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Lv 6
Bridey asked in PetsDogs · 1 decade ago

Help for friend's dog! 8 year old Beagle has blood in stool, has been having accidents?

I am a cat person, so I know very little about dogs and I need your help. My friend has an 8 year old Beagle that has stool with blood and it is slightly like diarrhea, but not totally. She's a house dog, but normally does not have accidents inside. She's now had a couple over the weekend where she did #2 in the floor. He also says there are rice-like worms in her stool (which sounds like tapeworms to me) but he says they have given her puppy dewormer. Any ideas what could be causing the problem? I'd like to help him, but I don't know what to tell him. They are a very limited income family and do not have transportation readily available, so any vet costs would be incurred by me most likely if they are to get any care at all. I know a tapeworm infection can be pretty severe in animals, but I've never heard of blood in the stool, and I thought the puppy dewormer would take care of something like that anyway. Any help would be appreciated. Obviously I know she needs to go to the vet, but they aren't quick to accept help either, so if there's anything simple that might cure this, it would be helpful. Thank you in advance.

6 Answers

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Tapeworms require a different type of treatment than just a traditional de-wormer. The one that the pup has taken is likely only for heart worm / hook worm / round worm / whip worm.

    The dog needs a vet visit regardless and to be given a proper medication whether it's tapeworms or something more. Very considerate of you to take care of a friend in need.

  • Laredo
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    It is most likely a bone or other foreign object lodged in the dog's stomach or intestines. It needs to be taken to the vet for x-rays and see what can be done. Surgery may not be necessary because vets can often retrieve the object by putting the dog to sleep and using an instrument to remove it.

    The rice like objects are definitely tapeworms and the dog was either not properly dewormed or has become re-infested. They can cause malnutrition and anemia in dogs. Worm treatments are always based on the TYPE of worm and the WEIGHT of the dog. Puppy worm treatments are not sufficient to remove worms from an 8 year-old ADULT dog.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Well, first of all, the dog needs to be properly diagnosed. You cant cure something w/o knowing what it is!

    My pup had worms and the vet gave him medicine. He did say that diarhhea and a little blood in the stool was posible. My had diarrhea but no blood.

    But again, my dog was diagnosed by the vet. What if your friends dog has something else wrong with him? There are also different types of worms.

  • 1 decade ago

    ok well u do need to take it to a vet it could have infections that need to be treated puupy wormer is from walmart is not goin to affect the tapeworms that is something u need to get for a vet like drontal which is a little costly but worth it i will take care of anykind of worms but i really do recommend taking it to a vet there is alot of things u cant learn from a web site!!!

    Source(s): Work at Vet clinic
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  • coon
    Lv 4
    5 years ago

    i could ask your vet approximately it. The vet could have understanding approximately her well being and actual information that we actually can not examine in any shape or form. Beagles can stay lots longer than 8 and could have the bodies of a lots youthful canines at 8 years, so that is conceivable that she ought to hold a muddle in basic terms high quality. in spite of the shown fact that, she could want closer veterinary care throughout the time of the being pregnant. returned, examine with your vet.

  • 1 decade ago

    Use the Yahoo Search,type in "sick dog" Choose one of the sights

    Source(s): I just did the above There are a lot of sights
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