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Strike actions around South Africa.?

Should the government of South Africa not start holding the various unions that organize these mass action strikes around the country accountable for all the damage there members cause? The destruction of public property as well at the cost of cleaning up once they disperse. Not to mention the millions of Rand’s it takes out of the already tight police budget babysitting these events. Trade unions like cosatu will definitely think twice before unleashing there hounds upon ordinary South Africans just trying to get trough there normal day to day once they receive a bill in the mail for all this.

Or we can just get the police to replace rubber bullets and tear gas with hand grenades and tracer rounds ;-)


I did not mention race anywhere in my question... What this is about is that ordinary South African taxpayers get stuck with the millions of Rand’s worth of damage these actions cause around the country so a select few can get an R80.00 increase on his monthly salary. If they that upset about it why not channel that energy towards bettering themselves?

9 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    I agree, the whole violence-will-get-me-what-I-want mentality is ridiculous and chases away any outside sympathizers. They should definitely be held responsible - just to show it's not okay to act in such a destructive manner. I can understand they're frustrated, yes but that doesn't excuse such behaviour. I've been part of protest marches before - people get emo and angry BUT they don't resort to violence. In fact, the people who lead it always stress how important it is to protest non-violently. Which is what the instigators of the strikes should do... UNLESS they actually want all the violence to further their aims of creating a New World Order!! D:

    EDIT: Aziya, the strikes itself don't have to be removed - just the destructive behaviour. The two don't go hand in hand...

    EDIT2: Nice way to write my username Aziya, so childish. Anyway, NOWHERE have I stated all strikes are violent. I'm not even against strikes. Just the ones happening lately have been violent and of course the media is gonna show the violence, why wouldn't they??? If they didn't, people who don't know about the violence could get hurt. And don't tell me I'm just believing the media is portraying that the strikes are violent ( they're manipulating the strikers by MAKING them act violently so the cameras can record them being violent and destructive but really, the strikes are all peaceful). My cousin is at Cape Tech and saw how the strikers vandalised the classrooms with her own eyes. So she, and the other students there that saw it happening, hallicunated right? Yes, they must have all imagined it. Get real.

    As for the non-violent strikes that have been happening (lately?) if the media aren't focusing on them, then write in/phone in to tell them to. Besides there has to be at least ONE story somewhere about a non-violent strike published especially if there's so many violent ones happening now. Can you give me a link to it Aziya?

    Source(s): love me some conspiracies
  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    LOL Ayiza...

    The government will eventually have to take a stand against the unions, and the sooner they realize it the better. The only problem is that the unions are part of government.

    The strike action at Impala mines are for a 15% increase + housing subsidies + transport subsidies, the mine has all ready offered 10% and yet they still declined. These are not inflation oriented wage increases, but simply driven through greed.

    What is stopping them from asking for 20% or 25% next time?

    If you ask any economist, they will tell you that a wage increase without production increase will lead to job cuts. Fewer workers means less production leading to lower profit. These mines will eventually become less and less profitable, until the company decides to move their operation to Angola or the Congo.

    White people may have had it easy Ayiza, but at least we were thinking ahead.

    LOL again Ayiza. You would rather close the mine and blame it on apartheid than face the fact that it was due to unrealistic wage increases. How do I argue with that? Must be the mad cow...

  • 1 decade ago

    Uhmm, I think you are exegerating here. I'm not saying these people are not causing any damage but I don't think the police would leave them to cause Millions of Rand's worth damage on government property, I mean thats what they are there for, right?

    Strikes are legal for a reason (a valid one for that matter) and theres people are simply exercising their rights. And If the striking people do cross the line the trust that the police will deal with them (ever heard of rubber bullets?) Why does it bother you so much anyway, did they (protesters) cause any damage to yo property?

    And besides, they can't just end strikes because they are taking up the time of police officers, its their job to watch them strike (there is a special Unit in the Police department that responds to strikes)

    And ayiza is right, greedy managemet should also be held accountable for underpaying these people

  • 1 decade ago

    i have to say, putting the blame on a white person has become such the norm, its never anything else except aparthied and the white people who have somehow managed to leave the "lower-human" in the dumps, my question to you is if thats the case why are you still waiting for houseing from your new goverment that have themselves left the "lower- human" exactly were they were before?????, yes striking is a good means to solve a problem however, the conversation was about it getting violent and destroying what ALL SOUTH AFRICANS are trying to build regardless of colour.

    protests are done all over the world from animals to trees, why in south africa is everything blamed on a white person, YES!!!!! aparthied was wrong, and i think most are willing to admit it, but with that said the attitude you have is one that will carry on the piosinoius sting that the hatred brings and as for that i think it is sad that you cannot rather be proud to say that you are standing tall anyway, instead you chose to whine about how done in "lower humans" are, we all trying to make our way in the world regardless of colour, and the fact that you have that mentalitly just goes to show that the younger generation will never be free from eithet side because of lack of intelegence to say that what happen to the black people was very wrong, BUT we fought and we are here today and have won our battle, so lets as a nation try and fix what happened, the young generation have nothing to do with aparthied and we have all been taught it was wrong, why not give us the chance to mingle succesfuly without bad blood from old fueds

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  • 1 decade ago

    I agree that government should hold the trade unions accountable but the government is in alliance with these trade unions so they effectively call the shots. The trade unions are very powerful in a democratic country with big manufacturing and natural resource industries like South Africa.

  • cheri
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    The government is responsible for the strikes ... they negotiated when the strikes started .. and until they keep some of their promises of better houses, jobs and electricity, the strikes will continue, i do not agree with the violence associated with some strikes but one can come to a solution that is satisfactory for everyone involved without damage to people or property, and with as little hassle as possible for innocent people indirectly being involved due to the strike, due to problems with transport or poor/no service

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    And the more things change, the more they stay the same....

    Ayiza - We had it easy because we MADE it that way. Don't cry sour grapes because your "liberation" movement masquerading as a real government are too inept and cynical to do that for you. You are playing the same game as those idiots that were burning foreigners in the streets a while ago.... You don't have the moral or intellectual courage to put the blame where it belongs, so you find somebody else to vent your frustrations on.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    It will never happen.The Unions and the ANC are one and the same thing and as long as these Marxists are inconveniencing the civilised White population they will take no action.It is African culture to destroy things so they are just doing their natural thing.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    No in SA we have a culture of people that are higher up do not take the people on the ground serious. Now white people don't understand this simply because they have had it easy. By removing strike you are removing the power from the people.

    I support striking 100% as long as the people on don't do not serve the people the people should strike.


    What about the managers that let a dispute go all the way to a strike. The negotiations take 3 months then the is a strike then the managers agree, meaning that they could have prevented the whole thing from happening. Why do you not point a finger to them as well. The company should get fined as well not just unions.


    I am not condoning violence the only person call for violence is this questioner look at the last line anyway not all strikes are violent but guess what the media concerntrates on the violent few as a result the like of you and the questioner think all strikes are violent.


    If you had thought ahead we would not be having any of the trouble we are having now. White would'nt be complaining so much. The trouble is the likes of you have made no attempt at looking at things from the guy at the bottom's point of view and its obviously difficult for you all since you have always regarded them as sub-human thanks apartheid's brain washing.

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