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9/11 Truthers- Do You Believe Alex Jones Is A DisInfo Agent?

He has been deleting any comment that criticizes his positions.

His friend Charlie Sheen claims that the black boxes were recovered at the Pentagon, contradicting the views of most truthers that it was a missile, not a plane. I pointed this out three times and three times my comment was deleted or not allowed to post.

12 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Very well then. lol Why are there no clear multiply angle videos shown or released yet? If you have ever been close to or around the pentagon you would know that there are about 100 cameras recording every minute and every angle of the pentagon. Where are the two holes in the building from the ENGINES? Hmmm...

  • Truther or liar?

    InfoWars on a PrisonPlanet

    Anderson Baldwin Carter Choate Clemente Gonzalez Gravel Kaptur Kucinich McKinney Nader Paul Perot Sheehan Ventura

    Source(s): eyes ears brain
  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    I would go with disinfo agent here in this case.

    Consider the JFK assassination. How many different , and admittedly plausible, theories are out there to explain who actually killed JFK?

    You can really take your pick from the lone shooter acting alone to wild conspiracies involving the corsican mafia, the CIA, KGB, italian mafia, Cuban exiles, and all points in between. For some reason we won't get the documents declassified until 2030 or so.

    I have seen some photos of landing gear in the pentagon wreckage..but many would say those were doctored.

    I have my own thoughts on the 9/11 event based on my personal experience with this case. That is not for discussion here however.

  • OLYVAr
    Lv 4
    1 decade ago

    I know people that say hes a fraud and secretly making deals with corporations agenda to make conspiracy theorist look like fools.

    And these are the same guys who follow Bill cooper; i think were seeing another split; the Freemason folks, Bill cooper folks, UFO folks, Alex Jones and the mainstream truthers, most of these guys have one thing in common and that is the belief that 9/11 was an inside job.

    I dont thiink he would waste so much enerygy and time to just simply mislead us all; i would notice it long time ago.

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  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Listen only some people believe it was a missile and some believe it was a military plane.alex jones is a good person that's trying to get the truth out I just think his problem is the way he deliver himself as a person is overwhelming.he screams and shouts I would say he has to be the lousy 911 truther I know

  • ?
    Lv 4
    5 years ago

    He is a "Republican conservative" that hounded George W. Bush relentlessly. So I guess that makes either you a liar without proof or George W. Bush something other than the 'Republican Conservative" that he is said to be. So which is it? Ron Paul and George W. Bush are polar opposites. I have never heard Alex Jones utter one word of support for the Republican party.

  • 1 decade ago

    Alex Jones believes the government is so corrupt that they staged 9/11 to ruin the country. While I agree with SOME of his theories, concerning governmental corruption, I do not feel that the government has sunk to that level as of yet.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    I guess I'd have to be a 9/11 Truther.

    I think the TRUTH about 9/11 is obvious.

    The USA does not assist with the destruction of it's own... Period.

  • poop
    Lv 6
    1 decade ago

    Alex Jones is a nutjob, as are truthers and birthers.

  • 1 decade ago

    Charlie Sheen? The sex addict?

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