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Anonymous asked in Society & CultureReligion & Spirituality · 1 decade ago

So if I think my troll has tracked me down...and I'm on my way out...should I say a formal farewell?

Cause I think he has...and i think I am...and I was wondering...

Is there anything I can do about getting out of the shite I put myself in??

I added a contact from Politics who I knew had him in their network...and I'm getting VN's on resolved questions...his MO exactly.

Yeah...pretty dumb...but I thought I could trust the guy...and I asked him not to Narc on me...

Apparently he did not listen.


And yes this is very Spiritual...I am about to meet my Yamster...AGAIN!!!

Update 2:

yeah I just did...probably too late though



Update 3:


Update 4:

(((jane))) God I hate fascists who can't have a difference of opinion...don't you????

Update 5: I think it's the jackal who chased me out of Politics.

Update 6:

(((T)))'re definitely top of the Proxy Groom know that, don't you??


Update 7:

Despite...or perhaps because of your nipple clamp obsession!!!

Update 8:

Thank you Leith...and we all love you too.

Update 9:

(((Rez)))...T's great isn't he?...a little warped...what with the nipple clamps and all...but great all the same!!!


(((T))) know I love ya!!!

Update 10:

(((Miss Lonelyhearts)))!! How dare I complain...after what you've suffered in the name of wit and erudition....darling! (want some salve for those friction burns?)

Update 11:

(((Nelly))) Still here...and still fighting...and hey...this is more fun than my Leith's advice is immaterial to me!!

(((Goddess)))..I knew I should have stayed in with you instead of going on that date last night...I would actually have experienced pleasure then...rather than extreme boredom, punctuated by annoyance! (and really bad food at a very expensive restaurant...don't you hate that?)

Update 12:

Dear Mrs Cold-Cocked,

Thank you for your kind offer. I will be in touch forthwith...I need to get a name and IP address...and I'll be right back!!

We may in fact take you on in R&S and Politics corporate services...there are many there who would benefit from experiencing your unique talents at first hand!

(((Mrs Cold Cocked)))

Update 13:

(((Captain T)))...Yeah...I keep telling the pathetic morons...Yahoo accounts are free!

Update 14:

(((Kitteh's Lover)))

Politics boards are filled with people who say they wish to uphold the Constitution...and who have a robotic reaction to the "abuse" button whenever they see evidence of Free Speech being exercised...go figure!!

(((Kitty))) sorry sweetheart...I feel like I am taking you down with me...but a friend told me last night, by way of're no one till somebody hates you! rofl!!

So at least we know we matter now...even if it IS only to a pathetic loser locked in his mother's basement with more tech surrounding him that they have at Microsoft HQ.


16 Answers

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    stop talking about it. they feed off attention and will eventually get bored with you if you don't talk about them ...even if that takes half a dozen accounts. i mean, sure the guy is probably an obsessive, greasy, awkward, smelly, live-in-the-basement, past-his-prime (which never actually came to fruition anyway), perpetually intolerable virgin who will keep up this sort of behavior until his only friend makes him pick between either being allowed to talk about his proud victories of annoying Y!A users or telling stories about girls that never existed, but despite all that he will eventually get bored of you specifically if he can never tell he gets to you. he'll move on to someone else like stray cat that no longer gets food at your door.

    Source(s): (((Eartha)))
  • ?
    Lv 4
    5 years ago

    Soundgarden - "Black Hole Sun" - a pile o' smiles! (>;-]) I'm sure you've heard the song but if you've seen the video - watch it again - enjoy! I'm a bit antivideo/show but this seemed to me somehow appropriate for you . . try it on. I'll add a personal favorite from a little known band "Time is" by "It's a Beautiful Day". Album (self-titled but commonly known as "White Bird") should really be heard in it's entirety. The songs flow into each other more intuitively than on "Abbey Road" and throughout the album. MQ - Don't care for it. I find power chords boring (and show detracts from my enjoyment of music, similar to how movies compare to books). BQ - Gray/grey - a combination of black (lacking color) and white (all colors)

  • Nelly
    Lv 5
    1 decade ago

    6 hours later you're still here eartha!! you go girl :-D

    Oh man.. Leith made me seriously laugh like I haven't for some time.. I need to get a life, too easily amused.

    Anyway.. nah don't bother with the formal farewell unless you're going to make it really good.. otherwise we can just have another resurrection party when you return?

    wth is with the nipple clamps thing???? lol

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Hey look hun I have one too, and the same Avatar too, I can only hope people can tell the difference. So your not alone!

    I no longer accept contacts as a result of this, and people think I'm a friendless F*ck...Lol

    Trust me toots I have had questions asked in my name, some as close to the mark as you can get, but hey don't let the B*stards get ya down. How they get in there though is beyond me?

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  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Dear Eartha,

    I am writing to offer my knock-out services to you.

    I am very experienced in the art of thrashing as I have cold-c*cked my husband a total of 1,740 times (once a week whether he needs it or not for the last 29 years, as well as random beatings when he's committed especially stupid marital offenses outside of his normal half-witted behavior).

    As a valued customer I will provide you with an after-hours emergency number. I am on-call to help you should you be stalked over the weekend and are in danger of losing your account.

    If you would like to acquire my services, please send me your troll's name and address so I can work him over in a manner that is not only satisfying for you, but will reduce him to a sniveling, submissive whimp. I'll give you a great discount too!!!

    I look foward to hearing from you.


    The I Cold-c*cked My Husband Lady

  • 1 decade ago


    Do have a great evening.

    Trust me, you're not losing much.

    The real world is really great out there.

    I just come in for a bit of fun and to see if I can help someone, in my spare time, strictly; when I've nothing better to do.

    YA, is not the kind of place any intelligent person would hang out for too long.

    So, no big loss, hun.

    don't worry, BEE HAPPY!

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    We have dealt with the dictionary situation but ask your forebearance as we have double oopsed this morning and must turn our attention to getting back up on our feet again. We feel rather like the lone prosty in town just after the fleet left has set sail. Sore and abused...

  • Lieth
    Lv 4
    1 decade ago

    Oh My God, what are you TALKING about?? Is there some kind of evil sub-culture going on in this site?? I come on here when I am at a total loss at what to do with my self to ask a few or answer a few for a bit of mindless entertainment, sometimes serious sometimes just f*ckin around! Am I SUPPOSED to come fully armed and on the lookout for snipers? How the f*ck can someone STALK you on here? Its a stupid Q&A site not a peril ridden ghetto. Troll this and Troll that, WTF? It sounds like a cyber school yard every one playing chasey and calling each other names in their little groups, how embarassing for you. You people are not well, seriously not well.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    T should get a job as a profiler.

    I agree, as someone who has been stalked before I can tell you that the worst thing you can do to them is ignore them. Acknowledgment of any kind is like sex to them.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    absolutely, my dear. and since it appears that you and i are both being stalked and violated...perhaps we should write a formal farewell before we both go down together?


    "go down together"

    or maybe we could just let the troll watch us go down on each other and let him violate himself.

    you have a webcam?

    EDIT: wow...sounds like T has met the troll - what an accurate description, i must say. ROFL.

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