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Lv 4
? asked in Entertainment & MusicMusicCountry · 1 decade ago

Besides Lefty Frizzell, what other country stars spent time in prison and what was their crime?

Lefty spent time for statutory rape, in New Mexico

7 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    David Allen Coe during his early 20's spent time in jail for burglary & car theft..later on he would be sentenced to life in prison for killing an inmate for making homosexual advances towards him. Also Merle Haggard spent time behind bars for robbery.

  • 5 years ago


    Source(s): Criminal Records Search Database :
  • 1 decade ago

    Merle Haggard has one of the more impressive rap sheets:

    Haggard's father died when Merle was nine years old, and Merle soon began to rebel by committing petty crimes and truancy. As a result of being caught shoplifting in 1950 (at age thirteen), he was sent to a juvenile detention center.

    In 1951, Haggard ran away to Texas with a friend, but returned that same year and was again arrested, this time for truancy and petty larceny. He ran away from that juvenile detention center to which he was sent and went to Modesto, California. He worked odd jobs—legal and not—and began performing in a bar. Once he was found again, he was sent to the Preston School of Industry, a high-security installation. He was released fifteen months later and was sent back after beating a local boy during a burglary attempt.

    After his fourth release, Haggard saw Lefty Frizzell in concert with his friend, Bob Teague. After hearing Haggard sing along to his first two songs Frizzell allowed Haggard to sing at the concert. The audience enjoyed Haggard and he began working on a full-time music career. After earning a local reputation, Haggard's money problems caught up with him. He was arrested for robbing a Bakersfield tavern in 1957 and was sent to the San Quentin state prison for three years.

  • 1 decade ago

    Did Johnny paycheck spend time in the slammer for Drugs or shooting a man in a Ohio bar...I think.

    And Merle haggard was in the Clink for Home invasion and all sorts of stuff when he was a young kid....That's where the Hag saw Johnny Cash performing for the inmates.

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  • 1 decade ago

    Spade Cooley - Murdered his wife

    Merle Haggard -Various misdemeanours

    Johnny Paycheck -Manslaughter

    David Allan Coe- Several Charges

    Johnny Rodriguez -Jailed 4 times before the age of 18-Stealing a goat

    and cooking it was one of his crimes.

  • Lucy
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    Randy Travis, although never in prison, was surely headed there because he was in and out of jail many times before being discovered by Lib Hatcher. His voice, and Lib, were his saving grace. I think his crimes were things such as fighting and stealing and once he was even involved in a high-speed police chase.

  • 1 decade ago

    johnny cash spent time in prison though it was not very long for drugs

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