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Religion; Son of Man or Son of God?

When this metaphor or parable is used in the Bible, who used it to express who this person was referring to as the Son of Man.


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12 Answers

  • Will L
    Lv 4
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    This concept originates in the OT in Isaiah 9:6 we see "For unto us a child is born, to us a son is given, and he will be called.....Mighty God... Then Jesus talks about himself he calls himself the Son of Man and confirmed that he was the Son of God and allowed his disciples to believe himself to be the Son of God (Peter's confession when Jesus asked him who he thought Jesus was). Also all throughout the NT the authors refer to Jesus as both Son of God and Son of Man. Look at Acts 9:20 and 2 Cor 1:19 and Matthew 16:13-20. Also, the devil and demons recognized Jesus as the Son of God because prior to their expulsion from heaven for their rebellion they knew him and who he is. Then the most important testimony besides Jesus as to his identity is the revelation of God the Father, himself, who called him "my Son" in Matthew 3:17.

  • 6 years ago

    Jesus is both Son of Man and Son of God..."The Religion of The Son of Man: Understanding The First Religion of Mankind" explains.

    Attachment image
  • ?
    Lv 4
    1 decade ago

    "Son of man" refers to a human who is the child of a human and is used frequently in the Bible; maybe most often in the book of Ezekiel.

    "God is not a man, that he should lie; neither the son of man, that he should repent..." Num. 23:19 Here we read that God is not a man.

    "He answered and said, Lo, I see four men loose, walking in the midst of the fire, and they have no hurt; and the form of the fourth is like the Son of God." Here in Dan. 3:25 "son of God" refers to an angel.

  • Actually Jesus is both.

    Jesus Christ is the Only Son of God as God in the flesh.

    Jesus is the Son of man sent down among us, to show all God's children how to live, serve and love according to that which is pleasing to God. Jesus was/is the only way to achieve these things.

    For how could the Spirit of God show us these things in the heavens, sight unseen.

    God loves us so much and His only desire is for us to love in return. But as with all fathers, He also desires to show us the Truth of His ways.

    Jesus was the example for us to follow, how to live in peace and love with each other, and by His Light, the means in which to attain this.

    God is the Source, in Jesus, the way... D

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  • 1 decade ago

    As I understand it, the term "Son of Man" has more than one definition.

    The Son of Man can merely mean the son of a man.

    And the Son of Man can have a prophetic connotation to the Messianic quality of the Messiah within Judaism and hence; Christianity.

  • 1 decade ago

    Good question. Jesus is not the son of man, he is the Son of God. If he was the son of man he would be a sinner. Jesus was not a sinner and he is still not a sinner ( he lives in Heaven). Therefore, Jesus is the son of God. We are ancestors from Adam and Cain, and all of Adam and Eve's children, their male children are the sons of man.

  • Amirul
    Lv 5
    1 decade ago

    clearly jesus. it was mentioned many times in the bible. researches made had shown that jesus was referred as the son of man more than he was referred to the son of god.

  • 1 decade ago

    son of man is the title of the king in danial who was given authority to

    judge the nations . that was jesus the son of god he just used different

    names for himself same person

    Source(s): the bible
  • 1 decade ago

    Jesus is true God and true man He is a divine being

    Source(s): Catholic Christian
  • 1 decade ago

    In my interpetation is that we are all children of god so would have to stick with that :)

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