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Obscurantism is the act of opposing human progress. Being very vague and Obscure Is this the Rights Policy?

All their arguments against America catching up with the rest of the industrialized countries on this planet are Childish at least to flat out lies.

The "Death Panels" are the accountants at the Insurance companies who deny life saving treatments because they won't make 200% on it.


Read Tituo's answer!

3 Answers

  • titou
    Lv 6
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Summed up [by a U.S. Air Force Major in referring to the obliteration of Bén Tre], when this philosophy took root during the Vietnam era:

    "We had to destroy the village in order to save it."

    I listened yesterday to a preview of a new POV/PBS episode featuring an English brain surgeon who went to the Ukraine and told the story of his battle to improve health care there. Not only was the hospital equipment there backward or non-existent, so were the moral and ethical standards of almost all those involved.

    In deciding to try and improve things and save lives, the surgeon was obliged to confront apathy and corruption at every level and at every step. Also much time and effort was spent to face vicious attacks by those whose position and income his intervention might affect. The Ukrainian doctor who became his colleague found himself faced with a bevy of phony criminal charges, for instance. All unfounded, but they had to be faced nonetheless. The English doctor said this:

    "In our society, if you are confronted with superior competition, you either improve or give up and compete in another arena. But in the Ukraine, instead, you put all your energy into destroying your adversary by whatever means. This behavior is practiced throughout society there, and goes back a long time." He cited case after case where grave damage occurred before red tape and kickbacks could be dealt with, including one young girl who became permanently blind before "authorization" came to operate on a tumor. It would have been completely avoidable, except for the endemic corruption.

    The doctor's words were a great consolation to me, having been victimized (and my reputation destroyed) by an New York Episcopal minister whose mistress I made the mistake of befriending. I didn't even know the man, but he told his staff and congregation, as well as the police that I was a well-known criminal and social deviant. In attempting to confront the man, I was most often told (even by the few who believed me) that what had happened was a social aberration -- a fluke. But the doctor's words show that obscurantism is a characteristic facet of extreme corruption (as opposed to "a mistake", or simple primitivism).

    So it becomes clear that the "it" in the Air Force Major's quote does NOT refer to the village as one would assume. The "it" which will be "saved" is simply his own position and prestige -- which is in the end the only thing a sociopath considers important in any situation, whether he himself recognizes it or not. Equally pertinent was the comment by the surgeon who said, "In terms of waste, the United States is even worse". So it's apparent that when he refers to "our society" as being comparatively ethical, he is NOT referring to American society or it's health-care system: quite the contrary.

    I hope this answers your question about the lingo and explanations we so often hear from the current Right Wing and its pundits. Whether the argument is vague or pointed, the goal is to obscure rather than to inform. The motive is plain, if the words are not. The question is how many know it, or are willing to face it?

    Source(s): EDIT: Thanks for the props, OWB. Found this today, along with the correct source of the quote, above. 'Empire of Illusion: The End of Literacy and the Triumph of Spectacle' -- Chris Hedges
  • 4 years ago

    the individuals you have been carefully programmed to call "liberal" are something yet. What they're is neo-bolshevists who locate the main important parts of what the previous KGB used to call "useful idiots" among the ranks of people who think of they might like liberalism and desire somebody else to show 'em how this is achieved so as that they gained't ought to get *their* palms grimy. See? this is like a variety of echo of what you're using at right here. Oddly adequate, many of the individuals who're those neo-bolshevists exploiting the liberal-sorta/wanna-bes are of the same extraction you're suggesting we ought to continuously ask in spite of if warfare serves any purpose. bypass parent! The snake bends around and starts off ingesting this is very own tail. right this is your homework: look up which U.S. president initially known the state of Israel, and then do a splash greater in-intensity study and spot in case you will hit upon the elegant quote attributed to him on the character of those human beings whose status as a rustic he'd confirmed.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Now you went and used a big word in your first line...for a start...then you provided them with a premise they'll find difficult to dispove...and for this reason you don't have any answers yet.

    You're correct of course..the death panels have been operating for decades...they're called Insurance Assessors....and they decide who lives and dies in the US...not the medical professionals.

    Ask young Natailine about that.

    Oh that's can't ask her...she failed their death panel test...apparently a 50/50 chance at life for a 17 year old girl wasn't fiscally attractive enough for the bean counters at her HMO..

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