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Lorellyn asked in Yahoo ProductsYahoo Answers · 1 decade ago

Top Contributor......?

Can anyone tell me how I got to be a Top Contributor? I'm only a level three with less than 1700 points. What are the criteria?


4 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    A "Top Contributor" is an expert in from one to three categories. It is available in every category and sub category except "polls & surveys" and "jokes & riddles".

    The exact qualifications are kept secret but rumors indicate that it is a minimum of 10% best answers and about 40-50 individual answers in the category every month. There are no limits on the number of people who can obtain a badge in a category.

    Badges are issued every monday morning. Once you get the badge you must keep up your activity in the category or you will lose it.

    You will notice that there is a "Top Answerers" list in each category. That is based on total best answers and not current activity. Therefore many "Top Answerers" are not "Top Contributors".

    ₪ ɦəlʞɹɐq ₪

  • You have gained 40 best answers within the last month, most of them have been in the Movies category where you have gained your TC badge. The exact criteria to gaining a TC badge is kept a closely guarded secret. I do, however, remember losing my TC badge in Words and Wordsplay at one time because I didn't answer any questions in that category for a week.

    I think it is excellent that you have achieved this as a Level 3 user. I don't think it is achieved on points but on the number of best answers within a certain period.

    Source(s): JR
  • Laredo
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    Basically it is because of all the answers and best answers from the Movie category, you must have contributed quite a lot to that category so you have the TC badge to show for it. Well done on the TC at level 3 that is brilliant, well done again.

    Now to keep the TC badge you have to continue contributing to the Movie category and receiving best answers as well.

  • 1 decade ago

    ha ha I'm the only one that answered that is not a Top Contribuor. I'm not exactly sure, but I think that you need to answer a certain section so many times within a month. But if you don't log on in a while and answer questions I'm pretty sure that you loose your badge. Sorry I couldn't help more than that :)

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