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BulliesRock asked in HealthDiet & Fitness · 1 decade ago

How much does your personal trainer charge and what does he do for you?

I just started with a highly recommended personal trainer. I got an introductory rate of $50/hour for the first two sessions. I need to lose weight so we are doing cardio. We meet in a park and workout there. I can only afford him once a week starting next week because he charges $80/hour normally. I really, really love the workouts. I am sore afterwards, but not so sore I can't go to the gym the next day for cardio. We went over my goals. But there has been no mention of diet and what I am eating. Is this odd? Do most trainers make diet suggestions as well?

How often do you work out with your trainer?

Do you think working out once a week is going to make a difference?

3 Answers

  • pxpdoo
    Lv 5
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    This is about my most happily answered question ever:

    There Is No Trainer!!!! hahaha!!!

    We work out for free for FREE!!!

    "Trainers" are desperate for cash (sorry guys) haha!

    You want to lose weight?

    Then get off the couch and do it! Period!

    Move a muscle, see how you remember

    And then do it again! lol

    Alice in Wonderland...

    Source(s): Duhhhhhhhhh
  • 5 years ago

    No, I consider it has extra to do with the instructor's time. The instructor's time is extra useful on a Friday afternoon/night time and on a Saturday than it's Monday-Friday for the duration of the day. Don't constantly count on he's making concessions for you without difficulty given that you're a lady. Trainers make a dwelling via coaching humans...that suggests guys, females, and kids so they don't seem to be going to simply say oh shall we see you're a lady allow me supply you a reduction. Unless of path you're delivering a few fringe advantages that pass past simply coaching and that's an totally one of a kind dialogue!

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    I've tried every diet under the sun but nothing worked as effectively as acai berry. I appreciate they say that pills will not work, nevertheless they sure worked for me, and they have been shown on CNN too. There's a free trial going on currently at , try it out, how worse could it make things?

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