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Focus on the Family getting rid of its gay "workshops". Any doubt it was just about the money?

Focus on the family, one of the most homophobic gay-hating organizations in the US, has abandoned its workshops designed to "convert" gays to a straight lifestyle. Why? Because it was a huge money loser.

See the article here:

Is there any doubt that this vile organization was simply in it to try and ream money out of people in the name of God?

6 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    It absolutely is a scam to take people's money.

    This is my favorite Boston Legal episode where Alan Shore esq has a client who was charged $40,000 "to be cured of his gayness." This is the closing argument in the lawsuit to get the client his money back for this "treatment" which of course didn't work:

    **Alan Shore has brought his very own personal soapbox with him, and sets it in the middle of the floor; steps up onto it, and buttons his jacket for good measure.**

    Judge Gloria Weldon: What are you doing?

    Alan Shore: Climbing on my soapbox, Judge. I do it once a week.

    Judge Gloria Weldon: Get off that thing now, Mr. Shore!

    Alan Shore: You sure? This is vintage soapbox stuff. You’ve got God, money, **steps off soapbox** politics, homosexuality. Has anyone ever heard of restless legs syndrome? It’s where you move your leg about in your sleep. It’s awful. You may have it. It may not keep you awake; it doesn’t really harm you in any way. It may not bother you in the slightest, but nonetheless it’s awful. The pharmaceutical companies have declared it so. So they’ve invented a drug, and you simply must take it. If you haven’t heard of restless leg, by the way, you probably have attention deficit disorder. Awful. We’ve got a lot of drugs for that one. You must take them.

    You’re depressed.

    **Cut to a female juror who looks somewhat sad**

    Alan Shore: You’re not sleeping enough.

    **Cut to Denny Crane, who IS sleeping!**

    Alan Shore: You think you’re shy, but you’ve actually got a social anxiety disorder.

    **Cut to male juror who looks a bit uncomfortable with the attention.**

    **Alan Shore: as camera pans across an older male juror ** Weak stream. **and another male juror** Irritable bowel syndrome. You people have all kinds of ailments you don’t know about. Luckily, we’ve got drugs for every one of them. You must take them. My colleague has a case involving a “Forgetting Pill.” You can take that one to forget you ever had restless leg or irritable bowels!

    Judge Gloria Weldon: Mr. Shore, what are you talking about?

    Alan Shore: Same-sex Attraction Disorder. And what troubles me is why the folks in Big Pharmaceutical haven’t invented a pill for this disease. Clearly, they’re in the business of selling sickness. If there was a profit to be made, they would make it. And with an estimated gay population of over 10 million in the U.S. alone, there’s certainly a big enough market.

    Could it be that they can’t cure it!?

    Well, not to worry. If Big Pharmaceutical can’t do it, maybe Big Religion can. And they are. They’re the ones who coined the term, “Same-Sex Attraction Disorder.” It’s a very good name. Very important, a good name. It’s a crucial first step in disqualifying homosexuals as a segment of the population and categorizing them as a disease. Makes homosexuals seem less like people and more like the flu. And with terrible, awful symptoms, **makes a face** but curable, and therefore less concerning when it comes to things like an individual’s rights: freedom, privacy, marriage. Big Religion is very concerned with marriage. Big Religion is the one filling the pockets of Congress. It actually got them to propose a Constitutional ban on gay marriage. Think about that. A governmentally imposed, systematic prejudice against a class based on their sexual orientation. Never mind that one of the most trusted evangelical advisors to the President was himself having a homosexual affair on the side. Never mind that one of our Congressmen was writing naughty e-mails to his teenage male pages. Isn’t it just a disease? And I thought it was curable. That’s what they told me down at the church. Well, you can legislate against it. You can give it a clever name and treat people for it. You can shut your eyes, have sex with your wife, and pretend it all feels right. You can join the church and swear to be celibate. You can drive around on a Saturday night with a baseball bat and try to beat it out of some poor soul you happen to meet. You can even come to this courtroom and testify as to your new leaf and how well it’s all working. What a miracle! My only response is: Give it time. We’ll see. Meanwhile, this company took $40,000 from my client, promising to cure him of his gayness. Only in America! Only in a country that overtly and notoriously celebrates its prejudice against a class of people by proposing Constitutional amendments. God bless us all! Home of the brave!

    ** Mr. Shore turns to defendant who screwed his client out of $40k**

    Shame on you. Couldn’t you have at least offered a money-back guarantee, and thrown in a blender?

    Judge Gloria Weldon: Madam Foreperson, has the jury reached its verdict?

    Madam Foreperson: Yes, Judge. We find for the plaintiff, and award compensatory damages in the amount of forty thousand, plus interest and punitive damages in the amount of three hundred fifty thousand.

    Edit: Adam Smith: Jesus doesn't cure anything. Walk into the cancer ward with that phrase. You'll be escorted out if you're lucky and thrown out if you're not.

  • 1 decade ago

    cheznight - "No, there was an article recently about how most top psychologists and psychotherapists don't believe that the repairative therapies work, and actually can do the adverse and cause harm."

    Well, this is obvious, even without the backing of the experts in psychology.

    You really think this had anything to do with Focus On The Family abandoning their brainwashing camps, though? Not a chance.

    Tool - "sometimes I wonder how you people live withyourselves"

    You mean the homophobic bigots who try to "convert" people from their natural sexual orientations?

    Yeah, I wonder that too.

  • 1 decade ago

    No, there was an article recently about how most top psychologists and psychotherapists don't believe that the repairative therapies work, and actually can do the adverse and cause harm.

  • 1 decade ago

    Only Jesus can heal homosexuality. Not psychology, not workshops, only personally turning to Jesus Christ and trusting Him alone to heal you. This is totally free. Jesus does not charge you anything, in fact, He offers you everything for nothing.

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  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    sometimes I wonder how you people live withyourselves

    hahaha, I can actually life with myself just fine (:

    Thank you, I know whats right, and you have no idea who I am, I may be gay,(was) , either way, I'm a very controlled person who has morals, above you, and your inhumanly disgraceful ways

    Thank you Adam Smith, Catholicism is the only way, once you realize right from wrong, its not hard

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Its so obvious that this fascist theocratic organization is trying to capitalize from the fear and hatred they spread to ignorant people.

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