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How do you "come out" to a straight edge friend?

I've got a friend who is very anti-drugs and anti-alcohol.. and I do a bit of both of those things. She makes very rude comments about "druggies" and drinkers and I want to tell her the truth.

How could I minimize the shock and stuff?

8 Answers

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    sit her down and explain yourself, tell her how much your friendship means to you and hope you can stay friends. If she is a REAL friend she'll understand and still want to be friends but if she doesn't they i'm sorry but you'll be wasting your time she'll be the one missing out not you

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Alcohol is okay in moderation if you are an adult. Pot is okay for medicinal purposes like treating the side effects of chemotherapy. Most of the other recreation drugs are either highly addictive or cause irrevocable brain damage. People who have taken over doses of LSD have literally fried their brains. Cocaine effects different people in different ways but do you really want to play that kind of Russian Roulette with yourself to find out if you are the addictive type for coke? I have known guys who have been in and out of rehab centers for most of their lives, can't hold done a job, live with their families in their thirties and forties.

    I don't mean to be crude, but you need to get some facts. The truth you are talking about is the same line of bull guys usually give to girls about drugs to get them high and get inside their pants.

    I recommend you watch the movie "Traffic." "Go Ask Alice" is good too but it is much more exaggerated like "Reefer Madness." You are young and probably very smart so the drugs have not had that much time to work on you. It's a lie. It starts out just getting a buzz now and then for fun and then you have to have it just to deal with reality and it's every day.

  • 1 decade ago

    Just tell her straight up and tell her it's just a decision you made. Don't say things like, "you will never really know unless you have been in my situation or try it..." That will make things worse. Just say you really care about her and think of her highly as a really good friend and wanted to share that info. Why do you need to tell her? Just want to because she is a good friend or because you are looking for advice to get out from doing drugs/alcohol?

  • Hopefully you aren't too deep in either of those things. I used to experiment to when I was young but was lucky enough to not make it a habit I couldn't walk away from easily. Just tell her the truth. My daughter came out about being Bi-sexual by just being honest and asking me to accept her for what she is. Of course since I really loved her so that wasn't a problem. If your friend is a true friend she will understand but please get careful. Those things can really burn you if you get to close for too long.

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  • Amy D
    Lv 5
    1 decade ago

    Id just tell her truth if she has that much of a problem with it just tell her it's your life and you can do what you want to do it its not up to her and if she does not like it then forget about her she will have to either deal with it or just be gone basicaly.

  • 1 decade ago

    u think about why u want to come out to this friend of yours. is she really that worth it/good friend to you? or just make other friends

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    just say to her, look i know how much you dont like drugs and drinking but i do, its a way of fun for me and yeahh

    Source(s): my brain
  • 1 decade ago

    I would say Fcuk Off , in all honesty why should I care about his feelings

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