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Need Doctor's opinion asap. please help?

The miscarriage was due to, according to the doctor, her heart is having a hard time or something like that. She is very underweight for her age. I think her body couldn't handle the pregnancy. Any opinions would do about the current inquiry.


here's the situation: 21 yr old female had a miscarriage last year sround 3-4 months into pregnancy. The next year, she got pregnant again (present time) but plans to abort it. Do you think that if she goes with the abortion, it would risk her child-bearing? I mean, lets say she's around 1-2 months pregnant and decides to abort it, would it affect her child-bearing capability? will she become impotent? or the risk of being one?

Thank you very much.

Update 2:

Somehow the question became the detail. I don't know why.

Update 3:

the mother.

thanks for the opinion. Really appreciate it.

3 Answers

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    It is a myth that an abortion will effect your fertility. Most docs who preform them are highly skilled and have preformed so many they could probably do it with their eyes closed, just kidding. The procedure of abortion has actually been proved to be statically safer than childbirth. The only real concern with fertility and abortion is people lying to others about it - saying it will affect your fertility negatively. We have 30 yrs of evidence saying it won't. Women who have had their fertility effected negatively by abortion were mostly in the first generation of legal abortions, the procedure had to be refined and improved since it was "new" and it has been. It is very, very safe! The only worry is instrument injury -which is *very rare*- and that can be negated by having a pill abortion -if it is caught early enough.

    *Early-term surgical abortion is a simple procedure which is safer than childbirth when performed before the 16th week.[30][31] Abortion methods, like most minimally invasive procedures, carry a small potential for serious complications.[32][33] The risk of complications can increase depending on how far pregnancy has progressed.[34][35]

    I had an abortion for an ectopic pregnancy, 3 yrs later and I am now a mum to a healthy 7 month old. My pregnancy was completely normal and I had no complications from either the abortion or pregnancy. If she is only 1 -2 months she needs to get to Planned Parenthood now, maybe she will make it before the 9 week mark. After 9 weeks the pill is no longer an option and a surgical must be done.

    If you or your friend has any other question please do not hesitate to drop me an email. Not only have I gone through it myself but I have helped a couple of my friends with theirs, so I may be able to help or give support if needed. I'm sure you've noticed some women on here can be quite rude and forceful with their opinions even outright violating the Guidelines of this Community to crack on someone. You do not have to tolerate it, report them.

    It is entirely possible to have an abortion and not feel guilt because you knew it was the right thing to do.

    ~Pro-Choice Momma; Have had an abortion <no regrets> and I have a 7 month old daughter <no regrets>. I believe in protecting my daughter's choice.

    I hope your friend heals well.

  • 5 years ago

    I don't forget that each one is determined by how badly broken the muscle tissues and tendons are around the kneecap. You ought to do not forget that muscle group that's worried right here. If you don't seem to be getting physio you threat the probability of calculus construct up inside the joints and then you definitely isn't going to have any alternative nevertheless knee surgical method. Go with the physio, ultimately (no pun supposed) the benefits are means larger than a painful surgical procedure or a knee alternative down the road.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Well if you need a doctors opinion, maybe you should call a doctor.

    I can give you my own opinion if you want though.

    Its a myth that abortion hurts future capabilities of becoming pregnant, if you go to a reputable doctor.

    Its common knowledge that when possible, women should make sure they're in the best healthy possible before they become pregnant.

    Now was the babies heart having trouble? or the mother?

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