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Anonymous asked in Pregnancy & ParentingAdolescent · 1 decade ago

TEENS: Whats the weirdest text/voicemail you've ever got?

Whats the weirdest/scariest/funniest text/call/voicemail/email youve ever got?


My sister got one that said " My cuzin has as$ cancer so you should go get tested!"

I got a voicemail from a old guy saying " Hey, its your favorite grandpa! I fed the fishys and the cats pooped, but now I lost the key. Call me back"

21 Answers

  • -
    Lv 6
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    "Okay, I killed them. Is it going to be alright?"


  • 5 years ago

    Hi I'm 11 but I'm a preteen so:

    Weirdest text: what size is Adrian of shoe? (Someone I don't know)

    Scariest voicemail: the one I posted a question on (on my account)

  • Anonymous
    5 years ago

    Ohmygosh. :D Yours sounds painful! Well when I was younger I was playing outside at the top of this hill in my grandpas backyard and my aunt was watching me. I guess I had dragged a chair outside and I was dancing on top of it. Well my dog was also outside, who's a full grown male boxer, & he got all excited and started running around and he ran into the chair and knocked me off. :O I rolled a l l t h e w a y d o w n to the bottom, and ended up with a black eye and one missing tooth. (: Thankfully that was like, 8 years ago, so I have an adult tooth now. haha. This is the last serious injury that happened to me. It's not that weird, it happens a lot actually, but I had to go to the emergency room for it. About 5 months ago I was training for an upcoming horse show. We were practicing jumps that day, it was me and two other girls. The jumps were about 3+ feet in hight. So it wasn't that bad. I was getting ready to run the course and when I went over the first jump I leaned foward to soon, so when my horse picked up, his neck knocked me in the face and I flew over his neck and landed in the dirt. :p It was pretty painful. I broke my left wrist and left elbow in two places. My friends were like, wtf? When I came to school on monday becuase of my cast. :D Plus I wasn't able to compete in the show becuase of the stupid cast. :| yeahh...

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    weirdest text - 1 out of every 5 girls secretly have an infection called bitchitis, i sent you this text because i'm worried that you might have it. (from a number I never heard of)

    weirdest voicemail - "Hi Loren, I just wanted to say I loved those pictures you sent me last night. I'll be over in 30 minutes, make sure your husband isn't home."



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  • I got a text message from some weird thing telling me that

    " Did you know that Lifesavers Candy was actually made on accident? Blah blah". It was really stupid.

    I was like ok? Thanks for telling me?

    Like I'll ever use that.

    Then I got a voicemail from some probably 9 year old boy, saying "Hi. I had a missed call from this number on my phone, and I was calling it back." in this high pitched nervous voice.

    I'm lame sorry.


  • 1 decade ago

    I was texting who I thought was a girl named Val from my summer camp last year to invite her to a reunion party I was having. I texted her the details to the number I had gotten from a friend, but soon the mom of the girl I was texting was calling me and freaking out at me and asking nosy questions. I got my mom to call her because she seriously scared me (she was screaming at me), and my mom told her that her daughter's name was also Val but she never knew of the camp, and she said the way I texted did not sound like a 13 year old. She thought my grammar was too good, and that I was a 40 year old pedophile. I don't know which that would fall under, but it was many texts, a voice mail, and a few calls. :) She scared the crap out of me, but it was very strange, and it was hilarious about the pedophile part, considering the camp thing was for advanced/ gifted kids, and we all use correct grammar. How ironic. ha ha.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Weirdest/scary txt: Need a rape? call 1-800-RAPEME!

    Weirdest voicemail: Hi alex, its just Lizzi telling you not to forget the corn and gold, as well as the upin, bye (turns out she was drunk)

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    basically just this guy breathing heavily into the phone and im not talking for like a couple seconds but for like 20. idk what was up but it was wierd and freaky at the same time. What can I say, He was a creeper. Let's just say I didn't return the call. :\

  • 1 decade ago

    text (not really weird cause i don't give my number out lol)

    - yo wag1 sexxi wnna get knw ? u dnt kno me but i kno u, am ahmed got ur numbah of ma boi abdi


    - what ? i don;t know i think it's calling somebody, oh no its okay. (then 10 minutes more of the man in the shop tryin to get his phone fixed ..

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    I received a call from this guy who I did not know but lived in my town, according to the internet (it freaked me out a lot so I net-stalked). It went like this:

    Me: Hello?

    guy: Hello, who am I talking to?

    Me: Katelyn...

    guy: Very nice... I would like to be your friend --

    I hung up right after he said that.

    Then he called back, number blocked.

    Me: Hello?

    guy: Hey, why you hang up?

    Me: Because I don't know you!

    guy: *laughs* I was trying to get to know you!

    I hung up again and didn't pick the phone up again unless it was a number I new.

    I told my parents and my dad said the guy called like 3 times before then at like 12 at night. :|

    Super creepy.

    OHH and worst convo:

    I texted my other friend (Alyssa) who was with my other friend (Jenna) and said "tell Jenna I hate her, from Katelyn."

    Apparently the number wasn't correct, because then this woman called back and was like "Are you Katelyn?" I said yes. "Did you just text me?"

    "Uh... maybe but if I did it was by mistake..."

    "Did you just say "tell Jenna I hate her"

    "Um yeah, but I meant to send that to my friend."

    "Well I have a daughter named Jenna!"

    "Okay? I didn't mean to send it to you...." Freaked me out especially since I was on the bus.

    She continued to like spazz at me for A MISTAKE for the next 5 minutes (which wasted my minutes :@ grr). She also managed to like scream at me until I told her my school and full name.

    She was like, "You need to make sure you have the right numbers!"

    Finally I was just like "Whatever, I didn't mean to send it to you, CLEARLY! I don't know you so just don't effing call me back!"

    I was so pissed off :p


    btw those aren't my friends actual names :p

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Text: 7 DAYS.

    Voice Mail: Some werid kid who was speaking jibberish.


    No joke about the call one. Same with all of them.

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