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Kerilyn asked in PetsBirds · 1 decade ago

Does anyone know how long "domestic geese" live?!?


My pair is 21 years old and Still layed eggs this spring....

they are very

Update 2:

Uncle: my geese are sooooo fat, they couldn't get off the ground if they wanted they sure do run around chasing anyone or anything within the bounderies of my house...they are VERY nasty & aggressive...I cannot handle then anymore at all...I use a broom most times...the male is like a Tiger...they are just HUGE!!! NO ONE dares come on my property when they are out...they will get flapped to

Update 3:

Update 4:

Uncle: my geese are sooooo fat, they couldn't get off the ground if they wanted they sure do run around chasing anyone or anything within the bounderies of my house...they are VERY nasty & aggressive...I cannot handle then anymore at all...I use a broom most times...the male is like a Tiger...they are just HUGE!!! NO ONE dares come on my property when they are out...they will get flapped to

6 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    On a discovery channel documentary, they gave the statistics for wild geese (which I have forgotten) - But, I remember them saying that domestic geese were like sharks in captivity in regards to how long they would live. ... Which is ... It depends on how much exercise they get. Do your geese have a daily habit of flying medium to long distances for their exercise?

    (I guess the life span of us humans are also affected, not only by our genes, but by the amount of exercise we do. -smiles)

    Hmm? Walking eh? Sounds good to me. Studies are rolling in every day in regards to "walking is healthier than running". (Of course, when I have a few snifters of brandy, I feel like I can fly.) I imagine "chasing" is even better than walking. - smiles

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    There are different opinions as to the life span of domestic geese. Some say it's between eight to fifteen years, although most experts have said between 20-22 years is the average age for a domestic goose. Thirty years of age isn't uncommon. I believe the record longevity of a domestic goose is about 80 years old. The heavier the goose, the shorter the life span.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    20-25 years is normal. Although I think a lot of people get tired of the aggressiveness you're describing and they finally have the geese for Christmas dinner - lol! Have you thought about clicker training your geese?

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Some people have said they live for 80 years but i don't think thats been proved. 20-22 years is more likely for the average domestic goose.

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  • 5 years ago

    Goose Lifespan

  • Anonymous
    6 years ago
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