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Why do people assume that home schooled kids..?

Aren't social enough? I mean every time i tell people i wanna home school they're like ''Oh no don't do it, without real school you have no friends and you'll be sheltered from the world.'' That is soo not true. If you WANT to be sheltered that's you're choice. But there are other ways of getting out and socializing. You can volunteer at places if you're old enough.. get a job.. join art classes..Martial arts..homeschooling clubs/field trips. The opportunity's are endless. and it seems like a lot of people are unaware of that.

If anything school made me lose confidence in myself and just made me want to hide in my house all day. But now that i'm starting something new i feel like i can do things more freely on my own without somebody dictating everything i do. I was harassed by my teacher & the school administrators and they made me feel worthless. And whenever i would get up to get some help they would purposely leave the classroom unchaperoned and then of course the class would go nuts and that was even more of a distraction for me. I want to home school not as a way to escape from my problems.. but for getting a real education. I want to go to school to learn new things. Not deal with drama. Especially if the drama is coming from THE SCHOOL ADMINISTRATORS.

9 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    You have to look a it from their limited experiences. They can't think out side of the box, both literally and figuratively. The average public school student spends most of their waking hours in a government institution, or doing home work given to them by the government institution for 12-13 year of their life. They barely have a life outside of the box that is public school. Therefore of course most if not all of their friends and social experiences happened inside that box.

    That box tends to squash independent and creative thinking. They assume that because all their friends came from school, then all friends come from school. They assume that because most of their childhood memories are of school, that childhood memories only come from school. They are programmed to think that you can only be friends with those who were born within the same 12 month period and live within the same school district. Their lives from ages 5-18 are so consumed with school that the can't see that an entire world exists beyond that box.

  • 1 decade ago

    I do believe that home-schooling is a MUCH better way to gain an education. Actually my bro's best friend's brother is doing it because he was failing and now he's doing better. And yeah, people are just ignorant. They think that school is the only way to make friends when in reality it's not. Actually school can be really hard on some kids because the others pick on them. So in a way it's a lot better. But it can also be expensive. But if you want to do it I say go for it. :D

  • 1 decade ago

    I'm in high school and i do online school. People told me that I'd lose all my friends and never talk to people, but it isn't true. I talk to people all the time and still hang out with them. I home school because I don't like the way public schools are ran. It's depends on the person, if you think home schooling would be best for you then I think you should try it.

  • 1 decade ago

    I was home schooled from half way though 9th grade till the end of 12th. It was the best thing that happened to me. I had a really good teacher and it was because of her one on one help that I graduated at all. I was made fun of like crazy in school and security picked on me cause of my political views, so I went into myself and in doing so I was a c-d student. But with out all that school drama I did great going to an a-b. Ja, I had a social life and things to do when ever I like and I wouldn't change a thing about it.

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  • 1 decade ago

    agreed,i wanna be home schooled!

    unfortunately,my mom won't let me.

    i hate average schools because the teachers ignore you sometimes to go to other who are "A Students"...ugh!

    I also hate i have a time where i have to eat ( i have Lunch C,the last one at 1 O'clock) and i have to starve the whole day

  • 1 decade ago

    Lucky I want to be homeschooled but especially when i get a ton of homework. It's all up to you and how you feel. If I were having issues there I would wanna transfer.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    I agree with you...I would SO much rather be home schooled, but unfortunately i have to go to an average high school.

    People think they aren't social enough because they aren't really interacting with anyone besides who ever is teaching during the day.

    That isnt true though because they can hang out with friends they meet places that they dont go to school with but are friends !

  • 1 decade ago

    I can't really tell you why they think that, i was home-schooled and I was just fine socially. People are small minded though and don't like things that are different than what they know. "Regular school" was actually worse for me than home school was, just like you said, and i honestly recommend home school as an alternative to "regular school"

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    I agree! I was homeschooled this past year after going to public school. I am going back to public this year tho, because I didn't socialize enough! What I suggest to you is BE ACTIVE , join sports, clubs, art programs.....and stay close to your friends! I tended to notice who my real frirends are....the poeple that want to hang w/ u outside of school!

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