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Can you name top personalities in the movie and music industry who has donated a huge amount charity?When?how?

I need it for a research. Name at least 5 of you know. The famous ones who has done charity work and stuff like that. Thanks!

2 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    I don't know the details but mark wahlberg and his brother donnie wahlberg created a kids foundation and donate a lot of money to their old kids club. I'd look into it, theyve done a lot for a lot of people.

  • smw
    Lv 4
    1 decade ago

    I'd like to mention Paul Newman. He also lived quite a modest lifestyle for a celeb. And he raised about $250 million through his food company.

    Oprah and Barbra Streisand do a lot through their own foundations. Angie and Brad are also big givers of course.

    Probably not in the top category yet but Leonardo DiCaprio has a charitable streak, Pink has spoken out about and supported animal causes a great deal. I'm an Aussie and earlier this year she gave a lot to the Victoria bushfire appeal.

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