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Melissa asked in HealthWomen's Health · 1 decade ago

Have any of you had uterine ablation?

I have irregular periods that last weeks! I want to have kids someday. I am only 23. If you have had similar experiences can you give me tips or advice? Also can you get pregent after having uterine ablation?


What if I get on the pill and get off and I am in the same situation? I have been married 4 years and husband wants kids soooo bad and I do too. But the bleeding is horrible!

1 Answer

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Go to the doctor's. Honestly, I would recommend going on the pill. It is not good to be bleeding for weeks. My periods used to last a couple weeks and were very irregular until I got on the pill. I eventually became anemic because I was losing too much blood. Now, they come exactly 4 weeks apart, and only last 5-7 days. You can always get off the pill when you're ready to conceive.

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