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Anonymous asked in Politics & GovernmentPolitics · 1 decade ago

Has the Democratic Party moved too far left?

Democrats always say the Republicans have moved to far right, but can they admit that they have moved too far left?

FDR, Harry Truman and JFK would have been considered right wing extremists by today's Democratic standards, if they tried to run for nomination... I mean you could hear the Liberals already "JFK does not support abortion! omg hes a women hating chauvinist, probably a nazi too ;)" The Democratic Party has moved to far left. John McCain was more of a "old" Democrat than Obama who is more of a "USSR" kind of politician.

The Republican party is not as bad, actually its only flaws are that they do nothing to give us smaller government, the in your face Evangelicalism that is prevalent in the party is also a turn off for me, but they are better than the Democrats, who have just moved to far left they have given up on society.

18 Answers

  • ?
    Lv 6
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    i agree with you. i'm not a christian militant, and i'm not a socialist hung up on political correctness, so the independent "party" works just splendid for me.

    Source(s): >>independent
  • Noah H
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    In real life the democrats are about where the Eisenhower republicans used to be. That's a few degrees right of FDR, but hardly in 'socialist' territory. Meanwhile the GOP, starting with Reagan and his love affair with the Jesus freak right, the union busters, the trans-national corporations, the war whores and the de-regulators has moved well into the world Mussolini's fascisti flag wavers. Given the reality of the present political spectrum the outlook for a 'better deal' for the American wage-earner doesn't look very promising. If there really were 'leftists' as we had in the 1930's we'd have strong unions, affordable higher education, well funded 'lower' education, single payer HEALTH INSURANCE and enforced laws against bankers screwing their customers. Given some real 'leftists', we wouldn't be engaged in two wars with no natural stopping place, failing social and physical infrastructure and an end to our 'oil only' so-called energy policy. I don't know where people get the idea that the democrats are a bunch of red hot reds...probably way too much right wing radio, FOX 'news' and dip #$%^s like Sarah Palin, the 'birthers', the deathers, the teabaggers and the morons that don't know how to act at a public meeting. Check it out!

  • Kman
    Lv 6
    1 decade ago

    FDR remains by far the most liberal president the nation has ever seen. The New Deal completely altered and expanded the federal government.

    JFK was the symbol of the progressive 60's. You think he's somehow not liberal because he took a common, politically safe position on abortion that he's somehow to the right by today's standards? Please.

    So no. Obama hasn't proposed anything that isn't done by a majority of capitalist western nations in terms of either health care, energy, or stabilization of the financial system. If anything, the party is too centrist.

    They need to step up and slash the outrageous military budget and pour it into education and infrastructure.

  • 1 decade ago

    Your supposed to be "Asking" not preaching! Are you sure the Evangelicalism is too much for you? I'm surprised. If the Dems have moved left it most likely because the Reps are so far right it seems that way by comparison. Any party that does not want to force their religion down your throat and wants to reform the broken down systems in our nation is seen as left because we are so used to Bush/Cheney beign totally aginst rights of th epeople and hiding this behind "freedom" and other buzzwords used to sel America to their supporters and lobbyists. But actually this is what govt. is supposed to do, keep the people safe and watch out for their best interest, not only those of big business.

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  • ?
    Lv 4
    5 years ago

    i'm uncertain precisely how the term "liberal" has substitute into so strongly utilized to the Democratic celebration. I come from a family contributors that has supported the democratic celebration for generations now. those have been tradesmen, craftsmen, real working type who made their way with their minds, backs and hands. For extra ideal or worse, they weren't excited by or supportive of gay rights, investment of illegals, bohemian artists... They have been approximately artwork and family contributors, no longer lots else. for my area, i do no longer care approximately race or sexual themes. i'm able to understand every physique who treats me with understand. nevertheless, such as you, i've got self assurance distanced from the Democratic celebration. I resent being obligated to assist in simple terms any liberal left wing reason because of fact it flies the "blue" flag.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    For me I see people who are just tried and wanted a drastic change. For others it does seem like they are going overboard i don't mind health care being drawn up but rushing it won't do anything but make more problems down the road.Look at Social Security or Welfare. CAse for clunkers they just didn't see all the angles. I see your point however you'll see the answer on here if anyone agrees with you they'll be voted down tons of times that will be your best answer

  • 1 decade ago

    As the suburban sprawl continues to grow the culture of America is more liberal. FDR and JFK would be proud, I think.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    I think you are too desperate to paint Democrats as out-of-touch with America. FDR, the creator of the New Deal and Social Security, is a right wing extremist?!

    No, I don't think Democrats have moved too far left....yet.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    The Democrat party is controlled by the radical left wing loons, like Soros, Pelosi Reid etc.

    What is really ashamed is, the dimwit Democrats keep Nancy "botox" Pelosi in charge and Harry "Squeaky" Reid in office, speaks volumes on how clueless the Democrat voters actually are.

  • 1 decade ago

    I don't think they feel they are far enough left yet, there are still a few private businesses out there and taxes aren't at 100%...miles to go before they sleep.

  • 1 decade ago

    No, they just came out of the closet. FDR is by far the most ruinous of them all. Does everyone forget that there was 25% unemployment. But he did makes them all " feel " good. Even as they stood in lines to get a meal.His results in any generation would just suck.

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