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Elyza asked in PetsOther - Pets · 1 decade ago

Animal Control was called, wat now?

I have 2 15 month old labs that are outside dogs. They stay out back, they have plenty of shade and tons of ice cold water. I received a tag on my door today from animal control saying I need to contact them in regards to a dog complaint. The only thing I could think of would be because one of my dogs barked a lot last night. I tried several times to calm him down to no avail and finally had to put him in his pen, (they sleep in a shed at night, in case of bad weather) to calm him down. He has just started recently barking because our vet told us he has an ear infection, so we have to give him ear drops twice a day. He hates it and he bark after. The only other thing I could think of would be because the grass is a little high out back but we havent been able to mow it because our lawn mower broke. Does that even matter? Its not like its knee high or anything just higher than normal. Has anyone dealt with animal control before, and if so how did it go? I dont want to lose my dogs, but I cant bring them into my tiny house until they are fixed which is scheduled for a couple weeks from now, because they are 70lbs each.


I did call animal control when I got home but the officer was gone for the weekend. Also, I got my dogs and then we had to move to a smaller house due to health reasons. I would much rather my boys be inside.

Update 2:

my sister told me that they will be more calm once they are fixed and not quite as aggressive as they are now. they are very good lovable dogs but will tear a house up in a matter of seconds. i know that they are also still young, i was just hoping getting them fixed would help.

5 Answers

  • B!nd!
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Why do your dogs need to be fixed to come inside?

    I would just talk to the person who left the note when he comes back.

    You should be able to sort it all out with them.

    They are usually pretty good about everything. They will discuss whatever the complaint about your dog was with you, and help you to resolve the problem.

    They will only sieze an animal if the dog is in immediate danger, or if you have failed to comply with whatever care procedure they set for you, so you wont loose your dogs just yet.

    Good luck with it, I hope you can sort everything out and that your dog recovers from its ear infection soon.

  • ?
    Lv 4
    5 years ago

    Ask round first to discover out if it is a pals... if you'll be able to get a snapshot or a well description, post flyers generally across the vicinity( in view that cats can move as much as two km for amusing daily) . provide it a month or so, and if not anything alterations and it is nonetheless dangerous then animal manage. PS it is spring in US? if this is the case that combating and screaming would simply be a few mating happening purpose they are not anything if no longer vocal!

  • ?
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    Stressful things always happen at 4pm on Fridays! Try not to let it worry you.

    Animal control is not interested in grass height. It might be because of the barking, in which case you might need to figure something out and bring them inside.

    Keep busy over the weekend so you won't wory.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    yea that happened to me once...heres the story:

    i found this dog named belle (i named her) we only decided to keep her for ONE night cuz i went door to door asking "is this your dog?" and everytime they would look at the border collie (belle) and say "no im sry" and go back i beggggeeeddd my parents if we could keep her for ONE night or until i find her previous owner....days past and no luck days turned into weeks and weeks turned into months....and eventually months turned into basically we kept her outside 24/7 cuz a)she sheds too much...b)my yorkie doesnt like her and c)we dont know if she has fleas ticks or any other diseases......but one day it started raining it hasnt started but it was going its 3:00am and im asleep right? then i hear this loud panting and stuff i wake up wondering "what the heck" then i look all around my room then on my bed was.....belle...surprised and SUPER confused i tried to put her back outside (she has water and a dog house) while i was walking to put her back i wondered "how the heck did she get inside" cuz i closed the door before i went to finally to the back door in shock i look at the door that has been opened....i stick my head out and "hmm its going to rain soon" i tried to put her on the couch and slowly shut the door...but as soon as i did my mom woke up and said "why is she inside?!!?" i explained the whole thing then she said "....well put her inside the laundry room" happy i said ok and thought "its better than beong outside :)" so in the laudry room she now that is where she sleeps and stays when it rains......

    so a few months pass by......

    i got a complaint from my neighbor,....she said to plz make my dog stop barking late at night and early morning i said ok.....these complaints when on for about a month....then she called the animal control...then animal control said we must have a license and have her get her vaccines....we did all that and now we're A ok!!!

    so i hope this helps you cuz it sure did worry me i thought i was going to lose her!!

    Source(s): my dogs!! or dog lol
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  • 1 decade ago

    you'll just need to explain all of this to animal control when you get the chance and hopefully they will be understanding.

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