for children, it would be taken care of and you wouldnt have to worry about it..

    Or if you want it to roam free, a field with high grass would be safest..


    Mice eat everything, but the other person was right, they absolutely LOVE peanut butter...


    Get a box, or two, and set up a typical trap..

    Have the box propped up at a 90 degree angle, use a stick to hold it up, but the food inside as bait, and attach a string. So when the mouse starts to eat the food, the box will fall and trap him inside, then you come and slide something under the box, like a lid,

    be careful not to let him out, and be careful not to hurt him, so slow is best. Then do what ever you want to with it..

    I've caught a few mice this way and donated them to a local public school for class pets.

    Good Luck, just remember, it is a wild animal and could have diseases, so don't take chances, and although I love animals and wouldn't ever harm one, your life is more important than that of a mouse.

  • 1 decade ago

    Ive got an idea that I just made up, get a cage with a door that closes downwards. That way you put some peanut butter all the way to the back of the cage to the opposite side. Tie a string to the top of the door of the cage. Once the mouse starts to eat the peanut butter let go of the string and the door should shut and your mouse should be safe and in your own personal care. But make sure that the cage is pretty big that way when you go to let go of the string to have the cage door close he or she doesnt have enough time to get away.

    Mice normally eat Peanut butter, Cheese, Bread, Cereal depending on which one, they even eat flower but I dont know how safe that is for them, they eat seeds, last but not least you can go to the pet store and ask them what kind of food they have that can feed mice.

  • 1 decade ago

    It's nice to know you care for the poor little mouse, but I'm sorry to say that all mouse traps are known to kill. It'll find food on its own, but you can feed it anything like cookie crumbs, bread crumbs, snacks, peanut butter, etc. Like another answerer said, set up your own trap device, one that won't harm the mouse. Take it to somewhere safe, but then you shouldn't worry too much about it. It's smart enough to escape from hawks and owls.

    And be careful, mice carry diseases and if you feed it, soon you'll have plenty of vermin down there. Try not to feel so sorry for it, there are thousands of mice in this world. Just catch it with your device, don't touch it (it bites) and release it. Good luck!

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  • 1 decade ago

    Mice are scavengers - that means they eat pretty much anything they can get hold of! They prefer high fat, high sugar foods, so chocolate is a good bait (e few chocolate drops should do it), or peanut butter as other people have said.

    And sorry to say this, but house mice are vermin and carry disease. I am a European, in Europe we are not sentimental about these things. We just kill 'em. Get a good trap, it will break its back and kill it instantly. No suffering.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Mice will eat a great many things that humans eat (one of the reasons they like to live with us!), and it probably enjoyed the Cheerios.

    It most likely came in from the outside, so if you caught it and put it out it would just come back in again. Wherever you see one mouse, rest assured that there are many more that you don't see. Toss it a tidbit now and then if you like. Otherwise don't worry about it.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Mice and rats LOVE peanut butter its the perfect treat for them. i woudlnt put it outside because it would just come straight back in ebcause thats where the warm house and food is. possibly its cozy nest too. id just leave it alone but if you wanted to catch it you can buy humane mouse traps where they are lured in by a treat (peanut butter) then the door shuts adn you can take it far away from your house. (if your famiyl members want to kill it that is)

    they also like bread, cake, cookies, basically fjunk food with sugar and a smell.

    good luck! Mice are our friends yep =]

  • 1 decade ago

    To be honest with you I would kill it, figure out where it got in and block this entrance. Put your traps along the edges of the room.

    If you really don't want to kill this mouse yourself then a deep bucket with a baited ramp can trap the mouse without killing it. When you release he mouse it is likely to die as it won't survive in the wild, it needs a house .

  • 1 decade ago

    if you can go to a pet store and get a small bag of mouse food. as far as catchin it thats a bit harder. i do beleive stores sell non leathal mouse traps. after you catch it bring it deep into the woods and let it go. mice love wooded areas. plus the woods will provide shelter from the owls and hawks. the mouse's instincts will keep it safe.

  • jdan9
    Lv 6
    1 decade ago

    Don't feed it, it will only encourage more to come too.

    If you want to catch it, get a mouse catching device, the sort which let you capture the mouse then release it outside rather than killing it. Make sure you release it quite a way from the house, or it might find its way back.

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