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I dont want my gf's sister living with us how can I tell my gf without causing any arguements?

Ok so a few months ago my gf came to me and told me that her sister didnt have anywhere to go since their mom was moving in with her boyfriend..she asked me if her sister could move with us once we moved since we were trying to find a bigger place anyway..I told her that would be fine. We havent yet moved into our new place but her sister has since moved with us its been about three months mind you we only have a one bedroom and my girlfriend has two children as well, besides her sister being a slob, she always wants a ride somewhere and she doesnt pay attention to my rule of no smoking cigarettes while in my house. I really just dont care to much for her and would much rather just live with my gf and her children. I know that she doesnt have anywhere to go but I also feel as though that isnt my problem she works so she can afford to find a room or even get herself a cheap apartment somewhere how can I tell my gf that I dont want her sister living with us without starting a big argument?

11 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Regardless it will turn into an argument. Get a list together of what bothers you and then what it will take to make it better. Example: She smokes in my house after she's been told not to. Then you tell your woman, it's not healthy for the kids and we agreed when she moved in that we didn't want her smoking. She's not respecting our rules and health.

    She's a slob. Tell your woman, that the sister is grown and you don't pick up after adults. Discuss this with your wife first, make sure you and her are in good moods cause moods determine reactions. Then you both discuss this with her sister what she needs to change or she needs to leave. Do you charge her rent? You could start by charging if you don't.

    Just remember, this is her sister. Not a friend and not a stranger. Your woman will be sensitive about this as you would if it were your brother. And remember, even if she's her sister, she's your family, too. And family sticks together. Try to do things with the kids outside the house so you don't have to be constantly crossing paths. Good luck! Sorry you have to deal with this.

  • Mary
    Lv 4
    5 years ago

    woo there! First of all if your entire family doesn't like her, she knows. Trust me. Think about not just your feelings, but your families. They are concerned for you and have your best interest at heart, but they are not the only ones that matter here. When you get married, that's it. Your married. You expand your family for life. I think what is scaring them is the intensity of your relationship with this girl. Whats the rush? If you two know that you want to get married, what is the difference in waiting a few months or even a year? Marriage is a huge decision and not something you want to rush into. It sounds like you really love this girl, but are not sure of her intentions. Get a prenup. If it is a life with you that she wants then she'll agree and protect you as well as herself. If not, then you will know that its really a life of money that she's after.

  • 1 decade ago

    Well, conflict resolution is important in any relationship. Your girlfriend may very well be upset no matter how you phrase things.

    But I would start with, "How long do you think your sister is going to be living with us?" and take it from there. If she gives you an "I don't know," she's opened the door for you to set some time frames and some limits.

    If she gives you a definitive answer, then it's up to you to decide if you can stick it out for that long. If you can, then problem solved. And if you can't, then you need to say, "You know, I love you, but that's not reasonable for me. I think she needs to be gone by (whatever you think is reasonable)," and go from there.

    These situations ALWAYS work best of there is an end date in mind. Always. If not, it leads to serious frustration. Hope you can work it out.

  • Kiki
    Lv 6
    1 decade ago

    You're just going to have to bite the bullet on this one and discuss it with her. Tell her you want to make a life with her and her children. It just changes the dynamic of everything having the sister there. She might be kind of mad for awhile, but ultimately, you are in the right here. Back when I moved in with my boyfriend (husband now) we almost had my brother share the apartment with us. Well, for extenuating reasons, my boyfriend basically started saying he wasn't so cool about it after all. I remember feeling bad and being afraid I would hurt my brother's feelings, but really, it is the natural course of things. A couple should have time alone together (if that makes any sense). They need to start behaving together like a married couple almost, not like they're just room mates. So having anyone else living with you guys is going to interfere with that developing relationship.

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  • 1 decade ago

    Well tell her that you really don't feel very comfortable with her sister her because she doesn't listen to your rules and that she doesn't clean up after herself.And then tell her that you want her all to yourself and having her sister there is turning you off and that there is not alot of space for all 5 of you, and then look at her and say we can go and help her find a place for her to live and if she doesn't have all of it I will give her rest.That would work I guarantee it.


  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    my advice to you is

    start the argument and end up breaking up with your GF over this

    your GF seemingly does not care if her sister uses you two so why should you care about either of them.

    and to be quite honest could you not do better then your GF

    she has 2 kids and the four of you (now five with sis) live in a one bedroom apartment. could you not do better on your own.

    not trying to offend you just telling you how i see the whole situation.

  • 1 decade ago

    Take your gf to some nice place with less ppl around and tell her to understand what you feel and want to tell . Make her understand and tell her that u love her and kids so u don't want to argue but tell whatever u feel and make her understand and do use rite words so that she wont take it in a wrong way . Be polite gentle and patient and if she get annoyed try to calm her .

    Hope that helps ..

  • 1 decade ago

    well its very sweet that you dont want to get into a fight with your girl friend, but it might happen. you need to step up and be the man of the house you are supposed to be. tell your sister-in-law that if she doesnt respect you rules you'll kick her out. if she still does it one day when shes out pack her bag (only hers) and leave it on the porch. see wat happens. talk to your gf. tell her that you understand her sis is fam but enuf is enuf. try to get her to move in with your mom-in-law. or help her find an apartment of her own. talk to your gf about it. it is your choice not the sister's. shes under your roof, you decide her life. good luck! -alexis-

  • 1 decade ago

    First off I understand your situation. It's hard to speak about whats on your mind, without judgement. Sit your girlfriend down and tell her, "We need to talk about something that's been bothering me." Tell her you dont want to start an arguement or offend her, but her sister living with you guys is making you uncomfortable. Dont be shy about it. If your girlfriend truely loves you she'll respect your feelings and talk to her sister. If she blows up on you about it, you may need to think about your relationship and your happiness.Good Luck!

  • 1 decade ago

    You should be more important than to your girlfriend her sister. If not you may want to consider moving on.

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